(If you would like to see a few more pics of this player, click here. Or here.)
This web page will be my little It will have two sections. The first will be a list of all the relevant web sites that have MAJOR P. Morphy content, (Games and/or articles about this great player.); and the second section will contain a list of games and links. I will endeavor to "scrub the web" on this one. (Many of the games will be annotated by yours truly, but not all the games will be by me. If I can find a significant source of games, I will list them.)
First, I will give you a few biographies.
Paul Charles , (1837–84)
- American chess player, born in New Orleans, LA.
At 10 he learned the game and at 21 was acknowledged as the greatest player in
the world. Not only was Morphy possessed of a phenomenal memory, which he
demonstrated in astounding feats of simultaneous blindfold play, but his style
of play was in direct contrast to that of his time. He was a master of the
open game, in which center pawns are exchanged, open files are utilized, and
rapid development of the pieces is demanded. D. Harrwitz, J. Löwenthal, and
Adolph Anderssen were among the many who succumbed to his crushing
combinations. After 1859, when he had returned to New Orleans from world
triumphs, mental instability ended his chess play. (From an on-line
Morphy - 'The Pride and Sorrow of Chess'
"For a brief moment he appeared on the chess scene and brilliantly
defeated the world's leading players. In the flower of his youth he withdrew
from the game if not indeed from life itself, and died at the end of a long
decline." From the book, "The Encyclopedia of
Chess," by Anne Sunnucks. (Page # 310.)
(Her write-up on this great player extends many pages, I do not intend to
reproduce all of that here.)
Paul Morphy - Perhaps the greatest player who ever lived, statistically 'the gap' that separated him from his generation was larger than any other player in the history of the game of chess. He learned the game when he was very young, (4-5) and he demonstrated a remarkable proclivity for the game at a very tender age, indeed he was beating his Uncle Ernst at age 6 or 7 years old. (All the more remarkable, as his Uncle may have been one of the top players in the country!) He played several players, some of whom were among the strongest amateur players in the country - when he was just a lad (before age 10) and trounced them thoroughly. (This is all documented in David Lawson's book.)
was also a gifted student, who took highly accelerated courses, he was doing
university level math before age 10.
("He was an apt pupil, gifted with a fine memory; and fond of drama and
music." - A. Sunnucks.)
Lawson noted that he, "received many awards and premiums for his studies
in MANY subjects."
He had a prodigious memory - indeed it was rumored to be photographic. His
lifelong companion said he NEVER forgot a game of chess, he could instantly
re-create an entire game from an event, even if it wasn't his own. All it took
was to glance at the game every 5-10 moves! (Morphy committed the ENTIRE LAW CODE OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA
... TO MEMORY!!!!!! The only person to ever accomplish
such a feat, that I know of.)
Paul Morphy finished his studies before he was 18, and passed the Bar Exam the following year. As he was too young to practice law, (The legal age for this was then 21, although most firms would not hire you until you were much older.); so he turned his attention to chess. He traveled to New York, and played in a chess congress there. He was vastly superior to ALL American players, this was completely unquestioned. (Later he would play a match - AT KNIGHT ODDS - against the #2 or # 3 American player ... and WIN!!!)
Morphy then proceeded to Europe, where he proved he was much better than all the other players there. Even A. Anderssen, whom in my opinion belongs in the best 100 players ever - was unable to provide much of a challenge to Morphy. The only player of any note that he did not play, was Howard Staunton. This is because it was clearly evident he was the superior player and Staunton ducked any head-on confrontation.
He returned home to the U.S. to a hero's welcome. Accolades of the highest honour were bestowed upon him. Parties and parades were thrown on his behalf. Artists put his likeness on statues, coins, paintings, and virtually anything else you can think of. Instead of being honored by all the attention, he seemed rather embarrassed by it all. Perhaps he did not realize what he had done ... or why it was so important. (AT THAT TIME ... virtually everything in the America's - economy, art, social status, virtually anything else - were considered to GREATLY inferior to anything "on the continent." [From, "The Old World."] Morphy was the first American to prove he was equal {or superior!} to The Europeans at anything!!!)
Paul Morphy returned home to New Orleans to try to resume a normal life, but this seemed impossible. His notoriety made law practise, or even a normal life impossible. (He was reportedly jilted by the woman he loved, she would not deign, "to marry a mere chess-player.") Soon the country was engulfed in the Civil War, even Paul Morphy was not to escape the horrific impact this event had on our nation.
After the war, he became something of a recluse. He was supported by his family and friends - he had no real income of his own. (He lived in his mother's home.) Publicly, he detested the mere mention of chess - privately he demonstrated he still had the talent, if he was inclined to play. Indeed, he seemed to enjoy talking about 'old times' with his life-long friend and companion, Charles Maurian. He still attended theatre and opera in the area also. His problems grew much worse as time progressed.
In the end, Morphy was consumed with paranoia and delusions of persecution. His health was also affected, his sister later wrote she was concerned he was not eating properly. His cause of death is not 100% certain, although it is thought he died of a stroke ... perhaps brought on by the 'rigours of a hardy walk' on a very hot Louisiana afternoon, and then almost immediately afterwards - immersing himself in a cool bath.
American, and especially every chess-player, should remember and respect Paul
Morphy. He is easily one of the greatest of all chess players from this land.
Only H.N. Pillsbury and Bobby Fischer are worthy of the recognition and being
on, 'the same rung of the ladder,' as this great player.
- LIFE Master A.J. Goldsby I
Paul Morphy (1837-1884), is called the " pride and sorrow of chess." He became the best player in the world and could have become recognized the first true world champion, but he retired at the peak of his powers after an active career of only two years.
Paul Morphy was a life-long resident of New Orleans. His father was a prominent man who served as both Attorney General and Supreme Court Justice of Louisiana, and his uncle Ernest was one of the best-known chess analysts in the United States. When Paul was only eight years of age, he witnessed the first US Championship contest ever held, a match won by Charles Stanley of New York over a New Orleans master named Rousseau. That historic match was held in New Orleans.
Most of Paul Morphy's early chess development came in practice against relatives and local players, but he burst into national fame by winning the First American Chess Congress in 1857. His victory there made him the second US champion in history. Paul Morphy then traveled to Europe for the express purpose of challenging the best players in the world. In a series of matches, he easily defeated the best players of the continent. Although he was frustrated in his efforts to arrange a match against the long-time English champion, Howard Staunton, no one seriously doubted that he would have defeated Staunton by an overwhelming score. Morphy's style of play was as spectacular as his results; in many of his games, he won by brilliant sacrifices that still amaze and entertain players today.
When Paul Morphy returned to the US, he was acclaimed a national hero. Even among the millions of Americans who did not play chess, he was viewed as having brought world-wide honor to the United States. Baseball clubs and cigars were named after him.
Inexplicably, however, Morphy did not play serious chess again. The secession of his state disrupted Morphy's life, as he opposed secession, and he became a reclusive individual in later life. However, chess players all around the world continue to revere Paul Morphy today as one of the greatest and most brilliant players in history.
Below is my section of links to sites with information on Paul Morphy. I have spent about 50 hours perusing the web and tried to get a few of the better and different sites for you. However, you can always fire up your web browser and enter in, "Paul Morphy," and then click - SEARCH! Happy hunting! (I found over 5000 matches!) Keep you busy, eh?
good tip? Go to www.amazon.com
and search in the <book section> under Paul Morphy.
Lots of matches,
NOTE: I checked these links today, I had several e-mails about non-functioning links. However, constantly checking links is not something that I care to do. Further - with the advent and advances of search engines like "Google," it really is not necessary. If a link does not work, simply move on to the next one. (Rest assured - that the first day that I first posted all of these links, they worked. Thursday; May 26th, 2005.)
{formerly Geo-Cities} web-site
has quite a bit on this great player. The best page, in my opinion?
Visit my "Best Players" page.
You may find my discussion of Morphy as the best player
of all time to be
VERY interesting. (Click HERE
to go there now.)
guys at 'chess-poster' have a whole section of their web-site
devoted to this great player.
(Click HERE
to go there now.)
named "Sarah Beth"
has done a FABULOUS
site(s) on Paul Morphy!!
(She also has a nice page
of game collections, mostly un-annotated.)
There is a nice biography, a page on Morphy's heritage, etc. This site also
(mostly UN-annotated) you can view on a nice viewer.
Click HERE
to go there now. (This one little Morphy site has DOZENS of
(There are also games to download!)
Maybe the BEST
Morphy site on the net?
Interactive Businesses, Ltd, has a very nice web site. They also have a
pretty fair
section on Morphy, and games to view or download. (Click
HERE to go
there now.)
Links" has a very nice page of links of pages, and
things to see and do.
(All on Paul Morphy, of course.) Click here
to go there now.
Marin, of Stanford University, has a nice homepage.
This includes a pretty extensive section on chess.
He has a whole section
devoted to the great masters. (Right now just Morphy and Steinitz.)
He has four whole sections (pages) devoted to Morphy. Click HERE
to go to his first one!
(Last time I checked, this page was not
You can also search the ONLY on-line "Chess Encyclopedia" for Morphy. Click HERE.
Search GOOGLE ... ... ... for all the best sites about this great player.
The Wikipedia write-up for Paul Morphy. (here)
Purchase THE definitive book on Paul Morphy's career. (Click here.)
The page of Morphy's games on the "Chess-Games" website.
{formerly Geo-Cities} web-site
has several complete
annotated games of Morphy.
However you can
see the game, Morphy vs. Two
Amateurs; ( The famous game of Morphy played against consultation
partners at
the Paris Opera House, in 1858. This game is annotated
DEEPLY. {You may want to use a chess-board, in addition to the MANY
diagrams.} There is also a java-script re-play version
of this game.
Pay attention, and you will see the link.). Or the game,
Lichtenhein -
Morphy; 1st American Chess Congress, 1857. ( This is
one of Morphy's MOST brilliant games, annotated here in a very
meticulous manner. Many diagrams. There is also a java-script re-play version
of this game, also.) Or the game Morphy - A.
New Orleans, 1858. (A nice King's Gambit VERY brilliantly
played by Morphy. This game is found in DOZENS of chess books. Again, I
have analyzed this game in GREAT depth. Sorry, you will need a chess-board
for this one.)
game, Paul Morphy - Marache; New York, 1857. Click HERE
to go there now.
(This game is carefully annotated and is in java-script re-play
"Euwe Chess Academy"
has a nice, on-line instructional site. They also have analyzed several of
Morphy's games.
For an example of their work, click HERE
now. (Discontinued?)
Weeks has a nice little chess
site, with a whole section on Morphy. There are
highlights, games, stuff to download.
Click HERE
to go there now.
The "Human Internet" has a really nice chess page. (Search for "Morphy" articles.)
415 GAMES OF Morphy!!, (Looks like they are ALL UN-Annotated.
'Wats.'); on-line on
the "Misty Beach" chess viewer. Click HERE
to go there now. Very easy to see AND use! Good job,
Stan! (But ... is it live, - - - or is it Memorex?) IN FACT, "Not bad ... not bad at all." (The Prez, in the movie; "Independence Day.")
... as one reader points out, Paul Morphy played hundreds ... if not
thousands ... of chess games. Many of these might not be recorded. (His
Uncle - in a newspaper article - once recalled that Paul played "10 -
or more" games on the weekends, {every week}
but few of these contests were ever recorded or saved.) How many
games actually exist today? This is hard to say, it really depends on
which source you consult. (You can go HERE and search for the games of
Morphy, there is also a nice GAME
COLLECTION of his from the folks at CB that you can purchase.)
few of Morphy's Best games, carefully annotated
(by me) and posted on my various websites.
(Some are in java-script replay form, others are just plain
annotated Morphy game # 1. (HERE, now!)
(This is Morphy's most famous win ... his
"Opera House" game vs. the Count of Isouard and the Duke of
annotated Morphy game # 2. (Here, now!)
is Morphy's win vs. Lichtenhein from the 1st American Chess Congress in
annotated Morphy game # 3. (Here now!)
is another super-brilliancy played by Morphy in 1858. ONE OF SIX BLINDFOLD
annotated Morphy game # 4. (Here, now!)
superb win by Morphy ... vs. Marache from New York, 1857. Morphy's last
move has to be seen to be believed.)
A.J.'s annotated Morphy game #
5. (Here now!)
(Paul Morphy's
brilliant Queen-sack game {as Black!} vs. Paulsen, from New York, 1857.)
annotated Morphy game # 6. (Here, now!!!)
(This is Morphy's
ultra-brilliant game vs. Barnes, from a match that he played in London in
annotated Morphy game # 7. (Here, now!!!)
(This was a game played vs. E. Rousseau when Morphy was only 11 or
12 years old!)
Paul Morphy's ultra-brilliant
game against Henry Bird.
(The latest Russian analysis shows that Morphy did the
right thing by sacrificing all that material! Check out my posts and
analysis as "LIFE Master AJ"
on this page, there are two that
are rather lengthy and probably contain some analysis that you may not
have read about before.)
I also (now) have a web page on this game,
click here
to go there now.
Here is a list of the books that I own on Paul Morphy.
Click HERE to return to my "Games4" Home Page.
Click HERE to go to my page on Emanuel LASKER.
Click HERE to go to my page on Mikhail TAL.
(Or press the "Back Button" on your web browser.)
This page was last updated on 10/18/13 .
(c) A.J. Goldsby I, Copyright (c), 1985-2012.
Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2013. All rights reserved.