GINLC Nature & Wildlife Photo Contest for 2009

The Grosse Ile Nature & Land Conservancy held its first Nature & Wildlife Photo contest for high school and middle school students this Spring.  We were delighted to receive a total of 39 entries, which were matted for display at the Earth Day Celebration held at Centennial Farm on Sunday April 26th. Karen Skrocki, a local nature photographer, judged the photos for quality and appeal and although it was difficult to narrow down the awards, she chose a Best in Show photo along with two Honorable Mentions.  The Earth Day participants voted for the People’s Choice Award.  Our judge and guests were pleased and impressed with the entries as there were many excellent photos with creative titles.


Best In Show for Winter Blossoms was awarded to Chelsea Karrar of GI High School

Winter Blossoms - flowers always have a good general appeal. The juxtaposition of them with the snow makes it an anomaly and have even more than normal appeal. Red against the white is wonderful; composition good; focus is good too.

Winter Blossoms

(Click for a larger image)


Honorable Mention for Ducks on a Waterfall was awarded to Alex Wozney of GI Middle School

Ducks on Waterfall - Lighting is very good. The effect is hard to get first I thought he might have photo-shopped the picture, but he didn't. He was able to see the shot and get it in its natural form. The eye travels well in this shot with the flow of the water and the upward climbing of the ducks.

Ducks on a Waterfall

Honorable Mention for Moonlit was awarded to Corrine Carter of GI High School

Moonlit  - A very hard picture to take because of the dark and the white of the light.  The composition of the shot is great. Its contrast is good, and the effect of the old tree branches creates a wonderful midnight mood.

  People's Choice Award for Reflection of Sky in Lake was presented to Tara Lang of GI High School. This photo showed the reflection of fluffy thick clouds in a lake and was an attention-grabber that apparently pleased many people. Reflection of Sky in Lake

Awards and certificates were presented to the winners on Tuesday May 5th at Grosse Ile High School by Ken Tilp, Treasurer.   We thank the management of Kathy’s Cafe for their donation of several gift certificates.  Photos were displayed afterwards at the Middle School and High School.  The Conservancy will host the contest again in 2010, encouraging students to spend time over the year appreciating, capturing and sharing nature's beauty.