To become a recruiter you must take the recruiters test by the Blood Mage or by one of the leaders, either Neo-Atari-X or Sandbass. Members must also be of Paladin rank or higher to take the recruiters test. Once a member has become a recruiter they will have 5 points added to their profile. Recruiters must also follow a set of rules and guidelines they must follow in order to recruit someone.

The rules are as follows:

1. Recruiter and recruit must post in the "New Recruits" section of the Message Board that states, username, date of recruitment and who their recruiter is.

2. Recruit must put our web site as the homepage in their homepage section under their username and under the "Additional Information" section as of follows:

Additional Information:

Member of Clan xSWx, Rank: Peon, Points: 0

*Of course the Rank and points are subject to change.*

3. Because of the clan system Shamans or the Chieftain are only allowed to invite new members to the clan so recruiters must get any shaman or myself to "officially" invite them into the clan.

4. Recruiters must explain to their recruits the rules of the clan.

5. Recruiters are responsible for their recruits and must look after them and help them strive to become better players and keep them from breaking rules.

6. Recruiters must explain to their recruits how to calculate, manage their own points and update their points often.

7. Recruits must sign up at the Message Board with a username that is the exact same as their username (no tags necessary on messageboard name). After they have signed up they must post on the board with a message that states they have recently joined the clan, who their recruiter is, and the date of recruitment.

Probationary Recruits must follow these set of rules:

1. A new recruit must make a post in the "New Recruits" section of the Message Board that states, username, date of recruitment and who their recruiter is.

2. Follow the clan rules and recruitment rules accordingly and not break them.

3. Listen to their recruiters and learn from them.

4. Respect the leaders and all other members.

5. Gain at least 30 points in a month to stay in the clan.

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