Welcome and Great Day to you.

We are excited you are getting information about out superb music industry program.

We have spent countless hours putting the finest certificate education program you will find.

We look forward to being the learning center you enjoy attending and recommending to others.

If you wanted to be in the music industry, from music creation to music sales and all that comes in between,


you will find our learning center to be place to help you achieve your goal!!


We are creating one of the finest learning programs for those who want to prosper in modern, traditional, delta blues, rhythm and blues, funk and modern soul music industry. Visit back to get full details.



Homeboy Music is growing and we are looking for talent and staff!!!

If you have blues, funk, rhythm and blues music talent  and want to get your music heard by people around the globe Homeboy Music may be able to help you.  If you have music you want us to review for inclusion with our music inventory and music distribution please contact Rickey send email to juniques@jusmcc.org






If you would like to work with Homeboy Music in the administrative department, sales department, promotions department send your interest and info to juniques@jusmcc.org