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  David Janowsky - Frank J. MarshallCS 1904  
(re-play page)


D. Janowski (2675) - F.J. Marshall (2564) 
Super-GM Tourney
Cambridge Springs, PA;  (USA)
(Rd. # 11), 11.05.1904

1.d4 d52.c4 e63.Nc3 c54.e3 Nc65.Nf3 Nf66.a3 Ne47.Bd3 Nxc38.bxc3 Bd6
9.0-0 0-010.Qe2 Na511.e4 dxc412.Bxc4 Nxc413.Qxc4 Qc714.Qd3 Bd715.e5 Be7;  
16.Ng5 Bxg517.Bxg5 Rfc818.Qg3 Kh819.Rfe1 cxd420.cxd4 Qc321.Qf4 Kg822.Rab1,  
22...b623.h4 Qxa324.h5 h625.Bh4 Rc326.Qg4 Rac827.Kh2 Qf828.Re4 Bc629.Rf4
29...Kh730.f3 Bd531.Qg3 Bc432.Ra1 a533.Rg4 Bd334.Bf6 gxf635.exf6 Rd8; 36.Re1,  
36...Kh837.Re5 Bf538.Rg7 Rxd439.Rb5 Rcc440.Qe5 Qd641.g4 Qxe5+42.Rxe5 Bxg4
43.fxg4 Rc2+44.Kg3 Rd3+45.Kf4 Rc4+46.Re4 Rxe4+47.Kxe4 Rd748.Kf4 a449.g5 hxg5+
50.Kxg5 a351.Kh6 Ra752.Rh7+ Kg853.Rg7+ Kf854.Kh7 Ke855.Kg8 a256.h6 a1Q
57.h7 Qxf658.h8Q Ke759.Qh1 Rd760.Kh7 Qf5+61.Kh6 e562.Rg1 Rd863.Qb7+ Qd7
64.Qf3 Qe6+65.Kh7 Qd566.Qa3+ Qd667.Qc1 e468.Rg2 Qc569.Qxc5+ bxc570.Rg5 Kf6
71.Rxc5 Re872.Rc1 e373.Rf1+ Ke574.Kh6 f575.Kh5 Ke476.Ra1 f4;  White Resigns.

  0 - 1  

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