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Scripture Memory
Memlok/PC MemLok Bible Memory System
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Used by 60,000 Kids from 2-92 in 50 States & 40 Countries
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Pastors, Teachers, Small Group Leaders
Hal Jensen Hal Jensen THE NAVIGATORS
I have looked at many Bible memory systems over the last 25 years and . . .Memlok is the best I've seen.

Charles Swindoll, my pastor for years, said "I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture...No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends! Your prayer life will be strengthened. Your witnessing will be sharper and much more effective. Your attitudes and outlook will begin to change. Your mind will become alert and observant. Your confidence and assurance will be enhanced. Your faith will be solidified."(emphasis mine) Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life p 53

Daryl Swartley I can't really meditate as I drive my tractor unless I've memorized the verse first. Memlok has made every verse seem as familiar as John 3:16 to me. Now, I'm much stronger in spiritual warfare. The memorized verses seem to "jump start" my prayer life and I'm comparing Scriptures to Scriptures more quickly now. Finally (you can tell Memlok has terrifically impacted me), I want you to know I've grown more through Scripture memory with Memlok than the formal correspondence Bible courses I've taken. Thank You!!

Pastor Eric Hall Wayne, PA
People were amazed when they heard our 2 year old reciting verses! They had thought their children were too young. Thank you for your recent shipment of 18 Memloks for these families who want to use it too!

Adult Sunday School Teacher Pasadena, CA
I've spent 4 years memorizing and meditating on Memlok verses. That's 16 topics of 12 verses each. I've seen real growth personally, in my family, and in men I disciple using Memlok. Every teacher should consider doing this with key leaders.

Scott Lane This is my 150th week using Memlok and it has changed the way I live my Christian Life!!" I currently disciple men in 2 small groups in Houston Texas and challenge men regarding Scripture memory to count the cost before starting "Not the $50, but will you dedicate 5 minutes 5 days a week for the rest of your life?

Rev. Rodney G. Toews SCRIPTURE PRESS, Assistant to the Director, Wheaton, IL
Like it or not, people want EASY education. Memlok's one verse a week is just that. With the word picture and a week to apply the verse, it becomes retainable. . .Any age will love Memlok!

I showed a sample card to all the people I visited this week and everyone of them came up with the verse. This thing works! Pastor Scott

My husband and I appreciate Mem-Lok so much. We have been following the plan, nearly faithfully for 2 years now. We are learning different verses so between the 2 of us we should have close to 400 verses learned -- with the location. God gives us opportunities to remember verses. We are giving this set to our best friends -- what better gift for someone you love? Debbie & Homer Curry

Billy Graham says I am convinced that one of the greatest things we can do is to memorize Scripture. Billy Graham, Personal Thoughts of a Public Man p. 88

Pastor Chris Witte Grace Family Church, MA
We have been using overheads of the pictures in Memlok in our children's Sunday School and it has worked wonders!

Barbara Erickson
We have 12 adults in a Scripture memory Sunday School class using Memlok this past winter and spring. It has been a blessing, and most plan to continue next year, too!

Tyndale, Youth For Christ (as taken from p 297 The Life Application Bible)
There were no books, Bibles, or newstands to spread God's Word (in Deuteronomy), so the people had to rely on word of mouth and an accurate memory. Memorization was in important part of worship, for if everyone know the law, ignorance would be no excuse for breaking it. To fulfill the purpose and will of God in our lives, we need the content and substance of his Word in our hearts and minds. For the Hebrews, this process began in childhood.

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Home Schoolers

Our 10,13, and 15 year old children can say all the verses they've learned from Memlok over the last three years! Here's a tip that might work for others...We give a reward when they quote from memory (with reference) a verse they hear in the sermon. They really listen! Family in Phoenix (Received permission, but I "forgot" the name!)

Aletha Knopp Support Group Leader, OR
Memlok is one of the best investments I have made in 9 years of home schooling. We have used it for 6 years now and I recommend it to everyone! Five of our 6 kids (3-15 yrs.) are actually meditating because of the excellent review system.

Cathy Duffy Cathy Duffy Author Christian Home Educators Curriculum Manual
It's about time someone came up with visual clues to help make memorization easier for reluctant and struggling memorizers.

Gregg Harris Gregg Harris Author, Publisher, Christian Life Workshops
One of the highest priorities among Christian home schooling parents is to teach their children the Word of God. Memlok is among the finest tools for accomplishing this crucial educational and spiritual goal.I highly recommend it!

Mary Pride Mary Pride Author, Publisher Big Book of Home Learning
The most usable topical Bible memory program we have seen is still Memlok. We're really impressed! It's kid appealing, sharp, and thorough. Most of all, Memlok is fun and easy! RECOMMENDED.

Tonya Siska I can't tell you how much our family loves PC Memlok. It has really made memorizing bible scriptures much easier and we are getting closer to the Lord. It has opened up all kinds of discussions about God with our children, but most of all it is REALLY FUN!!! I can't thank you enough for this wonderful tool to help us memorize the scripture.

Our kid's memory was not what it should have been until Memlok. Even our 3 and 4 year old love it, coloring the big printouts. Our kids range from 15 all the way down. We use PC Memlok every day. What a ministry to our lives. And, thanks for all the cool sites on your website. The family spent 4 hours at your site last night and we can't wait to go back. Thanks!! Bruce & Cynthia White

As a homeschooling family, it has also been great to have a system that automatically keeps track of progress. Bob & Debi Dierdorf

Promise Keepers

A Texan Lay Leader
At a Promise Keepers training session, one of the volunteer leaders from the Billy Graham Association quoted so many verses I was really amazed. Then he said Memlok is what he used. I'm really excited to use mine!

A Dad Macy, KY
I've never been able to memorize, but my wife said it was only about 5 minutes a day. . .4 years now, and my son and I are reviewing nearly 200 verses from Memlok. PTL!


Paul Kienel Paul Kienel Associated Christian Schools International
I heartily recommend this program of Bible memory! It draws upon a proven method of recall that I used years ago in college.

We have used Memlok for the whole school, first through 8th grades, for the past 2 years. We like how students are able to progress at their own pace. Most students learn at least 30 verses a year, with some already knowing over 100 verses in the past 2 years. The parents report back to me that rarely a church sermon is preached that their son or daughter doesn't give them a nudge and say, "I know that verse, Mom and Dad". Thank you for a great program! Tim Ihms Administrator Surrey Garden Christian School Gilbert, AZ

Dr. David Nicholas, President Shasta Bible College
We're using Memlok again this year (5th year) because of very positive input from our students. It facilitates memorization of Scripture which we feel is important to a Bible college education and cultivates an effective Christian lifestyle.

Learning Disabled L.L., Houston, TX
My 7 year old couldn't read and was tested "learning disabled with auditory memory deficit". He has learned a verse a week for 3 years and has never forgotten one. It gave him a visual clue to "hang-on" to. He can't wait to get his next picture! Memlok is perfect!

More Stories
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**Marine-New Christian I am a new Christian. Your well thought out system has helped me greatly. Thanks! On the Move!
**Cult vs 5 yr Old Recently, a “cult” couple came down our street. Quickly, I had a meeting with my 5 yr old. She met them at the door and said all the verses on Deity she had learned the last 3 months. You had to be there! Proud Dad in Cincinatti
**19 Kids! Memlok works great with our 19 kids. FL
**One Half Through Memlok! I drive a lot, so I'm nearly 1/2 way through Memlok (350 verses). Besides clearly impacting my lifestyle, it helps me in three key ways. 1. I am able to prepare lessons quickly, tying together ideas based on Scripture. 2. I can answer the question "What was that verse...? most of the time. 3. I understand my Bible better, because I don't have to look up references often. Jane Brookshire, Torrance, CA

**6Th Grade “Rattlers” I’ve never had students rattle off 12 verses so quickly & accurately. Thanks, Memlok! VA
**Pastor “Freed” I’m a very structured preacher, seldom straying from my text...until now. Praise God for Memlok! CA
**Just Pick it Up! What’s great about Memlok is you just pick it up and “Go with it.” No study & planning. Parent of highschoolers
**Inmates Changed Changed hearts are coming from the power of the Holy Spirit through God’s Word...I mean Memlok! TX
**Four Years Old Last week, our daughter, who just turned four, said all 52 verses in Memlok we had done as a family. WA
**Easy and Painless Memlok is such an easy and painless way to memorize Scripture. My husband (a pastor) has recommended it to many folks at our church and I've told our other homeschooling friends about it. We think every family should have a copy of Memlok. T Wright
Know your books? Just when you thought you knew the books of the Bible, then you find ---Name That Book from Memlok. ......You may quote me....Your brother T. Lee Van Dyke
Helped with Awana Say The Books! played a very real part in my son doing so well in Awanas last year. George Lawson
**Character Improvement We used our Memlok for two years and lost it! I'm ordering another (plus one of your Second Sets for my oldest). We just can't do without it because so much positive character improvement has occurred in our family. Thanks! Stephen & Lisa Achilles

Education Communication and Technology Journal

Fourth and fifth graders were tested on what they remembered about a story (with and without pictures). A day later, those with a picture did 59% better, and a week later 86% better.

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Free Brochure or 15 Scripture Memory Tips
Reach Memlok at 1-800-373-1947 (Free Call) Canada 714-738-0949

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