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Homegrown Miniatures






25mm Infantry Text List
12 Figures @ $11.95

08 Inf Figs/04 Cmd Figs (Officer,NCO,Flag-Bearer,Musician)

HGAC001 Infantry March-Attack in kepi

HGAC001c Infantry March-Attack w/Cmd in kepi

HGAC002 Infantry March-Attack in floppy hat

HGAC002c Infantry March-Attack w/Cmd in floppy hat

HGAC003 Infantry Attacking/charging in floppy hat

HGAC003c Infantry Attacking/charging in floppy hat w/cmd

HGAC004 Infantry Cautiously withdrawing under covering fire

HGAC004c Infantry Cautiously withdrawing under covering fire w/cmd

HGAC005 Infantry Cautiously Advancing

HGAC005c Infantry Cautiously Advancing w/cmd

HGAC006 Infantry Firing & loading(standing)


HGSS01 KANSAS "JAYHAWKERS" (Guerillas ambushing)

HGSS02 Infantry Command in Soft Hats

HGSS03 Infantry Command in Kepi

HGSS04 Infantry Command Casualties

HGSS05 Troops Foraging off the land

HGSS06 Sutler People (Civilians & Troops on R&R)

HGSS07 Wintertime Troops

HGSS08 Plantation People

HGSS09 Muskets & Shotguns (8) $5.95

HGSS10 Assorted Casualties- Dynamic combat casuaties!

25mm Cavalry Text List
6 Figures @ $12.95

3 Troopers/3 Cmd (Officer, Flag Bearer, Musician

HGACC01 Troopers taking light fire

HGACC01c Troopers taking light fire w/cmd

HGACC02 Troopers taking heavy/withering fire

HGACC02c Troopers taking heavy withering fire w/cmd

HGACC03 Troopers in greatcoats taking fire

HGACC03c Troopers in greatcoats taking fire w/cmd

HGACC04 Rebel Raiders w/shotguns/floppy hats some firing

HGACC04c Rebel Raiders w/shotguns w/cmd/floppy hats some firing

HGACC05 Troopers/floppy hats firing pistols

HGACC05c Troopers/floppy hats firing pistols w/cmd

HGACC06 Federal Troopers/kepi/carbine

HGACC06c Federal Troopers/kepi/carbine w/cmd

HGACC07 Federal Troopers/kepi/shotgun

HGACC07c Federal Troopers/kepi/shotgun w/cmd


HGSSC01 Casualties; Trooper & Horse down dead on the ground

HGSSC02 Horse Casualties;Horse/dead on ground;horse rolling over

HGSSC03 Horse Cavalry Saddles (6) $5.95

HGSSC04 Supply Mules (6) $8.95

25mm ARTILLERY Text List
g= 2 guns $4.95                    
c= 8 crew for artillery $7.95

ss=Special Sets


HGAC01g 3" Ordnance Rifle

HGAC02g 10 LB Parrot "Rifled Gun"

HGAC03g 12 LB Napoleon


HGAC01c Basic crew

HGAC02c Basic crew

special sets

HGAC01s Command:4 Artillery Officers & 2 Mtd Spotters $7.95 

HGAC02s 4 Horse Limber (1) $10.95

25mm Homegrown US Marines c.1910-1930 vs Worldwide Opponents 

Banana War Marines

FOR the MODELLER:Some of the prone positions the Marines are in require a weapon to be added to the figure. The more you work
with the figure using metal tools (x-acto knife, dykes, files, torches, dremel tools etc) the better you can make them fit.(Weapons; BAR w/strap,
Carbine w/strap, Lewis Gun w/bipod up, thompson sub-Machinegun)

25mm US Marine Fire Teams 

25MAR01 C Lewis 2 man USMGun Teamx2 /Montana hats ,Officer in Montana hat w/45 automatic x1 )6.95 

25MAR02 Pack Train (3 Mules;1 down horse )to be used as cover by USMC Lewis Gun Team & BAR man/Montana hats 9.95

25MAR03 4 man USMC Fire Team: (prone BAR Riflemen x2, NCO's kneeling firing 45's x2,gunnery sgt/montana hats x1 )4.95

25MAR04 5 Marine Defenders (Marine on knees lobbing grenade x2, Marine marksman on knees firing carbine x2,Officer x1) 4.95

25MAR05 5 Marine "guerilla fighters" (Prone Marine firing carbine x2, Marine crouching w/thompson x1,prone Marine firing Lewis Gun in 
unconventional manner x1, Officer on knees firing 45 x1) 4.95

25MAR06 5 Marine "prone Firepower"(Prone firing thompson sub-mg x2, Prone firing carbine x2, Prone firing BAR x1) 4.95

25MAR07 Mtd Marine (twisting in his saddle to fire pistol behind him) x2 3.95

25MAR08 5 Marine "Hold the at all Costs!"Marines crouched hurling grenades x2, Mar crouched firing rifle x2 Mar waits as BAR cools x2

Variety Packs

25BWS01 Variety pack of Marines, 19.95

25BWS01 Variety pack of Sandanistas 19.95

25BWS01 Variety pack of Ox Cart & Mule Train 19.95

25mm Central American Rebels

25REB01 5 Cacos or Sandanistas (Officer drawing machete x1,Dynamite Bomber x2, Sandanista Machetero x2) 4.95 

25REB02 5 Cacos or Sandanistas (Officer drawing machete x1, Sandanista Adv w/rolling block Remington riflex2, Sandanista standing 
firing rolling block Remington rifle x 2 )4.95

25REB03 Ox Team w/Cart & local driver x1 7.95

25REB04 5 Cacos & Sandanistas (Officer firing pistol x1,Rebels Kneeling & standing firing rifles x2 ea.) 4.95

25REB05 5 Cacos & Sandanistas (Officer firing pistol x1, Rebels cocking hammers on shotgun x2, adv w machete x1,drawing machete x1)4.95

25mm Buildings

Suitable for Napoleonics, WWII N.Afrika, Mex-American, American SWestern clashes with bandits,Apaches etc

BWB01 Walled Adobe "Ranch" 39.95

BW01A Gate Section 7.95

BW01B Breached Wall Section 5.00

BW02C Wall Section w/gun ports 5.00

BW02D Wall Section 5.00

BW02E Main House w/removeable roof; open window & doors; overhang on side of house for hitching animals 22.50

25mm Omniscale Resin "Skirmish" Buildings w/removeable roofs

ACW1000 WINTER HUTS (2) 2-3man "slave" quarters (suitable for; F&I,Old West Frontier, WWII Eastern front, $21.50

ACW1001 SMALL CABIN Removeable roof-figures can be inserted into bldg $21.50

ACW1002 SUTLERY BUILDING Removeable roof,wooden service window cover can be closed or propped open; decals included $21.50

ACW1003 ARTILLERY LUNETTE Realistic Earthworks Artillery Emplacement;Suitable for Roman Artillery thru tank emplacement $19.50

ACW1004 BLOCKHOUSE Large 2 part self contained log fortification, wide variety of military historical uses $29.50

ACW2001 SHERMANS TOMBSTONES Graphic results of Shermans "total war" against the south; Silent remains of cabins having been burned 
to the ground $11.95 

Mail Orders to:

(Make Check, MO,etc Payable to: JOHN YOUNGHAUS

1252 Center Ave

Tarpon Springs,

FL 34689