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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


We have tried to anticipate most of your questions.  If you have one that is not listed here, send us an e-mail.

  • What is a "zine", or "E-zine" anyway? 
    Zine is short magazine.  An "E-zine" is a zine that is distributed electronically by e-mail or over the Internet. 
  • How long have you been around?
    The first issue was published in February, 2002. 
  • How do I subscribe?
    Currently the subscription to
    The Black Doll-E-Zine is free. If you would like to receive notice of future issues, please send your name and e-mail address to and write "subscribe" in the subject line or text area.
  • How do I contact you?
    E-mail us!
  • Do you accept article submissions?
    Yes, but on a voluntary basis.  You will not receive pay, but you will be given credit for the article.
  • How do I get featured in "Artist in the Spotlight"?
    Send an e-mail to and request a questionnaire.
  • How do I get featured in "Collector in the Spotlight"?
    Send an e-mail to and request a questionnaire.
  • How do I get my website mentioned in The Black Doll-E-Zine? We only mention websites that provide information (directly or indirectly) on new dolls that are featured in The BDE articles.
  • Why won't the pages or pictures load properly using the email link you provided?  
    You may need to view
    The Black Doll-E-Zine from your web browser by opening up either Windows Explorer or Netscape and copying the URL of our index into your browser.
  • What doll publications do you recommend? 
  • For new dolls, DollReader, Dolls the Magazine and Doll Castle News; for older dolls, both of Myla Perkin's books will be useful:  Black Dolls an Identification and Value Guide, 1820-1991, 1993; and Black Dolls an Identification and Value Guide Book II, 1995.  Both of the Perkins books are out of print.  For a more up-to-date doll, reference, The Definitive Guide to Collecting Black Dolls, by Debbie Garrett, 2003, is recommended.  It is the first full-color Black-doll reference book ever published and contains over 400 photos.  If you want to get to know some of the artists of modern Black dolls, you might want to add Black Dolls: Proud, Bold, & Beautiful by Nayda Rondon and  Barbara A. Whiteman, 2004,  to your doll-reference library.

  • Do you know of any doll clubs that focus on collecting Black dolls?  We are only aware of a few.  Here are the names and contact information:   
    • Motor City Doll Club
      17225 Alta Vista Place 
      Southfield, MI 48075
    • Charm City Dolling Club
      2847 Woodbrook Ave.
      Baltimore MD
    • Black Gold Doll Club of New England
      4 Lingard St.
      Dorchester, MA
    • American Black Beauty Doll Club 
      PO Box 5217 
      Oakland. CA 94605-0217.
    • Maryland Society of Doll Collectors
      Contact: Stacia Pate - 410-552-3367
      Jean Henderson - 410-905-4804
      Mailing Address: 787 Sussex Ct, Eldersburg MD 21784
      President: Stacia Pate
      Vice President: Debbie VonHendricks
      Treasurer: Jean Henderson
      Corresponding Secretary: Goldie Wilson
      Recording Secretary: Linda Jackson
      Club Description "Our club is comprised of diversely talented members who wish to share our knowledge and love of dolls. We were acknowledged at the UFDC annual convention that was held in July and we received a hearty "Welcome" at every event that we attended. The previous successes of our individual members with the UFDC have proven that we are ready to take on new challenges. We anxiously look forward to sharing our new dolling experiences with everyone."  Jean Henderson

     (If your club is not listed and you would like for it to be included here, please contact us.)


  • When is the next issue?
    The Black Doll-E-Zine, formerly a quarterly publication, is now published semiannually.  Plans are to convert the e-zine into a less labor-intensive, less lnternet space-occupying format.  There will be at least 2 issues per year and/or updates.
