Name: First xSWx Tournament!
Style: 1v1
Map: Turtle Rock
Starting Date: August 10th, 2003

Additional Information

The tournament does NOT begin until August 10th, so no matches can be played until then. If any matches are played before then, they are simply discarded. Now as a reminder, everyone must save their replays of their matches and send them to so I can verify each win. There are no re-matches, unless you are disconnected EARLY in the game. If it is late in the game or your losing and you disconnect, you lose. Only I can verify what is a real disconnect.

Now the tourney tree above this will updated A.S.A.P after every match. So make sure you constantly check this to see who you are facing next if you win a match. When you win a match, immediatly reply to the "Tournament Results" post on the message board in the Tournaments Section stating that you have defeated someone.

Ex. Spanierd defeats Atari (Posted by: Spanierd).

Now everyone has 3 days to play each match. Here's how it works. The whole tourney takes place for as long as it takes, but each match must be played within in three days. If the match isn't played, then there are consequences. Here are the scenarios:

1. Sandbass shows up everyday to play kberube. Kberube doesnt come online. On the last day sand makes a post requesting a time to play and kberube doesn't reply. 3 days pass up and kberube doesnt show. Therefore in this circumstance, SAndbass is awarded an automatic win, and Kberube loses by defualt.

2. Sandbass and Kberube do not log on for 3 days. Neither one of them make any effort to play their match.... in this case... they are both disqualified from the tournament.

This tourney will also be deciding war squads ranks, but you will only be on war squads if you reply to my post on the message board for war squads and you meet the requirements. Whatever place you finish in the tourney, is where you'll end up on warsquads. If two ppl tie for a position then one will be randomly placed on top of the other.

And one last thing, observers are allowed to be present during any of the matches, as long as there is no cheating going on. If you have any questions make sure you direct them towards myself or sandbass before the tourney begins. I wish you all good luck!

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