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Dee Dee's

Personal Page!

It's me, Dee Dee


So you want to get to know me, hee hee, OK, but remember, you asked for it!!

The Real Basics about me:

I'm 51 years YOUNG. I must admit I'm not your average middle aged lady. I'm still very much a kid at heart. I still play games, and even enjoy a game of kick ball, dodge ball and video games! And if you want to get me something, it's not jewels and furs, but a simple rose, a hug, a laugh, and most of all, the real you! That is what impresses me about someone.

Where can I be found?

We lived for many years in Miami Florida, but we have now moved north to Cumming, Georgia. We have a bunch of wonderful neighbors, who really knew how to make us feel welcome with all the cookies, brownies, and banana nut bread! Let alone all the friendly visits and waves. It's like we have really come home!

North Georgia:

I love the landscape, weather, seasons and the awesome people here. I wouldn't trade it for anything!


Things I love:

Travel: I have found that I absolutely LOVE Travel! Place I have been:

Graceland, Everglades, Acadia, Great Smoky Mountains, Grand Canyon, Sequoia, Yosemite, Yellowstone, Rocky Mountains, Hawaii, and many beautiful places in Japan! I hope to visit all of these wonderful places again and see a lot more places as well!

Outdoors: Photography, horseback riding, light hiking and/or biking, camping, boating, swimming, snorkeling, fishing, and fairly willing to try anything reasonable so long as it's NOT mountain climbing, bungee jumping or sky diving! Yes, when it comes to those I'm chicken! LOL
Indoors: Bowling, table-pool, computer/video games, movies, drawing, writing, puzzles & board games, and working on my digital photography and web pages.
Personal likes: Animals, especially butterflies, cats, dogs-(primarily shelties!), tigers, wolves, horses, whales, porpoise, (dolphin), and believe or not, snakes, dragonflies and praying mantis too!! I love roses, the mountains, forests, waterfalls, and the Orient.  I truly love all the different seasons throughout the year, and I'm a huge Holiday Nut!
Foods: Steaks, Chinese, Italian and seafood. I love spicy foods like Mexican, Cajon, and Thai food!  I even like sushi and other true Japanese foods. I like Apples, oranges, strawberries, peaches, and wild blueberries from Maine. My weakness is M&Ms and other, chocolates but I can be picky, I like Dove, Godiva, or especially Sea's Candy! Yummy! Oops! There I go gaining a few pounds just talking about it! I love cooking with wines and sauces myself. I don't drink a lot, but when I do I enjoy very friuty wines, Coolers or Takara Plum wine!

The Oddest thing I've ever tried was Jellyfish when I was in Japan! (I didn't know what it was until after I tried it! Tasted like sweet pickles!)

Movies: My all time favorite is: Avatar!!! Others I like very much are, "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy, "Monster in Law", "Pirates of the Caribbean", "X-Men", "Star Wars" and "Star Trek",  then even some wacky comedies like "The Mask", and "Caveman", to dramas like "Meet Joe Black" & "Shawshank Redemption", and of course, romances like "Titanic", "Ever After" and "You've Got Mail", and yes, classics like "The Day the Earth Stood Still", and "Sound of Music". And of course, Disney Animations, and Anime. And oh so many more!
Music: Country, New Age and Classical Vocals are my absolute favorite types or music. I also like pop and rock from the 70s & 80s, and some of today's, like Lady Gaga! Classical music, Musicals, Movie Soundtracks, American, Scottish, and Irish Folk, music and bluegrass! I also love music from all over the world, especially traditional cultural music from Native Americans, Africa, Hawaii, Czech  and even the so called odd music from New Zealand and Japan!
  Art:Thomas Kinkade Single Vocalist: Sarah Brightman Comedian: Bill Cosby
Favorite Artists:

Writer: R.A. Salvatore

Group Vocals: Libera and Alabama

Heartthrob: Orlando Bloom


Actors: Tom Hanks and Harrison Ford

Actresses: Whoopi Goldberg and Drew Barrymore


Royal Blue!


My personal Views:

Smoking: Oh Yucky pooh! How very lovely to have a burning stick full of dead leaves stuck in your mouth like a pacifier! Quit you silly bean!! In all truth I'm asthmatic so cigarette smoke makes it hard for me to breath.
Drinking: OK, I'm not fully a prude here, .. I do like a light drink now and then. Koloa, peppermint or peach shnops, or black berry, or plume wine. Or even a wine cooler now and then. I do not like the hard stuff, and I refuse to allow myself to get drunk or out of control. I'm a very big believer in having a designated driver, and that normally ends up being me since I drink so rarely.
Drugs: ABSOLUTELY NO! I like knowing what I'm doing, and I'm silly enough without that mess, and feel sorry for anyone who gets stuck in it, but I will have absolutely nothing to do with them if they do. If you do it, please get help, for your sake and those that love you. Life is to wonderful to waist it!
Religion:  I have no 'one' religion, in all truth, I respect the many different ways people show their love to god. It does not matter the name they use, be it God, Jehovah, Buda or the Spirits. So I do not belong to just 'one' church. I DO believe in god, and love him dearly. To Me, ... I believe that I need to live life in honor of God everyday, not just once a week as I have sadly seen some do it seems. I believe that I must be a good person to all I meet, from people to the animals and even plants. Everything in life is a gift, to care for and cherish, and if you're to kill something, be thankful, respectful, .. and dog gone it, EAT it!
Politics: I'm not into politics at all. I love my country very much, but fear our forefathers would be rolling in their graves at how foolish and greedy people have become. Why do the politicians make so much money? Wasn't it suppose to be an honor to serve as such and not for making money? And we get so lost in being republicans or democrats we all forget to stop and simply ask who's the better for the country. Quit pointing fingers and blaming each other and show me what you can do for this wonderful Country!
The War: I hate all war with a major passion. ... But I support our troupes and country, in what they feel they must do. My heart goes out to each man and woman out there fighting to make a stand in our Nations name, and of course to their families who miss them so. Though I may feel things should be handled differently then they are now, I do not know the real answer, perhaps it is the only way. One thing for certain, is that I agree that we need to stop the Terrorists for the worlds sake as well as ours. I guess mostly I wish we got more support from the United Nations.



Family is everything to me, ... But I am divorced, with no children. But I have hopes to meet someone that might just be willing to share their family with me!

My Parents & Memories growing up:

I was Always very close to my Mom and Dad. Not only were they my parents, they were my best friends too.

I have no brothers or sisters.

Our family motto is: "I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up!"

I remember so many funny and wonderful things we did together. From Rubber band fights, to singing folk songs in the living room.

Some of my fondest memories were of camping, boating, and my dad or mom carting about 4-6 kids in the back of the car for our weekly roller-skating outing! They also made each Holiday so wonderful! Oh how we were into those!  My dad and I would horse around and mom would come in scolding us "kids"  then suddenly join in occasionally.

To surprise me, one year, while I was away at Girl scout camp, my mother made an enormous birthday cake, large enough to share with the entire camp! She carefully measured  it out to make sure it would fit in the car, but forgot to measure for the front door! Boy that must of been some sight for the neighbors as Mom and Dad passed it through the kitchen window!.

Later on, in my adulthood, my mother and I, believe it or not, suddenly ended up racing in mall carts, around part of the mall! (These were the triangular kind you could sit in backwards if you were small enough) We had been Christmas shopping in a huge mall all that day, and were sitting in them cause we were so tired, .. we glanced over at each other, grinned, then suddenly, off we went, tapping our feet to propelling ourselves backwards while little kids are begging their parents to let them do the same, since too fully grown women were doing it!

This is the way I will always remember my parents, with love and laughter.

In Loving Memory of My Mother, Sylvia

My mother had terminal breast cancer. She fought an incredible battle, for over two very long, and exceptionally difficult, years with an extremely aggressive cancer. Finally, she could take no more, and let go of the life she loved so very much, of June 23, 2002, Sunday, at 11:52pm. I will never forget this extraordinarily woman, who I was so honored to have as my mother. She was my greatest teacher, she taught me to love life, and to be the best I can, and to be kind to others, from people, to tiny little things that craw! Most importantly, she was, ... my very best friend. "I will always love you Mom, and cherish the time we had together."

Sadly, I learned my mother did not keep herself checked as she should. By the time she found out, it was too late to do much. So please, remember to remind those you love, yourself included, to get all health care checked regularly.


In Loving Memory of My Daddy, Charles

Not long after the loss of my mother, my dad and I moved up to North Georgia. I had always loved it there, and my sister-in-law and two nieces had moved there recently too. The kids were like grandchildren to my dad, so it helped to keep the holidays special. We spent several happy years together making each day count. But in late summer of 2008, my dad also developed cancer. Unfortunately, unlike my mother who fought hard, my dad had no fighting spirit without my mom. Just a year later, my father passed away on October 23 2009.

But I continue to live my mothers wishes: "Have a Beautiful Life"



Click Here!
Meet the family!


Special friends,..

I have been very lucky to have had some very special friends in my life,.. who have truly touched my heart.


Yoko, a very dear friend of the family, my mother called her her sister from Japan! She will always be an important part of our family!   Our skating group, from Kendall Staking center! We were a family of our own. Steven, Lisa- (my best friend), Bob, Melissa, David- (Just a short-term boyfriend, and NOT the same as below), myself, and Greg.   Valentine, He was truly a loyal and loving friend that I grew up with. He went just about everywhere with me he could. And thrilled people with his incredible manners and intelligence. He taught me how very special shelties are and I hope to always have one. Though never will there be another like my dear Valentine.


In Memory of My Soul Brother, David

On the date of September 01 2001, a very dear friend of mine, suddenly passed away in his sleep while staying overnight as our guest in my home in Miami. Some people might find themselves bothered by someone passing into the next in their home, but I've learned to welcome it. If he had to go, at least he was with those that loved him so much, instead of leaving this world alone in his empty apartment. He was my brother in every way but blood, my soul brother. He taught me to love the Everglades, and how to truly enjoy them. He had an odd, but loveable sense of humor, and was loved by my whole family. We had no idea that a grand seizure would so very suddenly take him away. Life is a funny thing, sometimes we think we have all the time in the world, then "Poof" ... it's over.

With that in mind, I'll ask you, ... have you taken the time to tell those you care for that you love them? Be it family or friend? Are you not speaking to someone that you should, ... for some silly, petty argument? ... Remember, ... What if tomorrow never comes?

I love and miss you David.

Friendship and family,..

All of my pages have been dedicated to Friendship & Family. I hope that you will enjoy them,.. and please remember, NEVER let pride or a busy life style, ever pull you away from those you truly care for.



Due to the outstanding requests for the music on my pages, if you see the symbol below, right click on the symbol if you want the music.)
Thanks for stopping by.

*** Page Music ***

Pages and web sites made by Myself, ... Dee Dee! (Dimagi)

My tribute to the USA

These are mostly links to theme sites!

Links (... to all my pages)

*I have over 40!

Shark Valley, Everglades National Park

*I'm lucky enough to work there!*

Dee Dee's Art

(Some of my artwork)

*Personal Art Gallery*


*Add a laugh to your day*


(Japanese animation)

*Art Gallery*

Realm of Fantasy

Mythical Creatures

*Art Gallery*

City of Moonblade

Visit a Mythical City

(This is a role-playing guild I created

based on my unpublished Novel)


Temple of Moonblade (My Master home page)


Other Links, (Cool pages, NOT of mine!)

(A Fantastic group that features a medieval instrument of great bells called the Carillon! If you have the chance SEE them!
Great on line role playing info
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
