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-The Counter-

Site launch on ??/??/2001
Best viewed on 640 by 480 monitor, created on an IBM Computer
Proudly Made In The USA

Welcome to the miscellaneous section. There's tons of weird stuff in here. Stuff which didn't fit into other sections of the site. Then there's a few articles about my early days of Nintendo gaming. You never know what weird and wonderful things are in here.

The Nintendo King
Here is a little story about when my brother and I weren't very good at Super Mario Bros. My dad, well he was great at NES during this time.

My First Experience With Nintendo
Here is the story about when my brother and I first started playing Nintendo. We got addicted and we just had to get our own NES.

The Super Mario Bros 3 Swap?
Here I will tell a strange tale of a possible truth. I'm sure you all have/had friends such as Jeff.

Pirated Nintendo Games
This section deals with unofficial ports of games. Ever hear of Super Mario World for Famicom? How about Donkey Kong Country? Yeah, there's alot of interesting pirate Nintendo stuff floating around in Japan yet I don't reccomend buying it.

The Gallery
The Gallery is...a section of my site where you can view pics of miscellaneous NES stuff, some games, some merchandise, and some of this and alittle of that.

Color Dreams Document
A printable version of the Color Dreams section of my site. It hasn't been updated for a while though, and it is waaaay inaccurate.

Castlevania III Game Atlas Errors
My brother and I always loved the NES Game Atlas. At the time of its release, it seemed so accurate. Some dude with way too much time on his hands composed a list of the multiple errors for Castlevania III in the Game Atlas.