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Here is the PDF for this pedagogue's PDF character sheet. Justyn Myrader

(It shows up fine if you click on it but you can open it with Adobe Reader if you want all the bells and whistles)


Physical Description

Hght: 6'0" **** Hair:Black **** Wght: 180 lb **** Eyes: Brown****Age: Approximately 25

Justyn wears his hair long and braids it for work. He lets in swing free otherwise. He lives in his work clothes - dark and black tee shirts, black jeans, black boots with his sheaths in them. When it's cold he wears a black leather jacket. Recently, however, he's had occasion to appear in a black silk shirt and black dress pants. He's discovering that some of the other Pedagogues have difficulty taking him seriously otherwise.

His gallows humor erupts on his t-shirts that say things like "Grave Diggers Do It Deep" "Life Sucks, Then You Die" and "Crap, You're Going To Try To Cheer Me Up, Aren't You?". He just can't resist wearing the things under his dress shirt, though.

His gun settles in a holster at his hip unless he's digging. He really doesn't want to have an accident and lose a toe.


This Pedagogue Euthanatos Mage has helped many a Sleeper achieve the Good Death, and quite a few Cult of Ecstasy Mages, too. His mentor recently traveled to Transylvania just to see what there was to see. They've since lost touch.

He still tries to retain the job of gravedigger, but may have to take on an acolyte as an apprentice (to the mundane job only). Since he took over from his mentor his Pedagogue and CEO duties have been keeping him busy.

As a child, the punk scene stole his two sisters. Their ODs made him despise the Sleepers in the clubs, but, more so, the Cult of Ecstasy. Sleepers throwing themselves away is one thing, but for the Awakened to do so in, to him, intolerable

His last mission was to find the Tome of the Pale Horse, an ancient Grimoire of the Oracle of Death. It is said to contain a recipe for a potent drug. It has turned up recently and the formula it contains could help him wipe out the Cult of Ecstacy and leave the Ascension for the deserving. After finding the Tome, he was frustrated to learn that it was encoded. He consulted the pedagogues of the Order of Hermes, VIrtual Adepts, and Sons of Ether, but so far no one can crack the ancient code.
