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Scripture Memory
Memlok/PC MemLok Bible Memory System
FREE 15 Scripture Memory Tips

Scripture Memory - Ten Ways Memlok Cards Help
You will learn them for LIFE, not for some test, class, or study. You will remember them ALWAYS!
Any other way is simply "Scripture Forget".

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Only about 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week!
1. Freedom to select any verse or topic you want every week.
2. Plastic cardholders (included) keep Daily, Weekly and Monthly review system to about 5 minutes while you keep up with every verse you ever learn.
3. "A picture is worth a thousand words."

"Fourth and fifth graders were tested on what they remembered about a story (with and without pictures). A day later, those with a picture did 59% better, and a week later 86% better."
Education Communication and Technology Journal

4. The picture brings a smile (motivation), uses both sides of the brain (double retention), and stops the question "Give me the first two words!"
5. 35 Tips to improve memorization.
6. Four dozen blank cards so you can make up your own!
7. The Summary Card helps you retain all the verses and the references!
8. Memlok contains at least one verse from every New Testament chapter, Old Testament book, and chapter of Proverbs.
9. Completion Record, Weekly Checkup and Covenant for Consistency. You must inspect what you expect!
10. True Flip Card System like multiplication cards. Recall the verse, not just repeat it.
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Reach Memlok at 1-800-373-1947 (Free Call) Canada 714-738-0949

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