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The Heroic Ledend of Arislan

Welcome to the kingdom of Palse.

In this Anime, a crownd prince, Prince Arislan, and his loyal friends, Daryoon, Lord Narsus, Gieve, and Lady Pharangese, strugle to protect the land from the invading armies of Luistanian, while also dealing with a powerful masked man, claiming that he has true birth right to the thrown.

*** Page Music ***

(The music is not from this Anime,.. but it was the closest I could find.)
*If you can help me get the proper midi, I would be very greatful!*

The thumbnails below

Just click on the thumbnail that you like, to see a bigger picture of it.


Prince Arislan

Prince Arislan

Prince Arislan

Prince Arislan

Prince Arislan

Prince Arislan





#2 (small pic)


#4 (small pic)


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Other Pages and web sites belonging to Moonblade

Our tribute to the USA

These are mostly links to theme sites!

Links (... to all my pages)

*I have over 40!

Dee Dee's Art

(Art by CoMB's Artist Dimagi)

*Art Gallery*

Realm of Fantasy

Mythical Creatures

*Art Gallery*

City of Moonblade

Visit a Mythical City

(This is a role-playing guild I created

based on my unpublished Novel)


Temple of Moonblade (My Master home page)

