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Where Are They Now?
When Actors exit soaps, a lucky few move on to high-profile careers (hello, Meg Ryan, Ricky Martin and Sarah Michelle Gellar). Some performers are successful, just not as visible, while still others leave show biz altogether. Find out what happened to 11 former daytimers.

Sonia Satra

Role: Lucy Cooper Spaulding, GUIDING LIGHT (1993 - 97)

Other Soap Gigs: Barbara Graham, ONE LIFE TO LIVE
(1998 - 99)

Lucy came to Springfield to reconnect with dad Buzz and quickly became the show's tortured heroine. After falling for a reformed Alan-Michael, Lucy was raped and terrorized by cross-dressing homiciadal manic Brent/Marian. After he was brought to justice, Lucy and A-M wed at Universal Studios in Orlando. The newlyweds soon left for a new life in Europe.

What have you been working on since moving to L.A.? "Actually, I'm producing a movie in New York. I play a lawyer in it, and I've gotten to direct a little, too. It's called Pride and Loyalty and it's a crime drama. The writer and other producer wanted to bring in soap people, so I'm bringing in Rebecca Budig [Greenlee, ALL MY CHILDREN], John Bolger [Sykes, OLTL], Gina Tognoni [Kelly, OLTL] and Marj Dusay [Vanessa, AMC; ex-Alex, GL]. It will be really exciting if this all comes together. I'm also doing another movie in Las Vegas, but we're shooting in a casino and I just found out we have to get clearance from the Pope before we can start! I like doing movies. If I could do that forever successfully that would be my ultimate dream, even as opposed to a nighttime thing or another soap. But I love to work. I'm not that fussy right now. I just did a one-act play to get up on stage and thought maybe I should be doing that! I've also been writing for Upbeat magazine for about a year now. It's a great web site."

With Jill Farren Phelps as executive producer of GENERAL HOSPITAL, there's been speculation you could go there. "If she made me an offer it would probably be hard to refuse right now. There's a part of me that would really like to work out here and see what it's like because it always seems like I'm working in New York. Even the movies I've done, I've gone back to New York to shoot. So, New York is always associated with work, and L.A. is associated with hell [laughs]. And I just love Jill, so I would work for her anywhere."

Are you seeing anyone? "I've been with a boyfriend for a while now, and I'm really happy. His name is Stephen Falick. He's a writer and director. We met four years ago through [my publicist]. At the time, he was producing and his publicist said that he would be a good person for me to meet. So, on one of my trips back and forth to L.A., I met with him. And I walked out of the meeting going, 'Okay, that was the biggest waste of time. He'll never remember my name.' Apparently, that wasn't true. He did remember my name and who I was. So, then he had a screening of his movie and I met up with him again. This time, we were both single and it all worked."

* First appeared in the February 13, 2001 issue of Soap Opera Digest

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