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Food Fun

How do you stop meatballs from drowning?
Put them in gravy boats.

When is rabbit stew horrible?
When it's got hares in it.

What do astronauts have in their sandwiches?
Launcheon meat.

Waiter: I have cold tongue,fried chopped liver and frogs' legs.
Customer: I don't want to hear your problems! Let me see the menu please.

How does a lion like its steak cooked?
Medium roar.

What do motorcycle policmen have in their sandwiches?
Traffic jam.

How do you make gold soup?
Put in nine carrots.

What's the main ingredient in dog biscuits?

How do you make an apple puff?
Chase it around the garden.

Which country has a good appetite?

What do you call it when an ice cream sundae makes a fast exit?
A banana split.

Why are wedding cakes sad?
Because they have lots of tiers.

Why did the jelly wobble?
Because it saw the milk shake.

What do you call a mischievous egg?
A practical yolker.

What do you call artificial spaghetti?

Who is a chef's favorite composer?
Ludwig van Bakeoven.

Why did the potatoes argue?
Because they couldn't see eye to eye.

What did the dentist say when his wife baked a cake?
May I do the filling?

What did the orange juice say when water was poured into the glass?
I'm diluted to meet you.

What's a shoemaker's favorite fish?

What does a nuclear scientist have for dinner?
Fission chip.

What is a chef's favorite musical piece?

Why is milk fast?
It's pasteurized before you see it.

What's a computer operator's favorite snack?

Waiter, how long will my spaghetti be?
I don't know sir, I haven't measured it.

Why did the apple turnover?
Because it saw the Swiss roll.

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