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Final Fantasy Strikes Again

Origins and X-2

Finnaly*, (haha get it? fantasy...yah ok shut up Britt)there are more FF games appearing! In the title i only mentioned I would speak on behalf of FF X-2 and Origins, but I think I'm too excited to leave FFXI(FF 11 for all you non-roman numeral people), and Crystal Chronicals out, which I will try to post asap. So here we go ^.^

FF X-2.
To be rleased this winter, unlike some rumors that hinted it would be November, (drat!) as late as December, but hey, those people in Europe get it in APRIL 2004! We're lucky* compared to them, but then you compare your country to Japan, WHO ALREADY HAS IT OF COURSE, and you hang your head. O well, at least we recieve them right? Anyway, Winter is the date, and not a moment too soon. The game is looking of course, bueatiful in every way, because Square is just that good. I think I have some wallpapers, just to prove the computer animation is just sweet. (how should I be suprised)
The characters have evolved for the better I think, Yuna has pistols and a sweet new skirt that resembles that of an ocean wave, as well as a tank-top with FFX's original logo on it. Rikku actualy got.....more....'revealing', which doesn't float my boat but the guys will enjoy it, so since there are* more males who buy those games, I guess I really can't complain about their marketing techniques. Rikku's hair is redone in a sweet way, and she has new weapons, which are so much cooler. But, saving the best main character for last, is Paine. How sweet is she? LOOK AT HER SWORD AND HER HAIR!

I do know that plenty of japanese animes and games have* sort of gone overboard on red eyes, but it totally fits her, and just adds to her 'don't touch me unless you fancy a cool blade in your vital organs', additude. The costume design is flawless of course, kudos to Square.

The game's actual story takes place 2 years after Sin's defeated, during the 'Calm', remember Courtney? Of course you do, that game rocked our world. As far as I know, Lulu doesn't seem to be in it, as she is replaced with Paine. And Wakka won't be, which is too bad because Wakka's accent was just too cool, ya? (hehe I made another joke, cus Wakka always says, ya* after everythi-STOP THE MONKEYS TALKING!)
Err...yes...But lets get a little information about Origins now shall we?

With the FINAL ARRIVAL of FF Origins, Gamers of North America get to experience one of the two games that has never been released here. That is Final Fantasy II. Origins comes with both I and II, but back in 1988, only Japan released II.
After rescuing this game from my computer-obsessive, newly-dubbed-insane brother Bill, I now own this game. Yet I have not set my hands upon it, considering I have just accomplished FF7 and moving on to .Hack//Sign Infection, which is probably a simple enough storyline (I've seen and own the anime, and understand it just fine), to combined FF Origins with that game at the same time.
Anyway, I've been VERY excited about this game, just because they have re-done the cut scenes and looks perfect. To experience the 'origins' of this extremely successful series, is so overwhelming to me even to simply ponder about.
Although lacking some of the extreme emotional events that the current Final Fantays have acquired over the years, it's still very much worth playing. With Final Fantasy I being the basic, redmage,whitemage, warrior, theif, character roles, FFII actualy starts to form individual characters and in-depth storylines.
I haven't even watched any beginning scences yet, (yes I did take the packaging off....and I DID* cry :P),....but when I do.........I might cry. Courtney or someone better be there to hug me because this will truely be, a Classical Final Fantasy Hallmark Experience.

~Final Fantasy XI~

An Online* game, which is a change for Square who normally only specializes in Consule gaming/is most famous for. FFXI is breaking the boundary, and going the way of Everquest as I predict, because I do not understand how anyone* will expect me (or any other respectable Final Fantasy fan), to have any sort of life once this game comes out. Unleashed as a beta test many moons ago( <- Britt-talk for, I have no idea when...*meeps), this highly anticipated MMORPG (MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. RPG simply describes a role playing game such as FF7 etc, but MMO means it's online with many other players instead of a set storyline. An example of this would be Everquest or Dark Age of Camelot) and will be in the making for quite some time.
Although this is an MMORPG, the battle system will still be turned based, and have the time limit system everyone loves, a few favorite qualities of the past FF's.

Well we all realize how 'tricksy' the people from Square tend to be when creating games for us, so it's no suprise to me when I hear how important it is to defeat all your enemies, because this is the only game I'm aware where you can DECREASE in level, which will probably cripple a few MMO nOObs like myself af first. THANKS SQUARE! :P *jokes* I would never insult them, for they are gods and goddesses! *bows to people of Square*

Since it is an MMORPG, the technilogicaly impaired (people without internet, 56k, or even dial-up*), will be more or less out of luck on this game, since it IS an online game. (Hence the name MM O* RPG.) Also, there is a standard fee per month as all MMO's usual require, limiting the time you play. Which will be a downfall, but I understand the reason why. I mean, they DO need that money for FFXI and beyond right?! I'd gladly give them the money they need to feed me more Final Fantasy. ^.^
Besides, that's just the type of game it is. The prices will probably run $40 and up, I'm hoping it doesn't get up any higher, first job won't be doing me too much justice with that price I don't think.

On with the game!
In the beginning you have many choices about race and jobs and the homeland which you will be from. I recall the homeland being very important in deciding where you are from, because the farther you travel from it, the weaker you become, but hopefully then this is where your other 6 party members will come in handy. (the Max is 6)

The main setting is a dispute between 3 lovely countries; the Republic of Bastok, the Kingdom of San D’Oria, and the Federation of Windurst, who seem to be peacful but have great borderline conflicts. BUT the main difference is that you're not PLAYING A ROLE ANYMORE. You're creating your own adventure on behalf of your little heart's desire, the main difference between this FF and all others. Get ready, IT'S NEARLY UPON US.