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Kommissar (Inspector) Rex
The Pages

The Rex Page

Case by Case

Rex Fan Fiction

Rex Links

Back to the Beanbag

Season 8

Straight to Death
Four-Legged Witness
When Children Want to Die
Up to the Last Bullet
Someone Dies Every Time
Blonde, Pretty, Dead
Happy Birthday
Famous at Any Price
The Mummy's Curse
Ettrich's Dove

These reviews are spoiler free (they don't reveal the ending) and are written mostly using my own personal opinion. The picture comes from the Kommissar Rex Yahoo! Group.

Disclaimer : Kommissar Rex is owned by Mungo film, Tauris film, SAT.1 and ORF and was created by Peter Hajek and Peter Moser. None of the characters, actors or photographs belong to me, unfortunately. I'm just borrowing them, having a bit of fun and then returning them more or less unharmed.