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× Basic

 × Home
 × Light Wolves
 × Dark Wolves
 × Neutral Wolves
 × Disclaimer

× Packs

 × Sun Pack
 × River Pack
 × Cliff Pack
 × Moon Pack
 × Forest Pack

× Dire

 × General Rules
 × Breeding Rules
 × Fighting Rules
 × Character Rules
 × Chat Box Rules
 × Biographies

× What The Bio Is Asking For


The name of your wolf is very important. It normally speaks volumes about your wolf, such as past, future, how they look, their personality, things such as that. If you are lacking in ideas, some name sites are Wolf Names, Lunar Berry, and Behind the Name.


How old is your wolf? Just a pup? Only wolves age 1 and over can be alphas.


Male? Female? Transvestite? Okay, so they can't be a transvestite. Whatever.

Coat Color

What color is your wolf? Gray dappled white? Black? Natural blue? Can't be pink or anything though.

Eye Color

Blind? Blue? Gray? One green, one purple?


This looks like it'd be seriously difficult. But, it's not. Average, small, a little above average, a little below average, things like that.


Light, Dark, or Neutral. The pack is not their alliance. To become part of a pack, you must request to join on the pack's board.


What's in your wolf's past? And seriously, sell them to us. Don't post less than five sentences. We want to know about your wolf. It's not a requirement, but it annoys me.


What are they like? Mean and sinister, nice and happy? What? At least one sentence, please.

Favorite Food

This is just random. You should put ice cream.

Color that you will post with that character in ((hex #s are okay))

You can either use the regular colors on Proboards, or hex colors, which you can view here.