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 × River Pack
 × Cliff Pack
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 × Forest Pack

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 × General Rules
 × Breeding Rules
 × Fighting Rules
 × Character Rules
 × Chat Box Rules
 × Biographies

× The Rules & Why

5.0 You may link to your own site, but please make sure its appropriate.

This means in your name. You can't openly post a link to another site. See where it says email/url? Put it there. If it breaks Proboard's Terms of Service, or whatever host it has, Hayasaka will report you.

5.1 Even though you may link to your site in your name, you may not draw attention to it.

If you draw attention to it like saying "click my name!" then it will be considered advertising. Speaking of advertising, don't send people PMs about the role play. Don't send them emails about it, either. If they don't ask about it, keep it to yourself.

5.2 Do not impersonate someone else.

I had someone do this before. They claimed to be Baby Lyssa, a celebrity. Well, if we find you impersonating people, we know you're just a little kid looking for attention.

5.3. Don't post more than three times in a row.

More than that will be considered spam. Wait for them to reply to you. Sometimes we're busy.