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* This template is provided by:
Nocturno and ..::DeadSide::..

September, 1993: After Buzz cleans out her trustfund to pay for Harley and Mallet's wedding, Lucy comes to Springfield to confront him. She meets Alan-Michael when he almost hits her with his car and later invites herself to crash at his place.

November: LAM share their first kiss but her tells her afterward that he thinks she may be too young for him.

December: LAM go on their first date when A-M asks Lucy to attend Nick and Mindy's engagement party with him.

February, 1994: Alan-Michael takes Lucy on a last minute trip to New York. When they return, he overhears her talking to Buzz and finds out that she's a virgin.

April: LAM break up after he loses his bid for the Spaulding presidency. After leaving Spaulding, Alan-Michael becomes Jenna's silent partner in her cosmetics business. When Lucy catches him in Jenna's hotel room, he and Jenna let her think that they're lovers to keep her from discovering their business relationship.

May: Alan-Michael begins trying to get Eleni back after she and Frank split up.

July: Alex finds out that Alan-Michael is Jenna's silent partner and kicks him out of the family, prompting him to go visit Alan in prison. When he gets to the prison he finds out that Alan has already been released.

August: Alan-Michael is injured in an explosion caused by enemies Alan made in prison. Fearing that his father is trying to kill him, Alan-Michael hides out in the lighthouse while trying to recover. Eventually Tangie finds him and takes him in.

October: Alan-Michael and Alan come face-to-face and Tangie accidentally shoots Alan.

December: Alan-Michael and Tangie almost sleep together. When Alan-Michael later finds Tangie and Alan kissing, he decides that he wants nothing to do with her.

January, 1995: Alan-Michael is named President and CEO of Spaulding and convinces Lucy to be his office manager by promising that it will be just business.

February: Lucy begins dating Brent Lawrence, making Alan-Michael jealous.

April: Brent rapes Lucy. That same night Alan-Michael goes to the boarding house to tell Lucy that he's in love with her.

May: Alan-Michael finds out about the rape and warns Brent to stay away from Lucy. After Lucy tells her family what happened, Frank and Buzz escort Brent out of town.

June: LAM find out that Brent is back in town, and Alan-Michael accidently shoots Brent during a confrontation on the docks. When LAM leave the scene to call the police, Brent disappears and later fakes his death with his sister, Cassie's help.

August: Brent returns to Springfield disguised as Marian Crane and gets a job at Spaulding.

October: Alan-Michael proposes but Lucy turns him down because she hasn't been able to take an HIV test yet. However, after Matt and Vanessa's wedding, Lucy shows up at the yacht to tell him that she'll accept his proposal afterall... Brent tampers with the hospital's computers to change Lucy's HIV test results from negative to positive. Lucy is eventually revealed to be HIV negative when the test is performed again a few weeks later.

November: LAM make love for the first time at the Bauer cabin.

January, 1996: Brent kidnaps Lucy and locks her up in the lighthouse.

February: Brent shoots Alan-Michael and locks him up with Lucy. Eventually Brent's location is revealed and he's taken to jail.

May: Lucy and Alan-Michael marry at Universal Studios then leave to spend their honeymoon on the yacht.

June: LAM are caught in a storm and rescued by an angel named Zachary.

February, 1997: LAM leave town.

click here to view Alan-Michael's Pre-Lucy Timeline