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> Written Humor









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Let it now be known that Dragon Humor Z has the largest collection of Top Ten lists in the history of Dragonball Z fansites!


Keepers of the Flames Here are the flames people send me, go check them out! It's worth it.

Neko-Sennen's Quotes Just a little something that had to be put up

Top Ten Check out all the weekly top 10 lists you've missed.

Stories My pathetic attempts at funny fanfics and a couple other people's as well.

Songs Different song parodies

Interviews Find out what your fave DBZ characters have to say to our staff

The Fault Interviews with the best funny webmasters!

Things to Think About Have you ever wondered.... (warning, might be mildly offensive)

Oh my Father! Like Neko-Sennen's Quotes, but this time it's my Dad...



Some material on this site may be considered offensive. You have been warned.

This site last updated 7-Dec-03.