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Points to Ponder

What are points to ponder you ask? Well, the are exactly what their name says, they are points to ponder. mor specically, thay are little things in the Harry Potter book series, or movie, that just don't add up. If you have any mistakes, or parts in the books or movies that don't make sens, you can send me an Owl and will give you credit for bringing the mistake to my attention. Enjoy!

-NEW! I have received 2 e-mails recently about a passage form the 4th book when Harry and Dumbledore were talking after the Triwizard cup portkey had taken Harry away and back again. When Harry tells Dumbledore that voldemort could touch his skin, Harry sees a "flash of triumph" on Dembledore's face. Now, I have been very confused by this line, and obviously others are as well. In one e-mail I read, a person suspected that dumbledore may in fact be playing both sides and turn out to be evil, but I disagree, and believe this was more of a joke than anything.

-I previously had reason to believe that crookshanks was Mrs. Figg, but a few e-mails have convinced me to remove this speculation. Also, if Mrs. figg is supposedly a huge part of the book, then how come she wasn't in the first movie? I'm sure if she was to become a large part, Mrs. rowling would have informed the movie makers of this.

-Isn't it interesting that Voldemort's supporters place so much emphasis on being a pureblood yet Voldemort himself is half-Muggle...
I recently had an e-mail which stated:

"its not just his supporters. Tom Riddle opened the chamber of secrets to kill muggle borns. Also, in the chamber of secrets, it is implied that Harry (also half-blood) would be safe, so maybe it only "counts" if both your parents are muggles."

The same e-mail also made comparisons between Hitler and Voldemort which are as follows:
"One of Hitler's grandparents was Jewish, and while he was short and dark haired, he wanted all germans to be tall, blonde, blue eyes etc..."

Interesting concept. Jk Rowling is known for having a much deeper meaning to all things in her Harry books than we can see on the surface. Maybe her inspiration in thinking up the evilest wizard of all time was created by an image of the evilest man who ever lived

Thank you to the e-mail writter, you know who you are.

-The worst curse in the wizarding world is Avada Kedava Change the V's to B's and you almost have Abra Kedabra, the most popular magical phrase used in the muggle world.

-Whatever happened to Lockhart? Remember how good he was @ memory charms? Maybe he became an Obliviator (members of the accidental magic squad who perform memory charms on muggles who've gotten glimpses or suspisous about the wizarding world). But did he recover entirely from his memory loss? I know it was totally his fault, but he might be inclined to blame Harry and Ron for his temporary amnesia. Would he want revenge? Not that he'd be that much of a threat though.

-When the "ghosts" or "shadow" things came out of Voldemort's wand, James came out first, and I know everyone thinks this is a mistake, but everything else in all of her books so far have so many details, I can't imagine she could make this big of a mistake. I think this we will find more about in the next 3 books.

-In the first HP book, Harry potter and the Philosopher's Stone, on Harry's supply list, 1 wand is printed twice. The students obviously only need one wand, so why are there 2? My guess is that it's a publishing error.

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