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CDE's Career Development Events

By Andrea Nash

FFA sponsors many different CDE's you could join based on your interests. All of these teams are looking forward to new members and no experience is needed. It is not too late to join. Check the FFA bulletin board for a monthly schedule of events. Have fun!

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"Hello, Your Fruit Is In!"

By Andrea Nash

"Where in the world did we put those grapefruits?"
"She stole my marker!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Mr. R, when's dinner?" (munch, munch, munch)
"Andrea, stop eating the tangelos!"
"But I am hungry!"
Zzzzzzzzz "I wonder if I can take a couple of these boxes home. They are comfortable to sleep on!"
"My chair!"
(Splat) "Not any more!"
"Kari in the middle!"
"My stress ball! Catch!"

All through the school, no sound could be heard. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Or that was until you reached the Agri-Science hallway where the Fruit Sale was going on. Sounds of giggling and playful arguments could be heard throughout the hallway. You could hear Bethany Rankin in the office good-heartily cursing on the phones. In Mr. Rohacik's room, Kari Whitaker and Christine Holdridge were playfully arguing over who wouldn't go through the boxes of tangelos. Not to mention, Jerry McKee and everyone else found out that the boxes were quite comfortable for sleeping. It seemed that everyone found a way to amuse themselves.
On November 20, a group of FFA and Agri-Science students got together to unload over 450 boxes of fruit. Even though we playfully complained, the majority of us returned over the next couple of days to give a hand with distributing the fruit. The next couple of days were hectic and a stress ball got slammed against the wall several times. We all had fun.
Thanks to everyone who came to help unload and sell fruit. You did a great job! To everyone who sold a few of boxes, thanks. A hearty thank you goes to Ms. Roy and to Mr. Rohacik for advising. We couldn't have done it without you.

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FFA Report Card

Results from the survey:
Thank you to everyone who helped out with the survey! We appreciate your help, suggestions, and comments. Keep your eyes peeled for next month's survey.

FFA Welcome Picnic: B+
Comments: A lot of fun! I met a lot of new people.

Ag-Way's Open House: B
Comments: Well planned. Needs to be advertised more.

Parent's Open House: B+
Comments: Good job! I never got to sell so many tickets before. We should do it again.

Newsletter and General Meetings: B
Comments: With the newsletter, maybe you should allow all of the Agri-Science students to see it. The meetings are good but are too short.

Fruit Sale: C
Comments: It was all right. People needed to be more involved.

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National FFA Convention

This past October, four FFA members, Amy Aspinwald, Heather Miner, Bethany Rankin, and Kari Whitaker, missed a couple days of school to represent our Chapter at the National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY. Here is what they had to say:


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A Trip to Louisville By Amy Aspinwald

Visiting Louisville was one of the greatest FFA experiences I have ever had! I think whatever your interests or how involved in FFA you are, you would enjoy the National FFA Convention. The National FFA Officers go out of their way to make it your greatest experience ever.
For example, we had the privilege to hear Danny Glover talk about his childhood experiences and how he would like to contribute his experiences to the FFA. We also heard from a person who climbed Mount Everest. He was the most hilarious person and he kept you on the edge of your seat for the entire 45 minutes he spoke.
The workshops provided had a unique way of making you learn things by performing different activities. They ranged from serious (college shopping) to the funniest, laid-back workshop with an Austin Powers theme). However, at every workshop you went to they taught you something to be more aware of.

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Looavul, Lewisville, Looeyville, Louisville By Kari Whitaker

Spending six days at the National FFA Convention was quite an experience. As the only sophomore in the group (Heather Miner, Bethany Rankin, and Amy Aspinwald are all seniors), I had the sort of experience found only once in a blue moon.
Some of the best things about the National Convention were the workshops and sessions. Our first session, "Reflections," introduced us to the officers and it was the first time the theme song for this year was played during a laser light show.
I went to two leadership workshops while at the convention. One was about meeting new people. The other workshop was about discovering your talents and being proud of them.
The final two sessions we went to were interesting. One featured a gentleman, who was the ninth Canadian to reach the top of Mount Everest, as the key speaker. He spoke for a long time but kept our attention with his jokes and pictures. The closing session included the National President's retiring address and the announcement of the new National FFA officers.
This year's convention was a lot of fun. The sessions and workshops kept me occupied. I strongly urge everyone to experience the National Convention during his or her FFA career.

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"Toto...I don't think we're in Kansas City anymore!" By Bethany Rankin

I read that on a sign at this year's 72nd National FFA Convention. Wow, what a difference Kansas City, MO to Louisville, KY! The convention center was a much bigger building, the career show was enormous, there was much more room in the shopping mall and food court, and the leadership workshops were better than ever, with even more room!
I think the workshops had the greatest impact on me. What a learning experience! Each workshop offered something different for different people. There were career workshops, leadership seminars, and personal growth workshops. I made sure to go to at least one of each type, and I had a great time at all of them. You start the hour-long workshops with icebreakers and demonstrations of different methods of leadership. The workshops based on leadership skills offered group activities and team events. Seminars, with a focus on personal growth, had demonstrations and allowed me to meet many new people. Each representative from Ledyard came home with different activities and ideas we will share with you at our upcoming meetings!

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Louisville, Looiville, Loulville, Lueville By Heather Miner

Well, whichever way you choose to pronounce the name for the great city of Louisville, Kentucky, you will surely not be alone in the way you say it. There is only one word to describe the experience, FUN! Whether we were meeting new people from around the country, participating in workshops, collecting wonderful goodies at the career, or boogying the night away at a concert, it was all FUN! :) In my opinion, the most interesting part of our entire trip was the opportunity to meet interesting people. I was given the chance to meet very interesting people from all over the country. This truly shows you what FFA means to others. I enjoyed this trip very much and would just like to say THANK YOU to everyone who made it possible.

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Calendar Of Events

CDE Schedule

[ball]Quiz Bowl
Place: Ms. Roy's Room
Time: Monday during lunch

[ball]Ag. Business Management
Place: Ms. Roy's Room
Time: Monday after school

Place: Agri-Science
Time: Tuesday during lunch

Place: Agri-Science
Time: Tuesday after school

[ball]Horse Judging
Place: Mr. Dexter's Room
Time: Wednesday after school

Place: Agri-Science
Time: Thursday during lunch

[ball]Small Animal
Place: Agri-Science
Time: Monday after school

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FFA Links

National FFA Online Homepage

UGA Collegiate FFA

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