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× Basic

 × Home
 × Light Wolves
 × Dark Wolves
 × Neutral Wolves
 × Disclaimer

× Packs

 × Sun Pack
 × River Pack
 × Cliff Pack
 × Moon Pack
 × Forest Pack

× Dire

 × General Rules
 × Breeding Rules
 × Fighting Rules
 × Character Rules
 × Chat Box Rules
 × Biographies

× The Rules & Why

4.0 Your character must have an assigned font color.

This is to help distinguish one wolf from another, mostly. If you want to use hex codes, W3Schools has a good selection to make it unique. To use hex codes, it is [color=hexcodehere]

4.1 In your signature, it must say:
Wolf Name/ Pack (If they are in one, if not post 'No Pack') / Mate / Anything extra

This is so we know quick information about your wolf. You can also put your hex color here if you think you'll forget what it was.

4.2 You must post that in your wolf's color.

Each of your wolves will have a different color. When you have more than one in the same role play, this makes it easy to tell them apart.

4.3 Wolves may trespass on pack lands, but it is not our fault if something happens to them. Wolves must be at least 1 year of age to be an alpha, and the alpha is who decides what happens to trespassers.

Seriously, can you imagine a pup running a pack? As for trespassers, there will be some, so get over it.

4.4 Your wolf may not kill anything bigger than a doe on its own. Two or more wolves can take down most things within reason, such as a male deer.

Wolves are not huge creatures. Alone, they can't do much. So if you want a larger meal, get more help.

4.5 Wolves must be of average size or a little bigger, not twenty feet tall.

If you have ever seen a twenty foot tall wolf, let me know. Elemental is semi-realistic. Semi.

4.6. Wolves must be in natural colors.

As said before, this is semi realistic. However, you can have a wolf with natural blue, roan, dapple, paint, and other things that are horse-like that you would never see on a real wolf. Eye colors can be whatever color you would like.

4.7 Your wolves will die at 10 years, which is ten months.

Real wolves don't live forever. And it does mean 10 real months.

4.8 The oldest pup that stays with the pack will be Alpha when the alpha passes on. If the Alpha had no pups or they all left, then the one that is left will choose a new Alpha, or the dying Alpha will choose someone.

There is normally an "heir" to the pack, and so if that wolf doesn't die, then they will be the next pack leader, along with whoever their mate ends up being.