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Non Player Characters

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NPC Stats

The NPC stats are still 2nd Edition D&D. I have not converted them yet. I will be converting them over the next weeks but the basic info on who they are will remain the same

Marisa: Bladesmaster from the town of Locansville
Levina: Cousin to Marisa; assassin and expert on poisons
Trelin: Brother to Marisa; woodsman and pacifist
Malynn: Cleric of Leesha
Joran: Deceased Elven Mage
Kiara The Enchantress: Loerth Elf. Enchantress living near the Scorched Lands
Raistamon: Mysterious Necromancerfrom Ravenloft

NPC Directory

This is a list of the NPCs that were not in the game long enough to have stats. Its simply a list you can consult in case you want to reference someone your PC met and can't remember his or her name. They are in the order they appear in the game to the best of my ability

Sir Wilhelm-General in charge of the Locansville Knights

"The One Who Shall Awaken Her"-Mysterious figure of prophecy known to be a male from afar

Dolph Wildbeard Dwarven High Elder. He chose his name when his beard was still black but just as wild. He is staid and thoughtful. Thought his beard is as full and wild as ever he has nary a hair upon his head.

Marla Elvenkin - Dwarven elder representing the Clerics. Her beard is neatly trimmed to stay long enough to qualify for the council but no longer. She chose her name when Eliansa called her to service as a bridge between the Elves and the Dwarves. The Elven Goddess used a virulent strain of Tree Bark Fever to open a bridge with her brother's. people. A particularly gifted cleric, Marla accepted her geis and saved countless Elven lives, subsequently hearing a call to serve Otho's sister. Once she returned to serve on the council her geis was lifted.

Jorah Dragonsbane Dwarven elder representing the fighters. The youngest member he also has the shortest untrimmed beard as it falls no farther than Marla's. His name derived from a childhood story wherein, after becoming lost in the catacombs at the tender age of 6, he used a sharpened stick to bravely fight and slay a bearded dragon to roast for his dinner. When his frantic mother found him hours later he calmly offered her a bite.

Fillia Cutpurse Dwarven elder representing the rogues. The female with the longest beard in the mountains she is also revered as the grandmother of those with a penchant for stealth and deceit. After being struck with the Stiffening she discovered an affinity for the stealth and decit inherent in politics. She happily lives out her days in the council chamber and her nights warming her bones in front of the communal fire regaling all and sundry with stories, only half of which are true.

Tommen Hammersmith Dwarven elder representing the blacksmiths. His beard is average but his skill is unmatched. His master recently took his place at Otho's table, making Tommen Master Smith. Rumored to be the only one graced with the knowledge of the location of Otho's forge he bears scars both internal and external from his search deep in the mountains. Though under no geis while in the mountains he refuses to discuss that journey or the forge with anyone.

Jessa Commonkin - Elected Dwarven elder representing the commonfolk. In a rare but not unheard of move she changed her name upon her election from Knowledgekeeper to Commonkin to represent her status in the council. She is the keeper of the library of the dwarves which spans four massive caverns inside the catacombs. Her two daughters are apprenticed to her to run the day to day minutiae as she keeps the council honest. Her beard is long and neatly braided to keep it from getting caught in her beloved books or rolled into a scroll.

NPC Information Links

Dragon Page:Information on the two dragon NPCs in the game-Materna and Loerth
Deities of Southern Loerth: Information on the deities that the characters may encounter during the game

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