Crypt Lord (Chieftain) - Highest rank above all else. Makes all final decisions. (Clan Leader)

Keeper of the Clan (Shaman) - Second highest rank above all else. Has same power as the Crypt Lord. (appointed)

Warden (Shaman) - Controls the law of the clan. Deals with most punishments and has a bot in the channel most of the time to observe what goes on. (appointed)

Warchief (Shaman) - Organizes and plans tournies, and organizes war squads. (appointed)

Blood Mage (Shaman) - Decides who is recruiter worthy and who isn't. Also must explain recruiter's rules and their job in the clan. (appointed)

OTHER POSITIONS (determined by Points)

(450 - N/A Ponits) Archmage (Grunt) - In this rank you can deal punishment to rule breakers and can be appointed to higher position. People in the archamge position act like a Low Council where they can help decide important decisions for the clan.

(400-450 Ponits) Colonel (Grunt) - Doing Good! Keep it Up!

(380-400 Ponits) Druid (Grunt) - Next rank after Captain. A short period rank.

(320-380 Ponits) Captain (Grunt) - Powerful rank that allows you to deal punishment to peons who break rules.

(270-320 Ponits) 1st Lietenant (Grunt) - Great position that has certainly gained our uppermost respect.

(200-270 Ponits) 2nd Lietenant (Grunt) - Respectable rank.

(150-200 Ponits) Paladin (Grunt) - Can become a recruiter.

(80-150 Ponits) Specialist (Grunt) - Allows you to be able to join war squads. Also when you are in this position you get your very own clan profile.

(30-80 points) Grunt (Grunt) - Next rank in line. Once you have this rank you are no longer on probation.

(0-30 points) Peon (Peon) - Starting rank which is probationary. You have 15 days to gain more then 30 points to stay in the clan.

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