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WARNING: I am British so my spelling and dates may be different to yours!

Welcome to the home of The Squires, the team of super-heroes found in the Marvel SAGA campaign that I run. Here, you may discover The Squires themselves and their adventures so far. One day, you may be able to find out about the villains they face. I can't post the stats of the villains up here yet because The Squires have little experience of them as yet, and I wouldn't want to give anything away.

Other than running The Squires campaign, I run an online Marvel SAGA campaign in the style of "Sliders", but with the main characters having super-powers. To find more about this, go to and search for a list called Marvel Sliding. Then, you will be able to read about the team's exploits so far (which are basically non-existent as yet).


Recently, the MSH-SAGA mailing list ran a "Postfest", a day when loads of people posted useful stuff for the Marvel SAGA role-playing game. I complied it all, and it is contained in a text file. If you want that text file, click here

I also used to play the Overpower collectable card game an awful lot with my friends, and recently have started to do so again. Because of this, I have worked out a system for converting your homegrown heroes to Overpower. To view it, click here

I can think of very little else to write, so here are some of my favourite links: - The Marvel Chronology Project, a fantastic site that catalogues nearly every appearance of any Marvel character you care to name. - It May All End Tomorrow, a site revolving around Morrissey and The Smiths, my music of choice. - Magni's site, full of excellent character write-ups for the Marvel SAGA game, all done in the style of the rosters. - Steve Kenson's homepage. Incudes many characters for the Marvel SAGA game, including Dire Wraiths. Also includes details of his campaign. - a good site with great sketches of the homegrown characters of his homegrown campaign. - one of the players from my Marvel Sliding game, and also an excellent site. - another good site, and another player from my Marvel Sliding game. He also writes for the new UK gaming mag, Visions. - The Beyonder, that fearsome villain from Secret Wars I and II has his own site! - Will Crites is another player from my Marvel Sliding game, and he also has a huge list of MSHAG (Marvel SHAG?) links

Damn these counters! Here is my attempt at counting the hits on this page (there were 97 more hits but then I messed it up about four times):

There will be more stuff on this page when I can be bothered.

Ciao, Jam

Exit, Pursued By a Bear


Last updated 19/4/99






This SAGA RPG site is owned by Jam Norman.

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