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New Student Letter

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New Student Letter


In joining ARIZONA SHAOLIN KENPO ACADEMY, you have become a part of your community's most respected martial arts association. As the newest member in our system, we would like to welcome you to the exciting world of martial arts. You will recieve regular communication from us that will keep you abreast of studio events and activities so you can take advantage of the many opportunities we offer. If any questions should arise regarding out participation in any of our programs, please contact the chief instructor.


Because of the growing number of students in our school, studio etiquette is more important than ever. Enclosed is a copy of the school rules and codes of conduct. Everyone is expected to completely understand and observe them at all times. Following these guidelines will allow us to provide you with the highest quality service and a safe and exciting school.


We have gone to great lengths to make our programs the safest in the nation. It is therefore important that all students follow the guidance of the instructor and exercise proper control when working on techniques or sparring. To further eliminate the possibility of injury, protective groin cups are mandatory for all male students during all class workouts. In addition, safety equipment is mandatory for all sparring classes.

All of the protective gear is stocked in the studio for your convenience and may be purchased through the instructor or office manager. If there are any questions concerning equipment or regulations, please contact the instructor.

Following the above guidelines will ensure a safe and enjoyable workout for all.

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Newsletter - Volume 1 Issue 1 June '97

Newsletter - Volume 1 Issue 2 July '97

Newsletter - Volume 1 Issue 3 August '97

Newsletter - Volume 1 Issue 4 September '97

Newsletter - Volume 2 January '98

New Student Letter

Open Letter To Parents

Childrens Program

Testing For Rank

Physical And Mental Benefits

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Rules And Customs Of The School

Five Rules Of The School

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Dene Whitney

Last Updated: 1-4-98

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