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Electing a New Treasurer

As many of you know our treasurer, Jen Davis, resigned due to the fact that she is graduating early. On February 9, the candidates will speak in front of the FFA Chapter. The candidates are Kay Lagarde, Amy Aspinwald, and Jerry Mckee. Kay was the 1998-1999 treasurer for the FFA. She is a senior. Kay is active in many different activities from working on the Horse Show to being on the Forestry Team. Amy is our current Fundraising Chairwoman. She is also a senior who is on the Ag-Business Management Team. Amy is always helping out in different FFA events. Jerry is our current Public Relations Chairman. He is a junior who is always willing to lend a hand. All three are qualified and are hoping that they will be the one who will be elected.

Elections will be secret ballot and will be held on February 16, 2000 in Ms. Roy's room. Report to Ms. Roy's room before 2:30 PM in order to cast your vote. Please vote for the candidate who you feel will do the best job as treasurer, for being treasurer is an important position to hold. The winner of the election will be posted on the FFA Bulletin Board by February 18, 2000.

Good luck to all the candidates.

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The FFA Horse Show

By Heather Miner

Before you know it, spring will soon be here. And what happens in the spring? That's right, the Annual FFA/Agri-Science Benefit Horse Show. This year's horse show will be hosted on Saturday, April 29, 2000 at the Ledyard Fair Grounds. For the few who are still unaware, Ledyard Agri-Science and FFA members host a benefit horse show. Some of the money goes for scholarships for graduating seniors; the rest goes into the FFA treasury to pay for those little things (for instance buying the supplies that are used at the end of the year banquet). The horse show is one of the largest fundraisers that we do. However, this event requires a lot of work and preparation.

"Hurry down to Ag-Science today! There is a cash reward for the person who sells the most ads! Hope to see you there!" ~Heather Miner

You do not have to know a single thing about horses and there are so many different committees you could join, for instance, the food committee or the grounds committee. These committees are meeting during lunch on Wednesdays in Mr. Dexter's shop. Also we need people to sell ads and post up flyers. There is a cash reward for the person who sells the most ads!

I hope to see a number of you helping us out in preparation for the show. It is a lot of fun!

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Workshop and State FFA Degree and State Proficiency Award Applications

Do you have a good S.A.E. (Supervised Agricultural Experience) project? Are you active in the FFA? If so, you may qualify for the State FFA Degree or a State Proficiency Award. On Wednesday 2/23/2000 during activity period and lunch block, there will be a workshop for any sophomore, junior, or senior who is interested in applying for either of these awards this year or next.

How do you know if you qualify? In order to apply for the State FFA Degree you must have:

1. Earned your Chapter FFA Degree,
2. Been an active FFA member for at least two years,
3. Completed at least two years of Agri-Science,
4. Earned and productively invested at least $1,000 OR worked at least 300 hours in excess of class time OR a combination of both in an approved S.A.E.,
5. At least C- average,
6. Participated in Chapter FFA activities AND
7. Participated in at least five different FFA activities above the Chapter level.

In order to qualify for a State FFA Proficiency Award you must have:

1. Been an FFA member for at least two years, 2. Completed two years of Agri-Science, 3. An approved S.A.E. in place for at least two years AND
4. A good set of records showing hours worked, income, and expenses.

Proficiency areas are divided into two major categories: PLACEMENT and ENTREPRENEURSHIP. There are approximately FOURTY-FIVE different proficiency award categories.

How can you get involved? See Ms. Roy to discuss your S.A.E. and sign up for the workshop. Only those members who sign up ahead of time can attend the workshop. You will need to come prepared with information on your project. See Ms. Roy for details.

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Job Shadowing

Mrs. Lynn Davis is the LHS School-To-Career Liaison. You can find her in the Career Center located in Room 303. As part of her job, she helps students with people in the community for job shadowing. She also has access to information about after-school and summer jobs. Job shadowing opportunities will be available and sophomores and juniors may want to think about looking into the programs for next year.

Job shadowing allows a student to research a career by spending time at work observing someone while they work. The employee is encouraged to follow a regular schedule and talk about skills and education needed as well as what goes on during a regular workday. Sometimes students can actually be involved in some of the work during the half or full day they spend with the employer.

Mrs. Davis has prepared a brochure which will be given to all sophomores and juniors. If you would like more information, you can stop by to see her in Room 303.

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Interested in Getting Ducklings in the Spring?
See the FFA Bulletin Board or Andrea Nash for sign ups and details. We will be having a meeting to discuss breeds and the number that we will be getting. Novices are welcome! The meeting will be on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 during lunch in the small animal room. See you there!

Puppies for Sale
German Shepherd/Labrador mixed puppies are for sale. There are four males and two females. Each puppy is $75 and have had their shots. If you are interested see Dr. Pfeiffer right away. "These guys are really cute - we want good homes. Remember animals are a responsibility." ~Dr. Pfeiffer

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CDE's, Career Development Events

By Andrea Nash

In the past issues, we have shown you several different types of CDE's you could join. FFA sponsors many different CDE's you could join based on your interests. All of these teams are looking forward to new members and no experience is needed. It is not too late to join. Check the FFA bulletin board for monthly schedule of events. In case you have lost your CDE Schedule, here is another copy below. Have fun!

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Calendar Of Events

CDE Schedule

[ball]Quiz Bowl (Open to Freshmen Only)
Place: Ms. Roy's Room
Time: Monday during lunch

[ball]Ag. Business Management
Place: Ms. Roy's Room
Time: Monday after school

[ball]Creed (Open to Freshmen Only)
Place: Agri-Science
Time: Tuesday during lunch

Place: Agri-Science
Time: Tuesday after school

[ball]Horse Judging
Place: Mr. Dexter's Room
Time: Wednesday after school

[ball]Aquaculture and Environmental Science
Place: Agri-Science
Time: Thursday during lunch

[ball]Small Animal
Place: Agri-Science
Time: Monday after school

Committee Meetings

[ball]FFA Horse Show
Place: Mr. Dexter's Room
Time: Wednesday during lunch

[ball]Parent's Open House
Place: Ledyard High School Cafeteria
Time: Thursday, February 17 at 7:00 PM
We did an awesome job last time. People walked away knowing what the FFA was really like. Let's do it again. If anyone is interested please sign up on the FFA Bulletin Board. Please wear official dress! If you don't own a jacket and can't borrow someone's, please wear a black skirt or black pants and white shirt. Image counts!

[ball]FFA Week
Place: Ledyard Agri-Science
Time: February 21-25, 2000

[ball]Duckling Organization Meeting
Place: Small Animal Room
Time: Tuesday during lunch
Anyone who is even thinking about getting a duckling this spring please come! If we have enough people, we can order new breeds instead of just Mallards and Pekings.

[ball]State FFA Degree and State Proficiency Award Workshop
Place: Ms. Roy's Room
Time: Wednesday 2/23/2000 during activity and lunch block
This workshop is for any sophomore, junior, or senior who is interested in applying for either of these awards this year or next.

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Note from the Editor

Hi everyone! Boy, this year is flying by but keep those articles coming. As for the upcoming issue, the newsletter staff and I would like to ask you, as members, if you would be willing to write articles. If you are interested see me. These articles can be about your CDE's, projects that are going on, etc. So send in your drawings, poems, puzzles, pictures (captions would make my life easier), and other fun stuff. You will get credit for what you send in. This upcoming month's newsletter will mostly be dedicated to unique Supervised Agricultural Education project (S.A.E.). They must be in before February 23, 2000. For stragglers, if you don't give me the article on time it is going to have to go in the next issue. I need at least 2 weeks notice in order to reserve space. Even then, this space is not guaranteed. The items you send can be dropped off to Ms. Roy. As usual, please keep anything you submit Agri-Science/FFA related. THANKS! ~Andrea Nash

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FFA Links

National FFA Online Homepage

UGA Collegiate FFA

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