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"When I was in my first year I caused trouble, in my second year I caused trouble,
in my third year I was chosen to be the next Protector.   I didn't cause so much trouble after that."  -
William Aatu the Overseer, Student Council President

Game Information






The Student Council

Student Council President The Overseer
William Aatu

William is a serious minded student and is in his 6th year. He was voted Student Council President after last year when he was the Protector. William is not what one would call anti social but his seriousness does sometimes make him a bit uncomfortable to be around

Student Council
Vice President
The Taskmaster
Shelly Ursula

Enthusiastic and outgoing.

Head of Security
The Protector
Macie Graziella


The Archivist
Vasu Nivan


Grounds Keeper
General Maintenance
The Custodian
Honoratus Bogomir


School Nurse
The Healer
Serena Ayesha


Extra Curricular
Actives Organizer
The Elate
Bilal Micheal