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Monday, 1 November 2010
Excellent Course Evaluations for OpticalCEU's Fall 2010 Seminars
Topic: Continuing Education

At the end of each seminar, ABO/NCLE asks attendees to evaluate it based on four questions: Was this course a worthwhile investment of time and energy, was the instructor organized and knowledgeable, will your job performance improve as a result of this course, and were the printed outcomes of the course me? There's one additional question: Should the course continue to be approved for CE? Again the seminars for OpticalCEUs received excellent evaluations. See for yourselves.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 11:10 AM EDT
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Sunday, 24 October 2010
OpticalCEUs Draws Outstanding Number of Opticians for Fall Seminar
Topic: Continuing Education

OpticalCEUs today drew more than 120 opticians from Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, and Wisconsin. They came to the Conference Center at the lavish and elegant MGM Grand on the grounds of the Foxwoods Hotels and Casinos where they listened to Jean Davidson, Linda Conlin (left), and Herb Fletcher of Younger Optical discuss cosmetics and CLs, ANSI Standards for CLs, the history of eyewear, myopia and CLs, use of the new Sun Lens, the impact of the aging of baby boomers, and finally a CL fitting discussion. In the morning, the opticians enjoyed complimentary coffee and tea, and for lunch, there was an elegantly displayed buffet of cold cuts, breads, salads, and desserts.

Linda Conlin founded F.E. Enterprises in 1998 as way of providing opticians with an additional option for earning continuing education. The periodic challenges found in a typical practice inspired her time and again to use her science background to find answers for the questions and issues that arose during her career. With such a wealth of information at her disposal, Linda found starting the conference—called OpticalCEUs—a natural extension of what she had been doing for years.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 10:41 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 24 October 2010 11:23 AM EDT
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Friday, 22 October 2010
Projected Attendance at OpticalCEUs Fall 2010 Exceed Expectations
Topic: Continuing Education
At this time, 118 eye care professionals from Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin are registered to attend the OpitcalCEUs Fall 2010 Seminar on Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010. Linda Conlin, organizer of the event for than the past decade, said, "I have room for a few walk-ins as well. I'm pleased with the turnout. The total for both sessions this year exceeds last year's by 15 percent.." For those looking to register, call 203 366-5991.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 10:09 AM EDT
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Saturday, 9 October 2010
Younger & Transitions Seminar
Topic: Continuing Education
Transitions Optical and Younger Optics are running two new seminars for eye care professionals in 12 cities during October and November. Attendees will receive two ABO education credits, as well as professional vouchers to try Transitions XTRActive and NuPolar Trilogy lenses for free. At each event, ECPs will be given a chance to win a popular prize, such as an Amazon Kindle, no purchase necessary. The first seminar, called Eyewear Essentials: More Choices, will provide information on patient expectations and emerging trends. The second seminar, "Make Sunwear Important with a New to the World Sunlens: NuPolar® Trilogy® – Visual Armor," will introduce a new lens product and learn how to make sunwear a more important part of their business. For more information, call 1-800-848-1506, extension 3,www.transitions.com/eyewearessentials. or register online at

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:56 AM EDT
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Friday, 8 October 2010
Time Is Running Out. Register for OpticalCEUs Fall Conference
Topic: Continuing Education

Opticians from Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island are reserving seats for OpticalCEU's Fall 2010 Conference at the MGM Grand Conference Center, Foxwoods Resort and Casino on Sunday,October 24. (Click to register online; click for directions). If you have not registered, we strongly advise that you do. During the past six conferences, we have sold out and have not been able to accept last minute reservations. You can register online or call 203-366-5991 (leave a message).

Contrary to rumor and speculation, Connecticut's Department of Health, by legislative mandate, requires all licensed opticians to take seven hours of in-person continuing education in order to maintain their licenses. Without that seven hours, a licensed optician is in violation of state law. Just last year, the state of Massachusetts audited all licensed opticians, ensuring that they were all up-to-date with their credits. Massachusetts has a similar law as does Connecticut.


Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:18 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Register Online for OpticalCEU's Fall 2010 Conference Now
Topic: Continuing Education
Opticians and optical personnel can now register online for OpticalCEU's Fall 2010 Conference at the MGM Grand Conference Center at Foxwoods, Oct. 24. For more details about the conference, go to OpticalCEU's home page or its Registration page. Click here for directions to the MGM Grand Conference Center.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:30 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 September 2010 8:57 AM EDT
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Monday, 23 August 2010
OpticalCEUs Announces Courses for Fall 2010 Conference
Topic: Continuing Education

Five of the seven courses at the Fall 2010 OpticalCEU Conference for continuing education will be new. "We are constantly trying to revitalize the courses so attendees have the latest information possible," said Linda Conlin, founder of OpticalCEUs and F.E. Enterprises.

The Fall courses include Cosmetics of Contacts, ANSI Standards for Contact Lenses, History of Eyeglasses, What's Up with Myopia, Make Sunwear Important with the New to the World Sun Lens, The Boomer Business, and Fit Me!

Opticians and other optical personnel will be able to register for the conference online, by mail, or by phone around Labor Day.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:18 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 September 2010 9:01 AM EDT
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Sunday, 1 August 2010
New Site about OpticalCEUs
Topic: Continuing Education
If you have never attended one of OpticalCEUs continuing education conferences, held each spring and fall at one of the Foxwoods hotels conference centers, here's a chance to get to see what you are missing: Elegant Education.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 10:40 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 1 August 2010 10:53 AM EDT
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