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Short Term Solution, Long Term Problem

In recent months, through the turmoil of Hurricane Katrina, in which America lost one million barrels of oil a day and gas prices reaching record highs of $5.00 a gallon, a time has clearly come where action must be taken. For the last thirty years we have been hearing that it will take ten years to bring ANWR'S oil supply into the market, and therefore it will not have a direct effect on gas prices. The first question that I have to ask myself is where does gas come from? It comes from gas pumps at the gas station. Right? Maybe that is the reason why we hear so much about price gouging from economically illiterate political pundents on capitol hill. Gasoline


LONG TERM PROBLEM(a jedi with a cause).
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comes from oil, and to obtain oil a person must insert an oil drill into the ground and drill. Just like in all aspects of life, there are means to an end there are also wise short term goals that bring about long term solutions. This is why drilling on the coastal plain of ANWR is the first of many campagins to lessen America's dependence on foreign energy.

Besides the over estimated time-line that makes ANWR a benefit so far in the future, that it cancels out its importance, there is also the arugument concering oil refinernes. In certain states, such as the beautiful California, it is illligel to build any new oil refineres. In fact, there has not been an oil refinerne built in the last 29 years anywhere in America. Many liberals are pushing the point that the GOP is blaming enviromental regulations on the fact that there have not been more oil refiners built. This is a very good point brought up by the left because enviromental regualtions and special interest lobbing are the primary reasons why more oil refiners have not been built.

There is a simple soution to this problem, where America slowely decreases its supply of foreign oil in our curent refineries as the supply of ANWR oil comes into the free market. The left will cry that this idea is an archaic idea made up by the facist right but will fail once again in there analysis of anything comcering the economy and the enviroment. We must act today if we as the greatest country in the world are to lower gas prices, strengthen our nations security, and eventualy find alternitive forms of oil in this ever changing global economy.

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