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Featherwind Boat Building Page.
Hey!  It
even looks like
a boat.  With luck
it may even
It's not a place.
                                              It's a state of mind.
Tranquility Island.
Tranquility Island.
Featherwind Boat Building Page
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Painted on the outside and not looking too bad.   Workboat finish to save time  and a close inspection shows the flaws but still not bad for a first effort.
Painting the inside.  Hey look.  Sombody had to take the pictures and Edna was looking after Angel.  I gotta tell ya.    I did most of the work.   Realy.    I did!!     It will float you stupid bird...
Painted inside and out.   Looookin Gooood!!!!    This was about the end of week one and I couldn't belive how fast and easy it was.   I should have tried to build a boat much sooner than this.  Dave Carnel took a good solid Bolger design and made it super easy.  If I can build it anyone can.
Mast step and partner.  Hope my terminology is right.   Anyway the base of the mast is 3" square and then after the first 15 inches it tapers to round.  I probably over did the reinforcement but I wanted to be sure the mount was strong enough.