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Sunday, 21 November 2010
Younger Promotes Africa's First American Football Game
Topic: Sunglasses

According to a company news release, Younger Optics will support the Global Kilimanjaro Bowl in Tanzania – the first ever sanctioned American football game in Africa. The game will take place May 21, 2011, at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro. "Just as protective gear protects football players' bodies on the field, polarized Rx sunwear protects the eyes off the field. While in Tanzania, players from Drake University in Iowa and the Mexican National All Star Team will be performing a host of humanitarian duties as well as taking part in a hike up Mt. Kilimanjaro," says the company. "Throughout their stay in Tanzania, polarized Rx sunwear, equipped with NuPolar® and Drivewear® Transitions® SOLFX™ lenses from Younger Optics, will be part of the players' essential defense against blinding glare and harmful UV rays."

This announcement came about a month after Younger received three Awards of Excellence at the recent OLA Annual Meeting. Since winning the first ever OLA Award of Excellence in 1987, Younger Optics has received a total of 22 OLA Awards.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:00 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 21 November 2010 7:03 AM EST
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Monday, 18 October 2010
Marketing Coup for Oakley
Topic: Sunglasses
The Financial Post reports that "in deciding to donate the US$180 sunglasses to protect the delicate eyes of emerging miners who were trapped underground for 69 days, the athletic eyewear outfitter  [Oakley] has scored a branding coup worth an estimated US$41-million in exposure, according to research firm Front Row Analytics."

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:56 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 21 October 2010 7:09 AM EDT
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Thursday, 14 October 2010
Chilean Miners Come Out Wearing Oakleys
Topic: Sunglasses
"The emergence of the last miner from 69 days from beneath the Atacama Desert in Chile came after a 24-hour vigil by people glued to televisions and computer monitors around the world," wrote CNN. Each miner was wearing a pair of Oakley sunglasses. CNN continued: "As Oakley says on their website: The rescue team in Chile is relying on Oakley eyewear to protect the miners’ eyes when they are brought back to the surface. A few weeks ago, Oakley was approached by a Chilean journalist who was covering the rescue efforts and had recommended Oakley to the Chilean private health insurer, known as ACHS 'Association Chilena de Seguridad,' for eyewear protection for the miners once they surfaced."

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:06 AM EDT
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Saturday, 21 August 2010
Sunscreen for the Eyes
Topic: Sunglasses

"Ultraviolet, or UV, rays can cause significant damage to unprotected eyes, resulting in a number of illnesses and disorders that can rob people of their sight. 'People are more aware of skin cancer. There's more awareness of exposing your skin to the sun,' said Dr. J. Alberto Martinez, a practicing ophthalmologist in Bethesda, Md., and a clinical professor of ophthalmology at Georgetown University Medical School. 'But at the same time, the eyes suffer dramatically from ultraviolet exposure. UV exposure is a public health problem, and, as an ophthalmologist, I see the continuous, serious problems that are caused by UV.'"

That's just the beginning of an excellent article about the importance of the use of sunglasses appearing in U.S. News & Worth Report

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 6:25 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Heat Wave Spurs Sunglass Sales
Topic: Sunglasses
That's what happened in the UK, according to Optometry Today. "A boom in sunglasses sales has been recorded as the UK sweltered earlier this year. Market research firm GfK believes that £18.9m worth in sales was made through opticians in the second quarter of 2010, achieving a three-year record as temperatures in the UK soared to a four-year month-on-month high."

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 7:51 AM EDT
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Saturday, 17 July 2010
Ten Best Sunglasses, According to Esquire Magazine
Topic: Sunglasses
Recently the style blogger for Esquire Magazine came out with a slide show of the what the magazine considers the 10 best sunglasses of 2010. You might want to note as a sales pitch for your male customers.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 5:24 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 17 July 2010 5:29 AM EDT
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Mayo Clinic Offers Tips on Sunglasses
Topic: Sunglasses
 The German site FinanzNachrichen.de reported the following (in English): "For shielding eyes from sunlight, not all sunglasses are created equal. In the July issue of Mayo Clinic Women's HealthSource, Amir Khan, M.D., Mayo Clinic ophthalmologist, discusses some considerations for purchasing sunglasses to help ensure good eye health" The summary of Khan's article presents good, concise information that you could use as a flyer for your customers.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 5:21 AM EDT
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Thursday, 15 July 2010
A Hard Look at the Designer Sunwear Market
Topic: Sunglasses
In yesterday's Wall Street Journal, reporter Brett Arends asked the question, "Are designer sunglasses worth the price?" You will be surprised at what he has to say.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 8:05 AM EDT
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Sunday, 11 July 2010
Slow News Sunday So Here's a Cool Sunglass Video
Topic: Sunglasses

There's never much news on weekends. Rather than hype some unimportant optical news. Here's some eye candy.

Sunglass manufacturer produced the video below. It has nothing to do with optics per se but it has great video and music.

Posted by ct3/opticalceu at 10:51 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 11 July 2010 11:06 PM EDT
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