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Nocturno and ..::DeadSide::..

Fasten Your Seatbelts:
Daytime viewers are a savvy bunch - they've pretty much seen and heard it all when it comes to surprising stories. But every once in a while, a plot comes along that jolts even the most jaded fans out of their easy chairs.

The Years: 1995-96

Who Was Involved: Brent, Lucy, Alan-Michael and just about everyone else in Springfield

The Setup: After Brent raped Lucy, Alan-Michael came after him with a vengeance. Following a shoot-out on the docks, Brent was presumed dead; Lucy and Alan-Michael redeclared their love for another.

The Stunning Turn Of Events: Unbeknownst to all, Brent was alive and well - and disguised as Spaulding associate Marian Crane. "Marian" befriended Lucy, all the while plotting revenge. Her first cruel act? Changing Lucy's HIV test results from negative to postive. People who knew Lucy soon grew suspicious of "Marian's" close attrachment to her... and Brent quickly disposed of those who knew too much. He murdered Cutter and let Marcus take the fall, then killed Nadine and dumped her body off the docks. Next, Susan went into a coma after Brent stabbed her in the shower. By the time all the evidence pointed to Marian, Brent had kidnapped Lucy and locked her in the lighthouse with a bomb. Alan-Michael wound up trapped there, too. Eventually, Alan and Buzz teamed up to rescue the lovebirds, and Brent was carted off to the psychiatric ward.

The Fallout: Alan-Michael and Lucy wed at Universal Studios in Florida, then moved to Europe. Brent's still hanging out with the men in the white coats.

* First appeared in the January 20, 1998 issue of Soap Opera Digest

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