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-The Counter-

Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA

Whether or not you realize it, Nintendo prototypes are turning up more rapidly now-a-days then they were in the past several years. Incase you don't know, a prototype is a test version of a product. Since we are dealing with Nintendo games a prototype Nintendo game is a test game used by makers to test their games. Some games were never released and their prototypes are even rarer.

Here we have the proto The Three Stooges by Activision. The label is classic for Activision's prototypes. It is owned by Dreamtr.

Airball. This is one of my favorite prototypes. 2 of these carts have ever been found. One sold on Ebay for about $700 while the other was found in a used record shop for about $5. Wow! I wish I'd be lucky enough to find a proto for $5.

Okay here is a pic of Baseball Simulator 1.000. I heard this one is owned by Dreamtr.

This prototype cart of Bashi Bazook is owned by Dreamtr. I believe that Bashi Bazook was released in Europe only. I found it amusing that this proto was put in a black case.

Blue Marlin was found in a pawn shop down in Arizona for a few bucks.

This copy of Burai Fighter has writing in blue maker on it. It says "Taxan Burai Fighter Not for Resale".

Next is a scan of Darkman. Part of the board shows through the hole in the casing and it says Darkman on the board.

And here is a Dragon Warrior prototype. It has a verticle sticker with the words Dragon Warrior printed on it.