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Scripture Memory
Memlok/PC MemLok Bible Memory System
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1. Which version would you recommend? (Answers are opinion of only one person - the author. "...there is safety in the multitude of counselors." Pro. 11:14) s
2. What about Awana for Bible memory?
3. I will be home schooling our children. Most of the curriculums appear to offer a memory verse. How do you feel about that? Or, our kids have memory verses at church.
4. Does Memlok help with remembering the references?
5. How would you compare Memlok with THE NAVIGATOR's Topical Memory System?
6. Does every member of the family need a copy?
7. Why would I need BOTH Memlok and PC MemLok?
8. What about the Macintosh!?
9. At what age do you recommend starting Memlok?
10. What are your thoughts on memorizing passages vs your topical system?
11. We already do Scripture memory...
12. Is Memlok like the old Jerry Lucas System?

REMINDER: Try Memlok or PC Memlok for 30 days. If you are not fully satisfied, return it in resaleable condition for a full refund of the retail price.

1. Which version would you recommend?
A. This needs to be your choice. So, consider several points as you decide. Be sure Dad is involved. Do this whether he is fulfilling his role as spiritual leader of the home or not. If he is, he could well be the one to take full responsibility for accountability, devotional times related to the verse of the week, and also look for opportunities to teach by example or word. Home schooling fathers often wish there was more they could do. Imagine if all Dad did was the above three things for 12 years (5-17 years old)? What a touch for eternity! If Dad isn't the spiritual leader, asking him is still right and respectful. He may say he doesn't care, but at least he feels loved. If he's not a believer, he can still ask the kids to say their verse once a week and sign them off.

B. Select a version you feel would be the best for your family for at least 12 years. That's how long the Memlok takes to complete if you do one card a week. Of course, you may always purchase a Second Set of verses and plastics in any version for $27+$3 S/H.

PS. It isn't necessary to memorize in the version you are currently reading. Note the word "currently". If you changed memory "versions" every time you started to read another version, it could stop you in your tracks regarding Scripture memory.

PS. Don't try to re memorize verses you've done in one translation again in another one. It will drive you crazy. Instead, focus on meditation and application.

C. If a teenager will be using it, strongly consider their input. Motivation is key at this age. If you are firm about what you want, but they would dislike it "majorly", consider spending $30 more and getting the Second Set for them.

D. Here's a quick summary (not very scientific) of the four versions.

The King James Version uses thee's, doeth, goeth and basically 1600's language as they talked during King Jame's times. The bad thing about the King James Version is that you have to explain some passages and words. The good thing about the King James Version is that you have to explain some passages and words. Ahem. Yes, it has a poetic nature and is "different" than we speak, so possibly easier to memorize. In addition, however, perhaps quoting verses that way isn't the greatest. Then again maybe it is! If you paraphrase the KJV in conversation, it doesn't help the ever helpful principle of memorizing & reviewing "word perfect". If you are of the persuasion the authorized King James Version is the only Word of God, I'm happy I have made it available for you. About 1/3 of the 700 verses in Memlok that I memorized are in KJV, the rest in NASB as it was the version newest when I trusted Christ in 1964. I won't be responding to the occasional "pitch" that I should sell only one. God has seen fit to bless Christendom with choices. Go with your conviction and enjoy God's Word.

The New American Standard Version is generally regarded as adhering most stringently to the original texts (and most recently discovered scrolls). Since the text in Greek is sometimes not in the same order as we speak in English, the NASB can sometimes be just a bit wordy and awkward. It does (until the NASB95) retain Thees and Thous when God is addressed. (John 17) Used by my pastor of 15 years, Dr. Chuck Swindoll from the pulpit and Kay Arthur of Precept Ministries for a point of reference - if you've ever heard of these servants.

The New International Version is purchased by about 48% of believers (same goes for Bible purchases nationally). It's interesting that Memloks purchased percentages and Bibles purchased percentages are the same. My conclusion: no one "version-preference-type person" is more into Scripture Memory, whatever that means! The NIV is most popular for three reasons. It is in simple language, most like we speak today; it is trustworthy; and it is promoted more effectively than any other Bible.

The New King James Version is just that. If you've memorized verses in the King James and substituted You for Thee and Thou, you'll like the NKJV. Even the word ordering is very similar except "archaic" words have been replaced by words we use today in places where the word has the same connotations. Used by Dr. John MacArthur

Finally, all four versions available are considered "translations", not paraphrases as is the popular & helpful Living Bible. So, if it is a hard decision, go with your main impulse after prayer.

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So, how do I GET Memlok? Thought you'd never ask!

2. What about Awana for Bible memory?

Awana is a marvelous organization. Many kids have come to Christ and grown in maturity through this weeknight organization in the local church. Children generally like this program when it is well administered and look forward to going to the meetings. Scripture memory is part of their plan. Usually it is KJV, but now they are allowing NKJ. Verses are repeated over the years. Often, the verse quoted was simply reviewed quickly just prior to showing up. Not real great for long term retention.

If a child goes through the whole Awana program, 65% of the verses he'll be required to quote will be in Memlok. But, with Memlok, he will be held spiritually accountable by the same person year after year (Mom & Dad) who will know the child is reviewing properly due to the sign off sheet for daily review and personal monitoring. In addition, since Mom and Dad are doing it too, the children get to see persistence and devotion modeled in this area for years.

From year to year, leadership in "programs" changes. Perhaps the leadership isn't adequate, the version of choice may not be the one you'd prefer, and sometimes the program shuts down or you move where one isn't offered. All in all, it is best to enjoy Awana for all the other "stuff" it offers, in our opinion, and trust Memlok at home for Scripture memory.

Our feeling is this. A discipline that requires daily practice like Scripture memory, is best administered at home. The topics can be specific to the needs of the child or family. You should always be there. Your plan is a 12 year one with Memlok and it is a common family goal.

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3. I will be home schooling our children. Most of the curriculums appear to offer a memory verse. How do you feel about that? Others ask "How about relying on the verses our kids get at church.
My experience staying with experienced wonderful home schooling families (22 families in 1994 alone) hands-down convinced me using Memlok is a better idea. (You'd have never guessed!)

A. Making Bible memory a stand-alone subject works better than allowing it to be a "tack-on". As in, this is the "Verse for the week". Consider focusing on that verse as a "truth text" (it is the basis for what you are teaching). Then you are accomplishing two things at once. You show God's Word is the basis for truth with the "Verse of the Week". In addition, you focus effectively for 8-12 weeks on one character quality or doctrine. This actually puts more emphasis on God's Word.

B. Review (the lack of) is the real "stopper" for doing Bible memory. People get to 150 cards, three years of home schooling, or about 30 years of age (whichever comes first) and STOP doing Bible memory. It is so discouraging to realize you can't remember the reference, or many verses you worked so hard to say. Its takes one hour and 15 minutes to review 150 cards. Not too spiritual, this thing called "review". No wonder everyone quits. Remember, Memlok enables the 5 yr. old turned 17 years to still be reviewing all 48 topics every 60 days in about 5 minutes a day with weekends off!

C. You will change curriculums, churches, and Christian Schools (which will change programs) Actually, few home schooling families even use only one curriculum over the years.

D. The state doesn't hold you accountable for Scripture memory. Soooo... we tend to take the easiest route. Regulated courses come first. Spiritual things get second best. Why not put a stand alone Bible memory system at the top of the daily "to do" list? One that has all the accountability features you'll need built into it. (Completion Record, Weekly Check-up Sheet, Covenant for Consistency with a friend outside the home).

E. Kids love the "picture" idea. It puts a grin on the face, uses both sides of the brain, and doubles the retention. Add a little sugar to the medicine (God's Word) to get it down better.

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4. Does Memlok help with remembering the references?
Yes, in four ways:

A. Memlok uses a true "flip card" to utilize both rote and recall skills. That means you repeat it (rote) and remember it (recall). The picture is on the front signifying the "first key words". You must remember the reference and verse once you've worked on it enough before you turn over the flip card. That way it all gets more deeply grooved in your "filing cabinet" of a brain with a specific address on it's folder.

B. You repeat the verse two times each day you review (front and back of the business card). You repeat that evasive reference 4 times (before and after both front and back).

C. All review is to be done out loud, so you take advantage of another sense - your hearing. Many people learn much better hearing than reading and don't even know it.

D. The optionally used "Summary Card" in the back of the binder allows you to say all the verses in a topic while you drive or wait somewhere without even having all the cards with you. The "first key words" are arranged in such an order that together they form Summary "sentences". This enables you to memorize 12 verses on Sovereignty from 12 chapters, and have "kind of" an answer when some wise guy says "Do you believe in free will or predestination?"

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5. How would you compare Memlok with THE NAVIGATOR's Topical Memory System?

The "TMS" is awesome. I am a trained leader of THE NAVIGATOR's Colossian 2:7 Course and have led it many times. I would recommend any adult (even teen) believer go through at least 3 of the 6 three month courses. Your leader must be trained by THE NAVIGATORS in the 5 courses beyond the introductory "Growing Strong in God's Family" The 65 verses (5 Assurance verses and 5 topics of 12) are a solid foundation. You can do it first, or at the same time you do Memlok. Sixty-two of the 65 TMS verses are in Memlok, so the two work together well.

The differences are:

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6. Does every member of the family need a copy?
No and Yes.

I've heard of two families in Florida with 19 children each who use only one copy per family and are doing great. Since all the verses are stored in the plastics included, each one pulls out the ones to be reviewed for that day, reviews it out loud, and returns it. Once a week, all are "listened to" and signed off by a parent or older child that they have said the new verse and that the 5 boxes for "5 days reviewed past verses" checked off is true.

On the other hand, "Yes".

Two reasons. First, you must review for life or you will forget both the references and verses. You must have your own cards when you leave home so you can keep up your 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week review. (If you've learned all 48 topics of 12 cards, you will cycle through them every 60 days since you take the weekends off.)

Second, about 1/2 the families using Memlok allow various members to do their own topics, rather than all doing the same one. Dad may be excited to get started with Sovereignty, Purity or Faith, rather than Salvation etc. Titus implies it is wise to disciple according to needs and Memlok allows for that. Not only can each member select their own topic, each can select the verse of the 12 that most enthuses them each week. Motivation is key with Scripture memory. Teenagers are especially more interested in doing their own topics. It also is more of a test when "listening" time comes, if all are saying different verses.

if you want all to have their own cards. You currently have two choices. Pay for a reproduction license or get additional sets. The "Second Sets" for $27 will be discontinued when the inventory is depleted. Check pricing here

Finally, you may benefit from checking out PC MemLok. All 100 of your kids can log on with it and PC Memlok will keep track of each one's review and personal notes they attach.

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7. Why would I need both Memlok and PC MemLok?
Good Question!
I use both. Others may not feel the need. Here are a few advantages to owning both.

I find I meditate more when "alone", relaxing with my cards, than I do when reviewing on the PC. But I love the organization and natural cut-off using the PC when reviewing. Meditation is important. Kind of feel more "alone with God" with cards. It's me and the computer otherwise .

Often someone in the home isn't all that excited about using a computer, if you know what I mean. If more than one are using Memlok, the purchase ought to be done to meet the need of the weakest link, since Scripture memory is hard to keep up.

Portability of cards. Unless you take your computer to the market, you can't do the 5 min a day review in the car on the way.

A dad told me he's getting the PC, but having used the cards for 3 years with his children, he felt he'd never own only the PC. The bonding that occurs when working together on the cards is terrific. The PC will do it all for him (neat advantage -mom/dad free scripture memory -except for the once a week checkup), but he doesn't want to eliminate altogether those experiences.

The cards have one Summary Card for each topic. It is the same size, but I've shrunk up the 12 individual pics from the 12 verses on that topic. Additionally, the "First key words" are connected with one another making a "summary sentence". Memorize the 1-3 summary sentences and you can recall all 12 verses on the subject. Some people only carry the Summary Card for review, saving room.

Do you want to miss out on the neat benefits of
PC MemLok?
Never ending coloring book or full color printouts
Practice typing your verse and have it correct you - not a bad thing to be practicing -God's Word
Attaching experiences, applications to a verse as a personal note
Automatic review (5 min/day 5 days/week) always taking you through all your verses every 2 months.
Color always helps retention
Flexibility. Everyone can do any topic they wish.
Phrase by phrase learning (like using a white board/erasing)
FREE reproduction of all the pics Completion record for each person prints out for record keeping
Meditation (for application) page included in the program. Prints.
Cut & paste verses into word processors

So, it's up to you. You know your situation. Getting them together for $99 is certainly a good deal, since it is $64.90 incl S/H for the PC alone. Think long term before you decide.

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8. What about the Macintosh?
So glad you asked! We're looking into it. Honestly, we probably won't do it any time soon. The programming cost appears to be too high at this point (tho that may change quickly enough with the Gates/Job developments recently in mid-August).
Also, it would require more inventory outlay when inventory is already very high for me (this is a home-based business). But, I'd sure love to have a McMemlok! Pray for it! I aim to please!

But........Virtual PC ( MAC program currently available on a mfg special for $120-$140) can make PC MemLok work on your MAC if you have higher than a 603. It requires 24 mg memory for Windows 95 and 20 for Win 3.1 and 180 megs of HD space. It includes StuffIt and Expandit. Contact Connectix for full detail, or call your local discount software place.

By the way, Memlok has proven quite useful in 60,000 folks via the cards, so you may consider getting started that way. Many are using both. See the question right before this regarding the value of cards.

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9. At what age do you recommend starting Memlok?
Europeans are amazed our kids only speak English! The reason their children speak 2-4 languages is because of when they begin! We wait until Jr. or Sr High. They do it as soon as they can talk.

I say, "If they can talk, why not be forming God's sentences?" He will explain the meaning as they encounter life! We do the same! Besides, the mind is so open, uncluttered and malleable when young.

Do avoid comparing your child with the precocious one your friend has. That is unscriptural, demeaning, and frustrating. 2 Corinthians 10:12

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