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Escaflowne, a 5 star anime? DUH!!!!! You have scerws in your head or what?! *pokes face*


If any of you have seen Escaflowne, it probably has either taken place as your ultimate favorite, or taken a place at the top. This anime by FAR has become of my favorites, seeing as it even challenged my top show, Cowboy Bebop. *gasp* It does seem odd that such an anime could even come close to Bebop, but it has, and it's muchly worthy. ^.^

Escaflowne's visual components is what drew me in so quickly during the first few episodes. The animation (not to mention plenty of eye candy for the girls ^.~ I.E: VAN, FOLKEN, and ALLEN!) is some of the best I've seen. Explosions and the parts when Van is flying on the Escaflowne in it's dragon form especially are very pleasing and not as 'choppy' as some animes get.
I recall no repeated scenes to make the episode last longer, which can get incredibly annoying and all around boring. (you dbz fans probably* know what I'm talking about...) The music is quite a different taste as well. I love how Bebop added lots of Jazz to their show, and Escaflowne seems to have, an almost Arabic beat to it. It sure is different, and different in this case, IS GOOD.

The storyline is the most important element of course, so lets get talking about that. Escaflowne seemd to me, to have a mix of different elements, which made it really interesting. First of all, it had it's Mecha influence. The way that Escaflowne can shape shift into the dragon form and back to the regular state still impresses me...once more kudos on the animation and all around smoothness. Then, it has its romance, which leads to many twists and turns in the storyline, and basically is centered around the 'world issue' going on at the time.

There's space travel, different worlds, races of people, comedy, PLENTY of drama, unwavering hearts, royalty, and of course, an even mix of facing you past and grasping the future with a pure heart and facing your fears. I can't go any further without sounding like I'm trying to sell it to you. IT'S JUST PERFECT OK?! GO WATCH IT ALREADY!

The start of this section

'Did you hear it? the sound of the Wind!', ^.^ Ok if you haven't already seen Samurai Deeper Kyo, then you wouldn't know what that was all about but OH WELL! I finished this anime a few days ago, and it's just as, if not more in my opinoin as cool as Escaflowne. Escaflowne was only a lil bit better, but since I already rambled on about the coolness of that anime so time for me to shut up about it!

Samurai Deeper Kyo is based in Japan, and has a bit of historical taste, as it takes place in 'Edo', or, midevil Tokyo. So naturally, that means SAMURAIS!!!!!
I LOVED this storyline. It was as complicated as it was violent and dramatic. It's hard enough sometimes keeping japanese names in order, with their correct characters. But then they toss in nicknames and 'san' or 'sama' here and there and your mind can sometimes get confused. But that didn't seem to be the problem here, since the amount of characters kept to a rational number. The characters were great, and the animation was well done. No cheap repeating scenes here either, every one of them was different.

OK so, samurais, great animation, character and plots = very entertaining. WHAT ABOUT THE GOOD STUFF LIKE BLOOD AND GORE?! Sorry, you're not going to see too much of that here. If you want blood and gore, watch Samurai X. It was a little dissapointing, but the rest of the series was pretty rewarding story wise. Plus Kyo is one of the hottest Bishies I've ever seen. So! eye candy for girls once more, and a lil for the guys, Yuya's 'top half' is projected muchly so, as common in anime chicks.

The only down part was the lack in realistic blood and gore, Kyo gets incredibly hurt only a couple times, and there's a nasty cliffhanger at the end. But all in all, totally worth your time, and sleep. Well you have work to do kids! Escaflowne and Kyo! Off with you! SHOO SHOO!