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Tales of EvenFall


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Campaign Setting
Adventure Journal



Tower of Nature Lore

By Robert Halowell


This adventure should be used with the Lejendary Adventure Roleplaying Game System.  The Tower of Nature Lore could be used to start a new campaign or as a stand-alone adventure in an on-going campaign.  Once cleared out, the tower in the adventure could serve as a base of operations for the Avatars.  There is a magic gate in the tower that can teleport the Avatars one-way to a distant stone ring near a seacoast.  This would make the inclusion of sea-going adventures into the campaign setting a simple task.  A basic description of the Village of Lurkley is provided.  LM’s who want to flesh out the village further will find that a respectable portion of the work has been done for them with the map.  The adventure has a hook built in for a future adventure:  The daughter-heir, Tabatha, will be seeking help to reclaim her castle from the bandits.  Details of Castle Lurkley are not provided in this adventure.

 There is enough treasure in this adventure to allow 3 Avatars and Amavain to get a couple of useful extraordinary items, and enough money to pay for training to get a new Power if they already have an Extraordinary Ability.  



Kim Halowell provided assistance with room descriptions.

This adventure was play-tested by Ed Frank and Jason Hullihen.

Rich Hook provided technical support.

Most of the maps were created with AutoRealm

 Entire adventure Package:
1 file, 685 Kb