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Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA

Here is a little bit about the site, The Warp Zone. Sometime before June 1999, I had signed up for an account at Angelfire for a website. I had wanted to do a website for ages, and then I finally put one up. It was mostly about the good old NES, and it too was named The Warp Zone. It wasn't all that good but I was just learning html at the time. You can still visit the site here.

I finally gave up on websites for awhile, and I just gathered much info and pics from Nintendo stuff. I attempted to set up The Warp Zone again, during the summer of 2000, but the server took my site down for no apperant reason at all. The site was hosted at SealTeamSix, for they gave free unlimited webspace, but as I said they took down my site for no reason at all! Never use SealTeamSix, my original Angelfire site is still up and I didn't update it for months.

After that disaster with The Warp Zone, I gave up on building a NES website for a while. Then came the fall of NES WORLD. When on the Vintage Gaming network, the whole network crashed and Martin Nielson, the owner of NES WORLD, got upset over having to upload NES WORLD to the net again. For a few weeks Martin told the NES community that he would leave his site down. I was one of many people who was upset by this.

At this point I decided that I someday would create a NES site that would be just as good as NES World. TSR's NES Archives was the other top NES site, and on January 20, 2000, he decided to quit updating his site. It was sad how both top NES sites went down after so many years.

Martin Nielson decided to upload his site to the Parodius network. At this point, I was still stuck on the idea of creating my own Nintendo website. I decided that I would give The Warp Zone one last try. I had worked on this site for several months now and I went through three design changes even before launch, but I am happy with the current design.

I just feel that I need to thank Martin Nielson and TSR greatly. If it wasn't for their rad sites, The Warp Zone wouldn't be what it is today. Their sites really inspired me to build my site. It would still be the "dinky little site with poor html", the one which is still on my first Angelfire account. From 1999-2001, I have learned a great deal about the NES scene and what makes a good site. Thanks guys.

I would also like to thank ALL of the Color Dreams' workers that I contacted during the months that I started to redo The Warp Zone. They all seem like really cool people and they all helped me a great lot with this site. They gave me a TON of info and I really can't do anything which will thank them enough. I am not going to list all of the workers which I should thank, for I listed them in the sections which they contributed to, but I just want to thank them again.

I want to thank my brother for his occasional help, and I would like to thank DeGen who types and sends me the Weekly Articles. I would like to thank Nintendo for creating the best gaming system ever, and I would like to thank the world for enjoying my site.

The list can go on and on, but I feel that it is best to cut it short. I really feel that you guys have better stuff to do than read my rantings and raves.

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