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Vol. 5, Issue 1                                                      May 2006


Loretta Molet and her biggest supporter...

by Debbie Garrett




Our featured collector for the current issue of The Black Doll-E-Zine is Loretta Molet, who resides in Denver, CO.  Loretta says, “I am married to a wonderful man who happens to be my high school sweetheart. He is my biggest supporter of anything my heart desires.  He really is amazing. He is also a marathon runner and will run his 113th marathon on 05.21.06 in Delaware.  I go to races with him and he does not have a problem doll hunting with me.   We have 3 grown men and 6 grandbabies.  I managed to get 2 granddaughters out of the 6; oh what a joy they are!”




“I have been collecting Black dolls almost 20 years now.

stopped for little over a year in order to re-group.


“I received my first Black doll as a birthday gift from my son.  She wasn’t the prettiest that I had ever seen, but he was so proud of her.  Soon after, I purchased a roommate for her and then I was hooked!


When asked about the ownership of Black dolls as a child, Loretta replied, “I don’t remember ever playing with any dolls of color.   I didn’t really like any of them anyway.  I was more of a tomboy back in the day!”



Fondly, Loretta remembers “buying my niece her first doll for Christmas one year.  I didn’t have enough money to buy her a Black one; so I got her one that was kind of brown and had black hair.  The doll was huge.   I had to sit her next to me on the bus on the way home and everyone was telling me how pretty she was.  I didn’t think she was that pretty but she was [the] closest I could get to buying a doll of color.


The most enjoyable time I’ve had with my dolls so far was when I was in a Black doll club.  We met once a month at a different member’s home.  It was great seeing their collection as well as how they displayed them.  I loved showing my collection off and I also loved learning from most of the members.  It was great!



About the dolls that she currently collects, Loretta informed, “I’ve never been real particular.  If I liked it and could afford it, I bought it.  I tried going to secondhand stores or flea markets and buying whatever I could find.  However, I found that I did not have the skill nor enough patience to fix the little babies up.  My girlfriend finally took them home and worked miracles on them.  I decided that I needed to save my money and purchase newer ones.”



No one thing really inspires Loretta to buy a doll.  According to her, “I see, I like, I buy.”   Loretta says she does not “have the money nor the room to buy all I want, but I do okay.  I love looking in antique stores when we are out of town visiting or at a marathon.  I have found some of the best deals there.”


“I tried the catalogs and magazines but I [prefer to] see them before buying.  Usually I find them in antique stores, flea markets or doll shows.  Hopefully I will get to the big one this year in Philly.” (The 19th International Black Doll Show and Sale – see the Doll News page of this issue for additional information.) I have my money ready this time.  [The] last time we went, I was just looking.


Loretta says she owns “probably just a little over 200” Black dolls.  I have slowed my buying down because we are thinking about selling our 5-bedroom home and moving into a condo.  One granddaughter loves them about as much as I do; so she will probably end up with a few.


When asked where she displays her 200+ dolls, Loretta replied, “Anywhere and everywhere.  I have a couple of curio cabinets and they are full.  I also have some of the larger dolls holding the smaller ones.  Plus, I have a few pieces of furniture that they can sit or lie on.  I have them around planters, on room divider shelves, and on beds.”


A true doll lover, Loretta says she never leaves the dolls in their boxes.  “ I buy them to enjoy them and I need them out of the boxes to do that.  I don’t even save the boxes anymore. They were taking up space that I could put a doll in.” 



Every collector has a doll wish list, short or long.  Loretta’s is short.  She admitted, “If I could afford a Philip Heath doll, it would be Soledad.  She is simply beautiful.  Mr. Heath has such a knack for details.  I would also like to add a couple of Santa Clauses to my Daddy Long Legs collection.  I know one day it will happen, I just have to be patient.” 



Having been a collector for over 20 years, Loretta feels that she is “pretty seasoned” or knowledgeable about Black dolls.  However, she says, “the 3 ‘W’s… when, where, [and] why,” still exist for her.  She would love to have the time to research more of her dolls and wishes she had started with a log online.


For those just beginning to collect dolls, she would suggest that they “buy what [they] like and can afford.  Please don’t overextend yourself.  If you ‘have’ to have it, save your money; then buy her and enjoy.  I have never charged a doll.  That would start me worrying about paying for her after the fact.”

Brides and various other dolls from Loretta's collection

More dolls from Loretta's collection

A cute senior pair (top) and a Daddy Long Legs grouping (below)

Another doll grouping

Madame Alexander "Sold Out Show" Paris

Franklin Mint's Duke Ellington-inspired "Sophisticated Lady"



On behalf of the readers of The Black Doll E-Zine, I would like to thank Loretta for allowing us to take a glimpse at some of her 200+ dolls and for sharing her collector's profile with us.  It is always nice to hear about supportive husbands as well.  Loretta is truly blessed to have one!


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