Heather Cover Gallery
So the other night I had a conversation with a friend of mine about Heather.
He's not exactly the most discriminating movie watcher in the world - he thinks
Rad, some bicycle movie from the '80s, is one of the greatest movies ever made -
but I decided to give him and his girlfriend the benefit of the doubt and rent
Swingers for them anyway. They hated it. They whined and complained through
most of the movie, and I had to stop them several times from taking the tape out
and putting in the other rental of the evening, My Best Friend's Wedding. They
complained about the fact that it was just a bunch of guys, sitting around in
bars and restaurants, talking. I guess there weren't enough bike stunts thrown in
there to keep them satisfied. And all we really do is sit around in bars and
vacant fields, drinking and talking, but to them that didn't matter. So while
I was trying to defend the movie to them, I mentioned that Heather's small part
as Lorraine has given her career a huge jumpstart. Since Swingers, she has
been in several high-profile projects, with several more on the way. My
convincing argument fell on deaf ears, and I was forced to throw his copy of
Rad in his toilet and flush. I'm not sure who threw the first punch, me or him,
but a knock-down, drag-out fight occured. Even though I walked out of the house with a broken nose, several sprained ribs, and
maybe seventy-percent sight in my left eye, I feel I won the argument. Anyways,
as further proof of my argument, I have included in my site a magazine cover
gallery of covers she has appeared on, all since her appearance in Swingers.
Gotta go... pain pills starting to kick in. Enjoy.
Entertainment Weekly
Entertainment Weekly on Campus
Bikini Magazine
(Yeah, I know... I've never even heard of this one.)
The Face
(Or this one either...)
Hot Ticket
(What I'm wondering: When will Heather make the cover of Newsweek or Time?)
Time Out N.Y.
Okay, this space right here in a perfect world would have the cover that
Heather should have had but didn't get, the Scream 2 issue of Rolling Stone,
where instead we got Tori Spelling on the cover. Tori Spelling! How many
bucks did Daddy Spelling have to "contribute" to Rolling Stone to get his
daughter on the cover? We'll probably know, but I'm guessing that check had
a lot of zeroes attached. Anyways, there was a pretty good - disturbing,
but good - shot of Heather inside, so I use that one in its place.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, without any further ado, the one you've all been
waiting for. I present you with the cover of...
Details Magazine
"More Covers..."
"The Love Of My Life: Heather Graham"
"The Love Of My Life: Part Two"
"The Love Of My Life: Part Three"
"Heather Graham: Space Cadet"
Email: JackKnife3@aol.com