Moonstone Dreams Poetry Page

Welcome to Moonstone Dreams!
My site is a safe haven with the freedom of expression through the sharing of Poetry, Prose, Premonitions, and Dreams. A place with pure understanding of each others feelings as we express what our souls really feel. Enjoy your stay!

NEW! In the Poetry section "People Walking"


Thanks for all the emails Moonstone Dreams was on hold for a while due some issues that kept me from devoting time to the site. Thank you for your support.

This site is created,designed & maintained by Shyloe No reproduction of the contents without contacting the owner first. All Poetry/Prose/Pictures/Stories on this site, belong to Shyloe and the *noted* respectful poets. Shyloe's poetry/prose & stories are ©opyrighted. Thank you for understanding.

This page was last updated on: 07/January/04

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