Languages of Malakai

Common Local Languages

Ancient and Secret Languages

Root Languages

Many of the ancient root languages were lost during the cataclysms. These few survive among the most learned local mages.

Communicating Without a Common Language

A person may attempt to communicate with someone who does not speak hes language. As anyone who has ever traveled abroad knows, however, this is no small task. The speaker may try to use her skill with language in general to get her point across clearly. Roll an Intelligence + Linguistics check against a difficulty of 10 - the listener's (Intelligence + Linguistics). The speaker might also attempt to express herself in gestures and crude sign language. Roll an Intelligence + Expression against a difficulty of 10 - the listener's (Intelligence + Enigmas). This second approach subtracts one success from any generated by the speaker, since it is much harder to communicate without words. Abstract concepts might be impossible to communicate in this way, at the ST's discretion. Have you ever seen a mime attempt to express a philosophical concept? It ain't pretty!

At the ST's option, characters may have to make checks back and forth in order to communicate, a single check for each speaker might allow them to communicate for a scene, or the characters might be able to speak in one-word sentences without a check. A botch tends to result in a linguistic blunder which might invoke amusement ("Je suis cent francs.") or anger ("M'embracez.") from the listener.

© 2001 by Eric Zawadzki
Please respect the time, energy, and creativity that went into this project.