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Perfect Dark: Dialogue Script

Written by Kudrun: 2001-08-22
Edited by Wedge009: 2002-12-10

What is Perfect Dark’s “Dialogue script”?
I have personally transcribed Perfect Dark’s entire dialogue. From the dialogue in every cinematic to the ‘in level’ speech. From the start of the Carrington Institute tour, to the final “Special Assignments”, every single word is here, listed in order.

Why have I produced this?
The basic idea, is to allow people the chance to use my very detailed information to:

The information contained on this page has taken many hours of hard work to achieve. Not only did I have to play through the entire game recording every single speech and comment, I then had to write all of that down and type it up in HTML (the page which you are currently reading). And although it has taken a long time to produce, I have enjoyed every minute of it. Replaying every single level again (sometimes more than once) gave me the opportunity to explore it further. There were parts I didn’t remember at all. I’ve enjoyed it, and I hope you can enjoy it as much.

The basic layout to the transcription is quite simple. The name of the level is written within borders in big bold letters. Sub-headings (such as “Intro Cinematic”) will be in slightly smaller borders and will mark out the relevant points within the level script they appear. Each character’s speech is coloured as in the game to help in reading, and everything is in order.

Perfect Dark also boasts a total of 307 sentences or comments that the guards say throughout the entire game. I have transcribed these, and they can be found separately.

Throughout the game, Joanna sometimes answers to communications (directions or help) by use of some very simple words: “Received”, “Understood”, “Confirmed” etc. Although I have included Joanna’s ‘in level’ answers, they may not be the ones you hear when you play the level through yourself. Her answers are random, so you can never be too sure as to what she says.

If there is anything that I have missed (and I’m sure I’ve missed at least one thing), then please e-mail me. The more help the better.

If you would like to use this information (personal or otherwise) then please do so. All that I ask is that you use it in full, which credits me (Kudrun) for the hard work I put in to transcribe the entire dialogue.

If you have any suggestions on future projects (on a similar scale perhaps) then please get in contact with me. I’m always open to suggestions and I’m always here to help. I really enjoyed transcribing this, and I hope it’s useful to everyone. If you want to read it as a story, use it to gather information, work out any differentiating story lines or to read it just for fun, the choice is up to you. This information is here, you can do what you want with it.

Thank you for your time.

Kudrun: “Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power.”


Joanna Dark
Daniel Carrington
CI Personnel
Cassandra de Vries
dataDyne Personnel
Dr Caroll
Mr Blonde
Trent Easton
Aelphaeis “Elvis” Mangarae
US President


Carrington Institute: Introduction
Carrington Institute: Training
dataDyne Central: Defection
dataDyne Research: Investigation
dataDyne Central: Extraction
Carrington Villa: Hostage One
Chicago: Stealth
G5 Building: Reconnaissance
Area 51: Infiltration
Area 51: Rescue
Area 51: Escape
Air Base: Espionage
Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism
Crash Site: Confrontation
Pelagic II: Exploration
Deep Sea: Nullify Threat
Carrington Institute: Defence
Attack Ship: Covert Assault
Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine
End Credits
Mr Blonde’s Revenge
Maian SOS

Carrington Institute: Introduction

Joanna, it’s good to see you. Come with me. I’ll walk you round the training rooms.
The information centre is through this door.
In here we have the device lab. Hello.
This leads to the simulant training centre.
This is the firing range, Jo.
This corridor leads down to the hangar.
Okay, Jo, I’ll leave you to prepare for the mission.

Carrington Institute: Training

CI Personnel

Carrington’s Office

Carrington: Hello, Joanna.
Joanna: Hello.
We’re all very proud of you Jo.
Please don’t do that Joanna, it worries me.
I’m a little busy at the moment Agent Dark.

Information Centre

Grimshaw: Hi there. Welcome to Hacker Central.
Joanna: Hey.
Know your enemy. That’s what I always say.
You want a criminal record? I can do that.
Find out as much as you can Joanna. There’s a gap in my record.
Bug off, or I’ll trash your security clearance.
If you have any info, let me know. I’m all ears.

Lab Technician:
Hi, Jo.

Joanna: Hello.
Lab Technician: Don’t you have to be somewhere?

Device Lab

Lab Technician (female): Hi there.
Joanna: Hi.
Lab Technician (female):
Come to see me for some training?
Foster was looking for you. He’s in the firing range.
I just don’t have the patients for this.
Practice makes perfect.
(When training mission completed)

Lab Technician (male): Hi there.
Joanna: Hi ya.
Lab Technician (male): Don’t you have to be somewhere?

Device Training: Disguise

Joanna: I’m here to pick up the equipment.
Grimshaw: Here you go. Don’t drop it now.
Grimshaw: Go away, Joanna. You’re not fooling anybody!

Device Training: Cloaking Device

Joanna, where did you spring from?
I think we can safely say your training is now complete.

Carrington: You’ll have to do better than that, Joanna.

Holo Training Room

Lab Technician: Hi, what can I do for you?
Joanna: Hi ya.
Lab Technician:
Some last minute training, huh?
It’s really sweet of you to be so irritating.
Don’t you have a life? Stupid question, I suppose.

Firing Range

Foster: Ah, our star agent.
Joanna: Hi.
I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what to shoot at.
I’ve zeroed the sights, the rest is up to you.
I’m expecting a good show. Don’t let me down.
Just leave me alone, would you?

Lab Technician:
How’s it going?

Joanna: Hey.
Lab Technician: Don’t you have to be somewhere?


Lab Technician: What do you want?
Joanna: Hi.
Lab Technician:
I just cleaned up, so don’t make a mess.
I’m surprised you’ve lived this long.

dataDyne Central: Defection

Intro Cinematic: Enter the Dark

Joanna: Why the big hurry?
Carrington: If Dr Caroll is not extracted tonight, dataDyne will put him through mind conditioning, and we’ll lose our best chance of finding out what dataDyne are up to.
Joanna: Are they all expendable?
Carrington: Don’t joke! You have to be careful, Joanna. Code keys will only work while the owner is alive… if you kill them, the key is useless. Armed guards are a different matter of course.
Joanna: What’s the target location?
Carrington: Work your way down the building to the ground level. Dr Caroll will be in a research lab somewhere in the underground facility.
Joanna: How will I recognise him?
Carrington: We don’t have an image record, and we can’t find any official files. All we have is the name. Good luck, Perfect Dark.

In Level

Carrington: We’re getting a positive reading - the internal comms hub is nearby.
Joanna: Understood.

Carrington: You’re on the same floor as Cassandra’s office.
Joanna: Confirmed.

Cassandra’s Office

Cassandra: Who are you, and what are you doing here?
Secretary: Look out, she’s got a gun!

You won’t shoot me, foolish child!
Don’t you know who I am?
Let’s see how you deal with security.
You will regret this intrusion, girl.
How dare you disturb me!
If I were you, I’d leave… NOW!

Don’t shoot!
Please don’t kill me.

dataDyne Worker: Yes, yes, I agree. Personality is expendable in this case. No, I can start the process from my office terminal and delete the necessary files at the same time. I’ll begin at once. Goodbye.

dataDyne Worker:
Help - Intruder!
Security… help me!

I’ve got a password problem, and you’re the man to help me with it.
Move it!

dataDyne Worker: Don’t shoot, don’t shoot!

dataDyne Worker:
You vandal, you’ve broken it!
(If computer destroyed)
I… I’m logging on now.
Right, I’m in…
Goodbye, Dr Caroll.

Joanna: The other hub has got to be in the security room.

Carrington: The basement elevator must be around there somewhere.
Joanna: Received.

Outro Cinematic: Quick Descent

No dialogue

dataDyne Research: Investigation

Intro Cinematic: Going Down

dataDyne Trooper:

In Level

Carrington: Get out, Jo! The levels are too high. Use the CamSpy.

Grimshaw: Reprogram that cleaning bot - it’ll give you a way in.
Joanna: Received.

Joanna: Something around here’s using a lot of power.

Lab Technician: What are you doing in my lab?
Joanna: Shut down the experiment.
Lab Technician:
I’ll shut it down.
My experiments!

Lab Technician:
Try it now.
And again.
Any better?

dataDyne Trooper:
I’m not sure.
Take that!
I dunno.
Come on!

Lab Technician: Oh, oh no! She’s got a gun!

Lab Technician: I haven’t seen you before…
Joanna: Pull the plug on it, NOW!
Lab Technician:
Please, just don’t hurt me.
There, the experiment is down.

Lab Technician: Who the hell are you?
Joanna: Switch this thing off!
Lab Technician:
Allow me to assist you.
Accidents will happen.
Leave this area, NOW!
Stop shooting!

Carrington: That’s the highest security sector - Dr Caroll has to be nearby.
Joanna: Understood.

Outro Cinematic: Meet the Doctor

Joanna: Dr Caroll? Dr Caroll, are you here?
Dr Caroll: Well, is it safe to come out?
Joanna: Yes, all clear. Wha… what? You’re…?
Dr Caroll: Very professionally done, my dear, but there’s no time to waste! We must leave immediately! Come on. I have vital information, and you must protect me.

dataDyne Central: Extraction

Intro Cinematic: Lights Out!

dataDyne Trooper: Unhh… Sound the alarm, she’s here!
Joanna: Lights out!
Dr Caroll: Oh!
dataDyne Trooper: Unnhh…
Joanna: What the…?

In Level

Carrington: They’ve locked down the ground floor - get to the elevator!
Joanna: Confirmed.

Dr Caroll:
Do you actually know what you’re doing?
Protect me!
This is it.
I can’t make it.
I’m dying.

dataDyne Hovercopter: Surrender or die, fugitive!
Carrington: That ’copter needs to be taken out, or the jumpship’ll be shot down.
Joanna: Received.

dataDyne Worker 1: That’s not how it goes.
dataDyne Worker 2: Yes it is…
dataDyne Worker 1: Give it to me, you’re doing it wrong.
dataDyne Worker 2: Stop annoying me.
dataDyne Trooper: Will you just hurry up!
dataDyne Worker 1: Oh no! We’re too late.
dataDyne Worker 2: She’s here!

We meet again, girl!
You’ve become quite an annoyance.
Get her!
(If Joanna attacks early)
Good night, Miss Dark!

Joanna: I can’t leave any bodyguards standing.

Carrington: Don’t keep the jumpship waiting. Get back to the landing pad!

Outro Cinematic: Going Somewhere?

Cassandra: Going somewhere?
Joanna: Something I can do for you, old woman?
Cassandra Return our sapient immediately. You don’t know what you are doing.
Joanna: Yes I do… I’m leaving.
Cassandra: One more chance. Give it back… and you could come and work for me.
Joanna: Sorry, gotta shoot.

Mr Blonde: You must get the sapient back. We can not proceed without it.
Cassandra: I know that! I also know who to talk to… Mr Carrington.

Carrington Villa: Hostage One

Intro Cinematic: Negotiate This!

Joanna: Agent Dark Mission Log, 1846 hours. Last night we got a call from Cassandra de Vries. A dataDyne team has taken Daniel Carrington hostage at his private villa on the coast, and they say they will spare his life in exchange for the AI. Unfortunately we don’t have it. Daniel and Dr Caroll were at the villa to discuss ‘matters of mutual interest’. It looks like Daniel found a way to hide Dr Caroll inside the villa when the dataDyne hit squad arrived. Hopefully, our phoney negotiator ploy will give me a chance to surprise the dataDyne squad. This time, it’s not just my life on the line.

In Level

Joanna: I’ve got to be quick, or they’ll kill the negotiator!

Joanna: If I get the wind generator back online, I’ll get power to the lower basement.

Grimshaw: Joanna, it’s Grimshaw. We’ve got hackers at the villa! You’ve got to stop them before they get to our files.
Joanna: Those hackers have got to be stopped, before I rescue Daniel.

Joanna: Here’s where they must be holding Daniel.

Carrington: Act your age, Joanna. (If all bottles in the cellar are destroyed)

Outro Cinematic: Carrington Rescued

Joanna: Sir! Are you injured?
Carrington: No, Joanna, I’m okay, but those dataDyne thugs made me tell them where I’d hidden Dr Caroll. If only I’d held out for a few minutes more…
Joanna: It’s not your fault, sir. I should have been quicker.
Carrington: Don’t blame yourself, Joanna. Dr Caroll told me that he expected this to happen. Actually, when they recaptured him, the dataDyne team got overconfident and let slip a few facts when they thought I was unconscious. They mentioned a meeting in the G5 building in Chicago, Illinois, tonight. I want you to be there, but that doesn’t leave you a lot of time to get ready.
Joanna: That won’t be a problem, sir. So, did Dr Caroll have any useful information for you?
Carrington: Oh yes, indeed. He certainly did, and I’ll brief you when you’re en route to Chicago. We might still be able to help him, even after those butchers remove his personality. He thinks they’ll keep a copy of it in a safe place. It’s about time I called in some friends to deal with dataDyne.

Chicago: Stealth

Intro Cinematic: Dark Alley

Carrington: We suspect the G5 corporation is just a front for dataDyne and whoever else is involved in this plot. I know Cassandra de Vries is going to be here, but I need to know who else is attending and what they discuss. By the time you get out, the help I requested should have arrived.
Joanna: Just who is this help you keep referring to?
Carrington: Not now, Joanna, time for radio silence. Good luck!
Joanna: Thanks a lot.

In Level

Civilian: Greetings, citizen.

FBI Agent:
How’s it going?
Base, we have an intruder!

CIA and FBI - Communications: Attention all personnel. Locate and apprehend fugitive.

CIA Agent: Guns don’t scare me.

G5 Patrol Robot:
Stop where you are!
Attack, attack!

Carrington: The only place we could secure the equipment was a storm drain.
Joanna: Received.

Grimshaw: Reprogram that taxi - it’s a Mark 2 and should be compatible.
Joanna: Understood.

Civilian 1: I don’t want any trouble.

Civilian 2: Here… take the wallet.

Joanna: Either of those blocked-up doors will do as an escape route.

G5 Guards:
What the hell was that?
What a mess.
I never liked that robot anyway.
The boss ain’t going to be pleased.
We can always get another one.

Carrington: The car park lift is your only point of ingress.
Joanna: Affirmative.

Outro Cinematic: G5 Penetrated

No dialogue

G5 Building: Reconnaissance

Intro Cinematic: Guns ’n’ Poses

No dialogue

In Level

Joanna: There’s no way through while those lasers are active.

Joanna: That must be the meeting room up ahead. Time to use the CamSpy.

Special Cinematic: Conspiracy

Cassandra: We’ve recovered the sapient from Carrington and altered its programming. It no longer has a personality, so there will be no further incidents.
Mr Blonde: This will reduce its efficiency. My team will have to take it to the core themselves. This will endanger them. You should have anticipated that the sapient might develop a troublesome moral code.
Cassandra: No one could have predicted that! And I resent being singled out for blame! What about him?
Mr Blonde: The President turned down your request for the loan of the Pelagic II? Could it be you underestimated your influence over him?
Trent: No! Perhaps I underestimated his resolve. We have a contingency plan ready to go, and we will move as soon as the Presidential entourage arrives at the air base. All I need from the President is a tissue sample.
Cassandra: Ha! Assuming you don’t get any interference. If Carrington has pieced together enough of this, he will have called for reinforcements.
Trent: There will be no outside help for Mr Carrington. The technology you gave us is installed in Nevada and fully operational. We can intercept any craft they use.
Mr Blonde: Then the devices we gave you are working correctly? Good, because we believe anything which does not work correctly should be destroyed. Consider that as you follow your ‘backup plans’.

Grimshaw: The safe’s heavily encrypted. The decoder’s gonna take a little longer.
Joanna: Understood.

G5 Loudspeaker: INTRUDER ALERT - all security to the vault.

Joanna: Time to leave! Let’s get to the door I set up earlier.

Outro Cinematic: Fire Escape

Joanna: Agent Dark reporting in! Prepare to receive a download of the meeting data. Priority request for an Institute Support Team to protect the President before he goes to Alaska.
Carrington: No time for that now, Agent Dark. There’s been a development during radio silence. The craft those ‘friends’ I was talking about was shot down over Nevada. The weapon responsible was fired from Area 51… that’s were the survivors and debris will have been taken. You’re to prep for immediate dispatch when you return here. Carrington out.
Joanna: Area 51? But what about the President?

Area 51: Infiltration

Intro Cinematic: Video Nasty

Carrington: Okay, Joanna, take a look at this. Our operative inside Area 51 was able to get this out to us. This is your entry point… a deserted helipad on the edge of the base. The lift down to the hangars and the rendezvous point is beyond that wall… watch out for these guards. Here is the communication antenna. Attach a comms rider bug so we can talk to you when you’re inside the base. Again, watch out for hostiles.

Joanna: Oh my…!
Carrington: Here is our friend. He appears to be physically unhurt, though he hasn’t regained consciousness yet. By the look of it, the surgeons are almost done with their preliminary tests and will begin dissection soon.
Joanna: But who was…?
Carrington: Any questions? No. Good. Away you go to the hangar.

Joanna: Agent Dark Mission Log, 1028 hours. Against my better judgement, I’m about to enter Area 51.

In Level

Joanna: There’s the antenna, but… I can’t throw a bug that high!

Jonathan: Careful with that trigger finger, Agent Dark - you’re closing in on my position.
Joanna: Confirmed.

Outro Cinematic: Loose Ends

Jonathan: Agent Dark, over here.
Joanna: There you are, I was beginning to wonder if…
Jonathan: If what?
Joanna: If you’d been discovered yet. And frankly, if this is how you work, I’m amazed that you lasted longer than five minutes.
Jonathan: I was tidying up one of your loose ends.
Joanna: My loose ends?
Jonathan: I’m sorry, I didn’t realise that you wanted him to shoot you. I can call in some more guards if you like.
Joanna: Okay, okay, forget about it. I’m going to let the Institute know we’ve made contact.

Area 51: Rescue

Intro Cinematic: Pearls of Wisdom

Jonathan: The problem you have is that there is no way to sneak into the research section. The only way in available to you is a weak section of wall I’ve marked in a room beyond the stores. It can be destroyed with explosives.
Joanna: Doesn’t sound like a problem to me. Where are these explosives?
Jonathan: In that crate.
Joanna: Cute. Very cute.
Jonathan: By the way, the stores are crawling with guards. It may go against your nature, but try sneaking through rather than blasting everything.
Joanna: Certainly. Any other pearls of wisdom?
Jonathan: That crate…
Joanna: Yes?
Jonathan: It really doesn’t like being shot.
Joanna: Great. Now if I can just fight the urge to report him to base security…

In Level

Area 51 Intercom:
Dr Francis, please phone autopsy.
Dr Lovering, please go to Cryo Lab A.
Lieutenant Deal, report to Bio Analysis.
Captain Santiago, go to Medical Bay 6.
Nurse Robinson, report to Containment.

Note: All of these individuals are/were members of the band “The Pixies”.

Lab Technicians:
Leave this area, NOW!
Warn the others…
It’s a spy.

Carrington: The temperature is dropping… you must be close to the cryo room.
Joanna: Received.

Joanna: The showers… Now, if I can convince someone to part with their uniform.

Lab Technician: Who are you?
Oh my - a gun!
Help - help!
There is an intruder in the complex!

Joanna: I don’t have much time.

Area 51 Guards:
Hi there.
How’s things?
Hi, how are you?
Hey, what’s up?

Hi ya.

Joanna: The air’s heavily recycled around here - must be near the autopsy lab.

Area 51 Guard: So, you got here at last. Everyone’s been waiting for you…

Lab Technician: Hey, that’s not Harry. It’s an intruder!

Carrington: There he is, Jo! Hurry, or you’ll be too late.

Outro Cinematic: Under the Knife

Joanna: Put your hands up and step away from the alien. Don’t make me tell you again, Doctor. And turn that laser off.

Area 51: Escape

Intro Cinematic: Gas!

Lab Technician: What the hell do you think you’re doing? This is supposed to be a sealed room! Don’t you know anything about autopsy procedures?
Joanna: I don’t care much for procedures!
Lab Technician: Director Easton will hear about this, young lady. You can’t take that! It’s government property! This is intolerable! It’s… it’s… unprofessional!
Let’s see how that overconfident thief deals with our gas defence system. She’ll think twice before messing with me again!

Joanna: What’s that noise? Can’t be… gas!
Lab Technician: No, that wasn’t meant to happen! <cough, choke, splutter>
Joanna: You idiot! We’d better get out of here.

In Level

Jonathan: Joanna - this is Jonathan. You’re in grave danger. They’ve flooded the area with nerve gas. Get out friend to the containment lab, there’s a hiding place there. I’ll contact you when you get there - good luck!
Joanna: Received.

Area 51 Intercom:
Dr Francis, please phone autopsy.
Dr Lovering, please go to Cryo Lab A.
Lieutenant Deal, report to Bio Analysis.
Captain Santiago, go to Medical Bay 6.
Nurse Robinson, report to Containment.

Note: All of these individuals are/were members of the band “The Pixies”.

Jonathan: Good work, Jo. We need to meet up. They’re getting suspicious of me. Use the maintenance hatch I’ve opened in one of the containment labs. Hurry.
Joanna: Affirmative.

Joanna: Time to hook up with Jonathan, before he gets into any more trouble.

Joanna: That smell… oil… I smelt that in the other hangars.

Joanna: The medpack’s got to be somewhere around here.

Jonathan: Joanna - over here. We need to get back to our friend.

Right, we’re near. Cover me, Jo…
Damn it, Joanna, cover me!
Okay - stand back.
Okay, Jo - let’s go.

Special Cinematic: Elvis Wakes Up

Elvis: ***aahh…! aahaa…! aaaaahhh! aha. ahh.***
I’m alive! I thought I’d be chopped up like the other by now. You’re from the Institute, aren’t you? I recognise you from before. You helped me. Thank you.

Joanna: You… you speak our language?
Jonathan: Watch her… she’s sharp.
Elvis: Earrggghh… eerggh…
Joanna: What’s wrong?
Elvis: I have a headache, and with a head this big, that’s no joke.
Joanna: Can you walk? We must leave before they get organised and hunt us down.
Elvis: I think so. What’s your name?
Joanna: I’m Agent Dark. Or Joanna, if you prefer.
Elvis: Well, Joanna, I’m Protector One. But you can call me… Elvis.

Elvis: Oh, no! We have a problem. It’s a single seater! Two can get in but no more.
Joanna: It’s the only way out of here.
Elvis: Plus it’s got no style, you know what I’m saying?
Joanna: You’re the only one who can fly it, Elvis, so get in.
Jonathan: One of us will have to stay behind and open the hangar doors.
Joanna: But we can’t leave you behind. There must be a way out of here.
Jonathan: I’ll get out on that hoverbike. Now cover me while I open the doors.

Joanna: Jonathan, go with Elvis. I’ll see to the consoles.

Joanna: The jetbike should get me out before they lock the base down.

Outro Cinematic: Escape

No dialogue

Air Base: Espionage

Intro Cinematic: High Altitude

Joanna: Agent Dark in position. I can see the main entrance to the base, and I can just make out the cable car arrival point.
Carrington: Excellent, Joanna. That cable car is your way in. Our observer at the lower terminus has spotted a member of the flight crew boarding a minute ago. She is being escorted by Air Base troops. I don’t have to remind you that…
Joanna: That they’re probably innocent of any involvement in Trent’s little scheme. I can’t shoot at them, even if they shoot at me. What about the NSA agents?
Carrington: I don’t know how far the conspiracy has spread through the NSA, but I’m willing to bet that the men Trent has around him here are loyal to him and his plans. You have to get the evidence of Trent’s betrayal onto Air Force One and show it to the president.
Joanna: Yes, and protect him from his abductors. Do you have any idea what Trent’s plan might be yet? And what about those blond guys?
Carrington: Only vague suspicions, and I won’t distract you with those. Good luck, Carrington out.

In Level

Carrington: Now’s your chance. Grab the stewardess’s bag and get her uniform.
Joanna: Understood.

Look out - it’s an intruder!
I’ll go get some help.

Air Base Worker:
Hey, you - this is a restricted area.
(No disguise worn)
Are you new around here?
Hey - give me back my case.

Air Base Worker: You get security - I’ll deal with her…

Carrington: Use that case to conceal your equipment.
Joanna: Confirmed.

Receptionist: Good afternoon.
Joanna: Hey.
Receptionist: OK, you know the way from here.

Oh my…!
Right, I’m calling security.

Alaskan Guards:
Hi there.
How’s things?
Hi, how are you?
Hey, what’s up?

Hi ya.

Carrington: The case will get stopped unless you do something.
Joanna: Affirmative.

NSA Lackeys:
You shouldn’t have come here, girl!
We’re taking over!

Steward: I don’t want any trouble.

Air Base Worker:
Come back later, I’m busy.
Look, I… can’t… help you.
Stop them - they’re breaking into the safe…

Joanna: So that’s Air Force One? Huh, smaller than I thought.

Outro Cinematic: Take Off

No dialogue

Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism

Intro Cinematic: Last Chance

Trent: Have you thought any more about that proposal I gave you, sir?
President: My answer remains the same… I’m sorry Trent, but no. I won’t loan the Pelagic II to dataDyne. Now please, can we move on to other matters?
Trent: But this is a golden opportunity to show that America has faith in its industries, and will back them…
President: Damn it man! I say no and I mean no! I’m not gonna change my mind on this! I need my advisers to be unbiased, and recently you’ve not been giving me impartiality I require. Let it go, and we’ll say no more. This is your last chance.
Trent: As you wish, sir.
My last chance? Ha! You fool, that was yours.

In Level

Joanna: Now, let’s retrieve the evidence.

Presidential Security:
Hi there.
How’s things?
Hi, how are you?
Hey, what’s up?

Hi ya.

Presidential Security:
Where did you get that?
What are you doing with that gun?
What are you doing with that weapon?
Get permission for that!
Hey, that’s dangerous!
Watch where you’re pointing that!
Get that firearm approved, NOW!
Hey, watch what you’re doing with that!
Watch it! That thing could go off!
Stop right there!
Put your hands up!
You’re under arrest!

Steward: Hey, that’s not…
Stewardess: Look out! It’s an intruder!

Carrington: The President’s room is on this level, Joanna.
Joanna: Confirmed.

President: Who are you, young lady?
Joanna: Mr President, you’re in danger. Trent is trying to kidnap you.
President: You can’t make accusations like that without evidence. I assume that you have some.
Joanna: This is a recording of a meeting between Trent and the other conspirators.
President: Seems overwhelming… I’m in your hands. What do we do now?

President: Security! SECURITY!! (If Joanna leaves too early or fails to produce evidence)

Special Cinematic: Docking

No dialogue

President: What the hell was that?
Joanna: We have to get you to the escape pod. Follow me.

Are you sure this is the way to the escape pod?
Why are they shooting at me?
I’ve been hit.
I don’t believe this is happening.

How the hell did you get on board?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Joanna: Maybe a mine will detach the UFO.

Carrington: Something is wrong… you have to get to the cockpit!
Joanna: Confirmed.

Outro Cinematic: Out of Options!

Joanna: Elvis! Elvis! I can’t detach that tube from the fuselage! Can you take it out?
Piece of cake, Joanna. Watch this!

Joanna: Watch what? Will you stop playing around and shoot!
Elvis: Out of options… Joanna, brace yourself for impact!

Crash Site: Confrontation

Intro Cinematic: Red Horizons

Joanna: Ahhh… uuhhh…
Carrington: Agent Dark! Please report!
Joanna: Ahhh… uhh… owww…
Carrington: Perfect Dark! Come in!
Joanna: A-Agent Dark reporting in…
Carrington: Agent Dark! Please reply!
Joanna: Something’s jamming my transmissions… it’s coming from that other craft. I’d better find the jamming device and check that Elvis is okay. Not forgetting the President, of course.

In Level

Joanna: Elvis… He’ll be able to protect the President.

Elvis gives Joanna a proximity mine upon meeting if no mission objectives have been completed.
Elvis: Take this, you should find it useful!

Joanna: There’s the escape pod.

Joanna: The jamming… it’s coming from that ship.

Trent: You’ll never save him now!

Outro Cinematic: Blonde Freak

Joanna: How are you feeling, Mr President?
President: Better now, young lady. Today, I think, will take a while for me to get over. I can’t believe Easton would do such a thing. I knew he was ambitious, yes, but this…
Joanna: Just one thing, sir… what is the Pelagic II that Trent wanted so badly?
Elvis: (Hee, hee!)
President: It’s a US Government Deep Sea Research Vessel, one of a kind… the only ship that can conduct a full-scale diving operation at extreme depth. Trent wanted me to loan it to the dataDyne corporation, but I refused.
Joanna: Trent has a lot to answer for, but I don’t think we’ll find him now.

Mr Blonde: You have failed, Easton. You are a flawed device and we need you no longer.
Trent: Just try it, you Scandinavian freak!

Pelagic II: Exploration

Intro Cinematic: Sneak on Board

Elvis: Urrgh… Hee, hee, hee, hee… uuagh…

In Level

Elvis: You go on ahead, Jo. I’ll secure the perimeter. We’ll meet up later.

Joanna: They’ll be unable to conduct operations without any power.

Joanna: Without the autopilot and the GPS, the ship will wander off station. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Joanna: Pull the plug on that, now.
Pelagic II Pilot 1: Please, just don’t hurt me.
Pelagic II Pilot 2: Die, you traitors.

Joanna: Switch this thing off.
Pelagic II Pilot 1: I’ll shut it down now.

Pelagic II Pilots:
You win, I surrender.
Please, don’t shoot me.
I give up!
I don’t like this anymore!
You win, I give up!
Don’t hurt me!
Please don’t!
I’m just doing my job.

Joanna: This must be where the sub’s controlled from.

Elvis: Joanna… what took you so long? Follow me - let’s get out of this old tub.

Elvis (attacking cries):
Eat hard death, weirdos!
I’m bad!
I’ll kick your ass!
In the name of intergalactic peace!
Kiss my alien butt!
Don’t mess with the Maians!
It’s all going wrong!
I’m doing this for your own good!
You dare shoot at me?
Hee, hee!

Outro Cinematic: Descent into the Depths

Elvis: Right. The diving operation has been disrupted on the surface. Time for a swim.
Joanna: I hope the government don’t want to use the ship any time soon.
Elvis: Do you think we were a little heavy-handed?
Joanna and Elvis: Naaahhhh.

Deep Sea: Nullify Threat

Intro Cinematic: Deeper Inside…

Elvis: This doesn’t seem normal. No one’s around.
Joanna: No sign of conflict. No spent ammo cases or bullet holes.
Elvis: But there ought to be a rear guard at least. It makes no sense.
Joanna: There has to be someone further inside. Cover me.

In Level

Elvis (attacking cries):
Eat hard death, weirdos!
I’m bad!
I’ll kick your ass!
In the name of intergalactic peace!
Kiss my alien butt!
Don’t mess with the Maians!
It’s all going wrong!
I’m doing this for your own good!
You dare shoot at me?
Hee, hee!

Time to reactivate those teleportals.
Hee, hee!
This will help us to get around the ship quicker.

Elvis: Here, take this gun and keep the Skedar off my back while I’m working.

It looks like this could benefit from a little bit of sabotage.
Hee, hee!

Elvis: There’s Dr Caroll. Let’s see if we can reverse what was done to him.

Special Cinematic: Virus!

Joanna: Here goes. I just hope dataDyne haven’t done anything to prevent this…
Dr Caroll: Virus detected!
Joanna: Me and my big mouth.
Dr Caroll:
Commencing countermeasures… Commenc…
*** ooOOoh! *** eeEEe! *** aaAhh! oOOoh! *** aAArgghh! *** YEEeeooOOOOOOowWWwlll! ***

Joanna: Dr Caroll? Are you in control again? Can you stop the program?
Dr Caroll: Yes, I’m back again, my dear. But the program has run for too long for me to prevent it from completing. There is only one way out now.
Joanna: What do you mean?
Dr Caroll: When the program has run, I will have control of a vastly powerful weapon. It can not be allowed to exist. So I must destroy the Cetan and, unfortunately, myself along with it. I’m sorry, Joanna… there is no other way, and no time to discuss this. Go now - avoid the Skedar and you will have time to escape. It has been an honour to work with you. Goodbye, Joanna Dark.

Elvis: We have to get out of here!

Outro Cinematic: Pulling Out

No dialogue

Carrington Institute: Defence

Intro Cinematic: Victory Salute

Carrington: All ready, Joanna? We can’t keep the Maian delegation waiting. Or the President, of course.
Joanna: Am I ready? What do you mean? I was ready half and hour ago. It was you holding us up.
Carrington: But you know how it is, Joanna… I had to make sure my hair was just right, and then there was the suit…
Joanna: They should keep you away from mirrors. Nervous?
Carrington: Very. I’ve waited for this moment for so many years. Contact, friendly contact between Humans and Maians is what the Institute was founded for. And in a few minutes we’ll be at the White House, and it will finally happen…
Where did that come from?

Joanna: It was up on ground level…
CI Soldier: Hey!
Joanna: Looks like someone doesn’t know when to quit. We’ve got to get everyone out!

In Level

Carrington: Joanna - we’re under attack. Get the guns back on line - hurry.
Joanna: The auto-defences will really help me out.

Carrington: The Skedar have taken hostages. Get up to the offices and save them.
Joanna: Understood. I’ll have to go carefully… the hostages are counting on me.

Holo Training Room

Lab Technician: Quick! Let’s get to the hangar… and thanks.

Device Lab

Lab Technician (female): Thanks for coming back for me, Joanna.
Lab Technician (male): Thanks, Jo.

Information Centre

Grimshaw: That was too close, I nearly had to take them out myself.
Lab Technician: Thanks.

Firing Range

Foster: I knew I could count on you, Joanna.
Lab Technician: Thanks, Jo.

Carrington: They’re using a new form of shield technology. Foster was working on a new weapon which may be useful.
Joanna: Affirmative.

Joanna: So this is what Foster was working on.

Carrington: Damn it… my office… if they get access… Get there first, Jo, and destroy the files.
Joanna: Confirmed.

Carrington: Things are desperate. They’ve planted a bomb. Find it and get it out of the building.
Joanna: Understood.

Carrington: Well done, Joanna. We’re nearly clear… The last drop ship is waiting for you. Hurry.
Joanna: Affirmative.

Outro Cinematic: Dash for Freedom

Joanna: Get clear! I’ll hold them off… you can come back and get me later! At least, I hope you can. Eeehh, eeehhh!

Attack Ship: Covert Assault

Intro Cinematic: Snatched!

Joanna: Oohhh… I’d better not be where I think I am.
Cassandra: And it’s worse than that, my dear. Just look who you’ve got for company.
Joanna: You! I thought you’d managed to escape. We found no trace of you at all.
Cassandra: You couldn’t find me. But there was no hiding from the Skedar, as you and Mr Carrington just discovered. This is it. Wait there. I’ll make a distraction, it will give you a chance to get out. Use it, or we’ll both die.
Joanna: Why are you doing this, Cassandra?
Cassandra: The Skedar used me, Joanna. You are my best chance for revenge.

In Level

Cassandra: Eeeeaaarrrrggghhh!
Elvis: Outside, Joanna. Get the shields down and we can help you.
Joanna: I’ve got to get those shields down to let Elvis in. I need all the help I can get.

Joanna: Now only the hangar bay doors are in my way.

Elvis: You’ve got to open the hangar doors so we can dock.

Elvis: Good to see you, Joanna. Take this - you should find it useful…

Elvis (attacking cries):
Eat hard death, weirdos!
I’m bad!
I’ll kick your ass!
In the name of intergalactic peace!
Kiss my alien butt!
Don’t mess with the Maians!
It’s all going wrong!
I’m doing this for your own good!
You dare shoot at me?
Hee, hee!

Elvis: Time to head upwards. I’ll take this lift, you take the other one.

Joanna: This machine contains the Skedar star maps.
Elvis: Time to head upwards…

Elvis: We have to get out of here!

Elvis: You go on ahead, Jo. I’ll secure the perimeter. We’ll meet up later.

Joanna: If we control the bridge, then the ship is ours.

Elvis: Look out, Joanna! I think we’ve made them angry…

Outro Cinematic: Heading for Trouble

Joanna: Wow. That’s the first time I’ve seen another planet from space. It’s beautiful.
Elvis: Hmm? I don’t… I don’t believe it!
Joanna: Elvis? What is it? Where are you going?
Elvis: We have to get down to the surface! Follow me!

Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine

Intro Cinematic: Air of Calm

Elvis: This is the Skedar fanatics’ most holy place. They believe this planet is sacred ground. The Battle Shrine is located at the most holy part of this holy planet.
Joanna: So let me get this straight - it’s holy. But there’s more to it than that, isn’t there?
Elvis: Yes. In all of the time that we Maians fought the Skedar, we never found this place. We knew that until it was destroyed, the war would never be over. We fought the Skedar to a standstill, we earned a ceasefire - but we always had to be on our guard. The destruction of this place would mean a chance at true peace.
Joanna: Then we have to be certain that no fanatics survive. I’ll go in and take out the leader. You’ll have to summon the Maian fleet to level the shrine.
Elvis: If you’re caught on the ground when the fleet gets here, you won’t stand a chance.
Joanna: That’s a mistake I don’t intend to make.

In Level

Joanna: This seem to be one of the special pillars.

Joanna: The power’s more constant in this area. The Inner Sanctum can’t be far away.

Joanna: OH NO!!! A Skedar army in suspended animation!

Joanna: Okay, this is it… cut off the head and the body will perish.

Outro Cinematic: Gotcha!

Oh no!

Elvis: Joanna! Joanna! Where are you? Are you hurt?
Joanna: Elvis! Elvis! Over here.
Elvis: No problem. Grab my arms - we’ll get you out in no time.
Joanna: No, quick! Give me your gun! Will… you… just… let go!
Elvis: I managed to get the fleet to stop bombardment while I looked for you. They’ll start as soon as we’re clear.
Joanna: I’d have got out in time if that one hadn’t grabbed my foot.
Elvis: Of course, Joanna, of course.
Joanna: No, I would have.
Elvis: I believe you.

End Credits

My complete listing of the End Credits

Mr Blonde’s Revenge

Intro Cinematic

No dialogue

In Level

Cassandra: Get the hell out of my office!
Mr Blonde: Go to the helipad if you want to live.
Cassandra: You won’t shoot me, foolish child!

If I were you, I’d leave… NOW!
How dare you disturb me.

Outro Cinematic

No dialogue

Maian SOS

Intro Cinematic

No dialogue

In Level

Area 51 Intercom:
Dr Francis, please phone autopsy.
Dr Lovering, please go to Cryo Lab A.
Lieutenant Deal, report to Bio Analysis.
Captain Santiago, go to Medical Bay 6.
Nurse Robinson, report to Containment.

Note: All of these individuals are/were members of the band “The Pixies”.

Outro Cinematic

Lab Technician: Hey, you!
Elvis: Aeck, ka, ka.
Lab Technician: Grab a body bag.


Intro Cinematic

No dialogue

In Level

No dialogue

Outro Cinematic

Maian Soldiers: Eeeeewwwwwwaaaccckkaaaiieeeekeeee… eeeeh!


No dialogue

The End

So, there you have it. The complete transcribed dialogue of the entire game, Perfect Dark. No where else on the Internet will you find this information, in fact I doubt if anyone else has transcribed this. You are looking at a first.


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