Weird Scenes...

Welcome to my 'weird scenes'. Just some things I threw together to make my site a little more interesting..... Or not.

I Hate Martha Stewart.

What can I say? Martha, my dear, have you ever stood over a hot stove with a baby at your tit and a toddler tugging at your pantleg? I highly doubt it. It seems so unnecessary to me for a woman to want to spend her time making wreaths out of pine limbs and throwing pretentious dinner parties where the personalized placemats indicate seating arrangements. There's one thing missing from your perfect home: A MAN!!!

What do you think of Jimmy Kimmel?

He's a PIG. But he's a funny pig. What's wrong with this picture: (not the one of me, the one I'm about to have you imagine in your head) Bill Maher is fired from ABC/Disney for making some idiotic remark about the 9/11 tragedy, and they're bringing on board Jimmy Kimmel... Of the MAN SHOW... Girls on trampolines? After all this time we'd been enjoying watching panelists argue about everything from The Lewinsky Blowjob Scandal to Immigration to Marriage and Divorce. There's something very wrong here. But the photo is good, eh? Thumbs up to Colin Quinn for hosting Tough Crowd on Comedy Central. It's a little like Politically Incorrect except all panelists are comedians!!

And The Collective IQ Of Our Country Took A Nosedive...

With THE BACHELOR. What the hell was that all about? Twenty-five women competing for one guy? And from what I could see, he wasn't much of a man. In fact, he looked to me like something of a sissy. Girls, I'll let you in on a little secret: THERE IS NOT... I REPEAT... NOT A SHORTAGE OF MEN IN THIS COUNTRY!!! I pity anyone who ends up on a Reality Show. Can they not see how completely stupid they appear?
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Blame Canada!
In Bloom Again: Gin Blossoms
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