Welcome to the site that time forgot

I'm dicking around with a bunch of new Javascript crap, so look around for new stuff. If you win with these lottery numbers you have to split the jackpot with me, remember...your IP addy has been logged :)

Pick numbers
from 1 through

New stuff on the rant page, go check it out!!!

Here's my own version of hell, enjoy:

General asshats
Circle I Limbo

Oakland Raider Fans
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

NAMBLA Members
Circle IV Rolling Weights

DMV Employees, Rednecks
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

PETA Members, Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Qusay Hussein, Saddam Hussein
Circle VII Burning Sands

Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

Uday Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Bill Gates
Circle IX Frozen in Ice


Here's a little something for the kids.STYX RULES!!!!

I guess this is what happens when you piss off your hispanic girlfriend.Funny stuff!!!!

Note: This does have sound but you need flash 6 to see it (the link for the plugin is below) and if you have a slower computer it wont be as smooth.

This is great. Check out this latest poll from MSNBC. I'm telling you, nobody but the media could find a way to survey 101% of the population....now THATS progress.

Holy monkeys!!! Look at that counter fly!!!
Thanks Fans!!!


Please note that all ratings, raving, opinions, snide remarks and belittlings are the personal views of the host of this page and do not necessarily reflect the views of the rest of the world, even though they should. Nothing is meant as a personal attack on any one person nor does the host of this page support any personal attacks that may result from the information gathered from this page, unless of course I have directed a personal attack AT you specifically inwhich case you are most likely and asshole and deserver it. If anybody finds the content of this page offensive, discriminatory or feels that it takes away from someone's personal rights, please e-mail me and the content in question will be reviewed. Just don't hold your breath on me actually changing anything, after all...this is MY site and if it were truelly offensive anglefire would remove it themselves. Writing me might make you feel better but ultimately I'll probally just add your email to the rant page and make fun of you.

The following is for the elite members of the Blam Club only.

Key Value:

And this is a cool salary calculator:

Enter the hourly amount here:
Enter the yearly amount here:


Drop me a line, click here.

This here be der navergation part.

Rant rant rant.....
My pledge to you
Reader mail. Hate and fan.(mostly hate)
About me
Java test page
The Westin Project
Go here for flash player 6
The patch for winXP home users to beat MS Blaster