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Harry Potter is . . . well, hopefully you know who Harry Potter is. After all, the Harry Potter books have only been on the bestseller lists for months at a time, have only won countless awards... so please tell me you know who Harry Potter is. This site is dedicated to his more devoted fans, who have read all the books and know more or less who all the characters are. No babying! No explanations of who Professor Snape is! There are spoilers for all the books, so if you haven't read one of them, find another site. There are plenty. If you're an obsessed Harry Potter freak (or if you just remember most of the stuff from the books) take a look around. Fanfiction, fanart, Hogwarts, humour, rumours, etymologies - we have (almost) everything but the kitchen sink!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanHarry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

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Daily Prophet

The *hopefully* Monthly Poll!
Are you going to see the movie when it comes out?


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This site created and maintanied by Sabrina Myst.


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