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Visitor to this page since Nov 15th 2019
This is Officially My Own
unofficial ALL things Cape Coral info page
it focuses mainly on the Cap Coral Florida
Christmas Boat - A - Long and boat light parade - Dec 21st 2019
it has the most detailed info on Cape Events you will find anywhere
It is long BUT you should find info on something you are interested in
And dont miss the video of a man eating - killer 7.5 foot bull shark
swimming just feet off the Cape Coral Yacht Club Beach
The 2019 Dec Events Include -
The Tree Lighting ceremony -
The Arrival of Santa at the Yacht Club -
a Breakfast with Santa -
The Cape Coral Annual Boat Parade
will be held Saturday Dec. 21st 2019
( it's the 42nd Annual Cape Coral Boat Parade )
and some of the details, guides and rules have changed a bit
from previous years
and are linked further down on this page
The correct way to refer being " on Cape Coral"
is exactly that - IT IS NOT "in Cape Coral
since Cape Coral is a real geological cape
Cape Codders would NEVER refer to themselves
as Living "In Cape Cod"
so we as Cape Coralers should use the correct phrase too -- "On The Cape"
This site is NOT connected to the City of Cape Coral in ANY way
Email me for more on any event

I volunteer my time and skills to promote Cape Coral Events
NO Money is asked for and NONE will be accepted
You can Help Keep this page on the internet
Please Visit the websites I have linked on this page
to help me defray the costs
I am sure there is something found on this page for Everyone To Use & Enjoy and possibly learn from
If you are thinking about moving to Florida or becoming a snow bird
Take a look at this
IF you are directed to a page that is NOT a Craigslist ad
for the mobile home >BR>Just tap the "x" on the tab for the window which opened
and you should be taken to the Ad

TAP HERE twice
For craigslist ad
Its a big mobile home located in New Port Richey
which has 10 DEGREE cooler weather than Cape Coral
ITS ONLY 150 miles from the Cape - NEAR Tampa
Lower your living expenses and still enjot the weather
$445.00 per month and FREE water
email me HERE If you Have questions ABOUT THE HOME
If you can't take the time to read the first links
seen next
Then you might as well leave now
And find the info about the Boat Parade Elsewhere

While we're enjoying the Christmas Season
many are suffering other problems
I pray readers of this page
have enough sense and compassion
to spend some time finding out about the Current Heroin Epidemic
While at Cape Coral Hospital I was told
They treat at least 4 HEROIN overdoses Each Day
and some have been fatal
I guarantee you will be shocked at the cause, source
and who is in part responsible for
This dreaded scourge
If you are directed to a page which
Does not have Heroin as its main theme just x out of the page
Tap Here
For the DATA and Facts on Heroin

Last year there was an added surprise
The International Space Station Passed directly overhead at 6:58 p.m.
This is not a rare occurrence to have it pass directly over Cape Coral
It haapens about every two weeks
Come back to check if it will be making a pass this year during the 2019 parade
You can shine spotlights or
high powered flashlights at it ( NO laser lights )
to say Merry Christmas to the space travelers on Board
It is traveling at 17,500 mph ( 4.86 miles per second ) at approx 220 Miles
The site you can visit to learn how to
see more passes is at This Link HERE
Here is one of my added treats - A inspirational music video
the song will be recognized easily _- even thouugh it is a cover by the group "Disturbed"
I gaurantee you will be moved by the song and scenes in tthe video
>Use "ctrl" and "+" or "-" to adjust the text or images size
on your Monitor
This page has entirely too much info
But that is why it is HERE
Our Favorite TV Station is Cape Coral's own Fox 4
Next is one of our favorite pages for Cape Info

Now a bit of info about the parade
There is no registration or fee
Just show up
but check thge link to the rules and guides before you cone
- some rules may keep you out of the parade
There are links to the rules further down this page
If coming by boat get to the rallying / round up spot
for the parade at the Bimini Basin Early
And be careful there could be as many as 50 TO 55 Boats in that confined space
you may have heard there are 100 to 130 boats in the parade
BUT the sponsors ALWAYS exaggerate the turn out
does it really matter they mislead the public ?
in all 22 OF my years of covering the event --
there have
NEVER been more than 50 boats
IF Coming by land -- Again, Get to the park early as there is limited parking near Bimini Basin
Four Freedoms Park is right on The Bimini Basin
Next to the Twin Towers seen in the pic directly below - looking west and coming from Del Prado
it is behind the SunTrust Bank in the 600 Block of Cape Coral Pkwy
This page it is not endorsed by the City Of Cape Coral
or the Sponsors of the Christmas Boat A Long and Light Parade
We Welcome You
Book mark this page then come back later
and throughout the year to find info on other Cape Coral Happenings
and Visit the other sites linked here too
You will find Info for various events held on the Cape
and things to do
while "on Cape Coral" too
I also list businesses and services which
I as a senior consumer on Social Security
find to be very reasonable and customer friendly
My First and best deal - sponsor page
Buy using their services you help keep my pages on the web
Mention The Old Guy from Palm Tree Blvd if you contact them
My First sponsor is Jeff's Lawn Service
They're JUST THE best
Fall & Winter = 2 cuts per month for $40.00
Spring and Summer 4 cuts for $60.00
with trimming and blowing
They also do HANDY MAN WORK
Can you afford NOT to look into this next offer ?
My last 20 gallon fill up cost me a total of .38 cents
( or 1.9 cents per gallon )
Thats right I paid under 2 cents per gallon for my last fill up and you can too !

Click Here to get more info
The webmaster of this page
observed when addressing a NEW RESIDENTS club meeting:
"The first time I saw the arch of the Cape Coral Parkway Bridge
and was driving over it onto the Cape -
it reminded me of the Song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" -
since then Cape Coral has become the "Land That I Dreamed Of"
and I hope those in high places would consider renaming the Bridge
"The Rainbow Bridge"
But they have ignored my suggestion - go figure !!
Here is some info on another Xmas tradition
found on Cape Coral
many thought it was no longer here
It IS the best decorated lighted / houses in ALL Southwest Florida
IT was found at 904 S.W. 4th Ave off Nicholas
The New Location is
SET YOUR GPS TO =1938 NE 20th Street 33909

There is a donation box located on the lawn
ALL donations go to supply bullet proof vest for police and K-9 dogs
The 117,000 lights are in sync and set to music
which you can tune in on your car radio as you drive past ( 90.3 F.M. )
The owner of the house has a $1000.00 electric Bill for Dec
for years this house has been the most amazing light show set to music
and the best in the area
Here is a Fox 4 story about the Best decorated house on Cape Coral
Clcik HERE for that
Now the a Video taken of this fabulous House I suggest you let the background music on this page stop before
watching the video
That way you can hear the music in the video
Click on the video box ABOVE to see the Video
~* The Rules for Navigating your boat during the Parade *~
and a Printable Map of the parade route canals
are all found on this page
A House on the Cape with nice decorations
another with 130,000 lights set to music Video Below
Some of the videos Need to be Updated Because
the site I used to edit and store them has folded
I will put replacement vids on as Soon As I can
Meanwhile there are enough interesting videos to keep you busy
I have over 200 videos on YOUTUBE with over 1,602,000 views
so some must be Good
Please Subscribe to my Youtube channel ( my id is imjustme )
Much of the info found on this PAGE
WILL NOT be found in ANY Newspapers articles, seen on ANY TV stations or ANY other online site
You have found the top source
If you are Looking for info on how to
get your boat into the Cape Coral Boat a Long AND Xmas Light Parade
or where the parade route which the Boats will use is ?
Want to be in the Parade - But don't have a boat - Maybe we can find you a ride
Need info on how to hook up lights ?
Or looking for tips on how to decorate a boat
That info is found here too
For those on Land: ---
Want to know directions to Four Freedoms Park and what the admission charge is ?
Where To Park ?
What to bring ?
Just read this page
Send me your pics and vids of this and other Cape Coral Events
and have them published online
Want to see some videos of past events ?
and other interesting things found on Cape Coral
Check out ALL the links on this page
Share this page on ALL the social media sites you use
The short URL for this page is
Show them what a great section of the country you live in
THIS is a VIDEO OF a past Cape Coral
Christmas Boat Parade~~~~~~~~~~~~
The focal point of this event is a parade of approximately
50 to 70 boats decorated in a various unique festive holiday fashion
with lights, costumes, elves, and whatever else their captains can think of.
At Four Freedoms park, the landlubbers can watch the boats gather in the Bimini Basin
before they begin meandering through the canals of south Cape Coral.
Along with providing an ideal seat to watch the illuminated vessels,
the park features live holiday music, decorated trees, Christmas crafts,
and food and beverages for sale.
This is a unique celebration of Christmas Florida-style.
What is on the schedule this Year
I contacted the Parks Department and asked what they had planned for the event
and they send me the following email:
To Foteze
nov 5th 2018 09:23
From Cape Coral Parks and Recreation
The parade itself starts at 7 pm.
There will be movie in the park showing "The Polar Express "
along with Santa and stage performances.
Thank you
That was all that was in the email
Since they did not send me the actual schedule
I can not post it But I am sure they will have some entertainment starting around 4:00 p.m.
with the usual:
4:15 PM City leaders talk
5:00 PM Stage Show
6:00 PM Santa Arrives
6:45 PM Possible short Fireworks show
7:00 PM Parade Starts
7:20 PM Movie in the Park ( Not set yet )
Again Four Freedoms Park is Located on E Cape Coral Parkway
next to the 'Twin Towers' on the Bimini Basin
They are the tallest building along Cape Parkway and You can't miss them

get more info on the parks location below
To volunteer to entertain at the Boat A Long:
Contact 239-573-3121
For more information:
Contact 239-573-3123 or 3125
Or email the Parks and Rec Dept at
This link HERE
Again Don't miss my many Videos seen on this page
They are ALL mine
and Include - my Cape Coral UFO sighting ( I really saw it over the Bimini Basin where the parade is held )
and my video of a Home on Cape Coral built in 1962
just after the Cuban Missile Crisis with a genuine Fallout / Bomb Shelter
which the owners use as a hurricane / tornado storm shelter
The average high temperature in December on Cape Coral FL is 76.8 degrees -
average daily LOW IS 56.7 for December
It gets down to the high 30's overnight about 10 days a year
It has ONLY been below or equal to freezing 10 times in the past 100 years
BUT It has NEVER REALLY SNOWED ON Cape Coral The average temp for Parade Week in Dec is a high of 78
and a low of 61 ( Brrrrrrrrr !!!!! )
( in 2004 it was 43 @ 7:00P.p.m. and dropped to a teeth chattering 38 by 10:00p.m. )
Who said it NEVER sn*ws On Cape Coral ?
Watch the video and see it snow on Cape Coral
ALL the Boat Parade Info is yet to come on this page
Next is a Funny VIDEO WITH 120000 views
of a supposed "shark attack" near Cape CoraL Florida
NOW tap on below to see a very real 7 1/2 foot Killer Bull shark
just feet off the beach at the Cape Coral Yacht Club
The Cape Coral politicians and Chamber of Commerce hate this video
and another of the same event
I reiterate - ( My youtube id is " imjustme " )
I have over 200 vids on YOU TUBE WITH OVER over 1,600,000 views
So some must be interesting
I am sure you will find something you Like
I have - Fishing videos -
Shuttle launches seen from my backyard on Cape Coral 180 miles from the launch site
plus Videos of the space shuttle and space station as they pass over Cape Coral
and UFOs over Cape Coral
The video with Over 356 sunsets in a row without missing one
The sunsets pictures are ALL my pictures
- ALL taken by me without missing one night for a year
Now my sunsets picture On Cape Coral without missing One Night -
Amzaing !!!
Here's the UFO Video
More of This pages Sponsors Services and products can be seen at the bottom of this page
for help with repairing Computers and ALSO
The Best small and large Appliance Repair and Electrical work *********
I also recommend Tires Plus located at 2310 Del Prado Blvd
239 772 4997 or (239) 217-3218
Manager Shane Ramdhan
2310 Del Prado Blvd S
Cape Coral, FL 33990-6633

Now more about the Boat Parade
~* Rules for Joining & Navigating during the Parade *~
and a Printable Map of the parade route canals
are all found HERE

Click HERE for a big view of the parade route from space
Another way participants and land Lubbers can help
make the Cape Coral Boat Parade a success is
Sea Tow is one of this years coordinator and sponsor of the event,
Their Yellow Boats will be cruising the Bimini Basin
bring some canned goods and hail them
There will also be bins set up throughout Four Freedoms Park to
place your food donations in
In Past years There were other Special Guests in 2012 -
The International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope / satellite made passes over the area
at an altitude of 218 miles - traveling at 17,500 miles per hour
The ISS is very bright BUT Don't confuse them with the planet Venus
Which is very bright BUT stationary
and appears just to the south of due west
To see what to look for in the sky watch this next video
Please wait until the site Background Music Stops before starting the Video
EMAIL the webmaster if you need more instructions on how to see THE ISS or
other satellites as they pass over YOUR area
Or to find out how you can see your house, neighborhood and city from space
Visit This link HERE OR email me


I believe in giving a lot of info
and not letting you guess
here you will get ALL the info:
from the weather forecast to where to park to access Four Freedoms park
which is where the land lubbers can congregate to view the boats,
and partake in the other activities the City has planned
to a map of the parade route as
it snakes through the canal of the lower Cape
to what you can expect, how to get your boat into the parade
navigation rules for boats in the parade, Tips on how to decorate your boat etc. etc. et al
Before getting to that info********
I hope you think about those families
who are experiencing
The Holidays without a family Member
I am sure if it was your family missing a loved one
You'd be the first to want everything possible to be done to find them
You can Help the effort to assure we Find Missing and Abducted Children and Adults quickly
and stop other crimes
all we ask is a few minutes of your time
to read about the proposed system and educate yourself
about the existing technology TO Find the Missing
the existing military technology and how we need to adapt it for Law Enforcement to accomplish the goalsCape Coral has an active missing person case -

High School Teacher Amy Paterson went missing and has not yet been found
See the "More Missing Person Cases" Section and Please get involved and read about the technology which
exists to find the missing quickly and drastically reduce other crimes on OUR main web site at
This Link HERE
To get more details on the Patterson case and Many of the others you see and hear about
Please read what YOU can do to spare tens of Millions of Families
the pain of dealing with a missing loved one
Again, We have the technology
Don't be like so many others .......
more will die if you ignore this request
Step Up and DO Something
Get Involved -- ADD Your Voice ~ Pay It Forward

Click HERE
to help find the missing
Once More -- Lets Show the country Cape Coral Supports the Troops

Click Here
to be scooted to the Gift for Anyone who has ever said "My Feet Are Killing Me"
I know that's YOU
BUT consider sending some to our troops to show Support
NOW back to more Boat Parade info
The Cape Coral Christmas Boat / Light Parade has become AS famous in ALL of Florida
AS the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade The local TV weather forecasts for The 2016 event was not REALLY ACCURATE
( NOT MANY ARE !!!! )
for the Boat-a-Long Christmas Light Parade
The "Weather Guessers" "Predicted" IT WOULD get into in the high 40's With heavy showers and Windy
The only thing they got right was the wind it was 20 to 25 knots - it hit a low of 54 degrees and NO RAIN AT ALL
For this years event - Dec 15 th 2018
I predict Cloudy skies with intermittent rain
and The high temperature for the day will be 81 ( at 4:00 p.m. )
and will drop to approx 67 @ 7:00 p.m. it will drop into the 50's by midnight
With the Wind Chill it will feel much colder ??????
If you recall the tv stations missed the predictions for Hurricane Charley too -
They gave us about 1 hour warning that it was going to turn and
come inland over Cape Coral and Punta Gorda.
The turn out was smaller than expected for the 2016 event --
Maybe this year it will be as expected -
From 65 to 70 boats
Once Again: ( The newspapers and TV station ALWAYS inflate the actual numbers )
There were no more than 60 boats in the 2016 parade
Far short of the 110 the News PRESS and tv stations other than Fox 4 reported
After the parade starts the boats pass the public reviewing area in Four Freedoms PARK
and THEN HEAD out in the canals -- see the route linked below
I AM JUST THE webmaster of this donated page
I have nothing to do with the set up, operation or running of the Parade
Don't Shoot the Messenger
SEE more Pics Below for past events
Despite what you may have read elsewhere There is NO actual registration process or fee
for being in the parade
BUT there are size restrictions and navigation rules ( see the rules link below )
If you want to get your boat into the 2018 Parade
just decorate your boat ( IF it meets the size guidelines - seen below )
show up at the Bimini Basin ( see map below ) and
Obey ALL rules
The First of which is Keep Moving -
Don't stop unless you have mechanical problems
( there will be Tow Boat USA, Sea Tow, Cape Coral Marine Patrol AND Coast Guard boats monitoring the parade )
And have fun
The rest of the Rules are found elsewhere from links on this page *****
See The video of a 7.5 foot Killer Bull Shark
Just feet off the Cape Coral Yacht Club Beach below
Some pics from previous Parade

Tom Buckhards -- Thors's Hammer
All parades are dedicated to the Memory Of Founder Edwina Hahn
who passed away in 2008
She and her Husband started the parade in 1976
The next pic and Video is a unique house
and It is -- I believe the ONLY HOUSE
on Cape Coral with an actual 1962 Fall Out Shelter
IDEAL FOR USE AS A Hurricane / Tornado room
The walls are 2 1/2 ft thick and the ceiling is 3 foot of concrete
It is no longer for sale
Go HERE to read about the home and take the video tour
it was built in 1962 just after the Cuban Missile Crisis
The navigation rules
and safety tips for all Boat Captains In the Parade are posted below

Send your emails HERE

Send me your boat decoration pics and vids of the Event
include text and I will post them on this page
The Annual Cape Coral multi event
Christmas FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS Start off with
the Tree Lighting Party held Sat DEC 1 st 2018 from 3:00 to 11 p.m.
Here is a web page
with some info about this event
NOW More Info on the Tree Lighting Ceremony:
We close
Cape Coral Pkwy from Del Prado Blvd to Leonard Street ( a Winn-Dixie AND Ace Hardware )
THE Cape Coral Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
is Saturday Dec 1st 2018
and tthe tree is located across from the McDonalds on The P aekway at approx 6:55 p.m.
-- usually a bit late Santa Will be there - a snow pile with real snow - and a mini train
Street vendors and Lots of free giveaways along the thoroughfare
Parking is at a premium and early birds get the worm at the Winn Dixie / Ace Hardware Lot / and the Veterans Museum Lot
on the west side of Leonard Street
( near the Rib City Restaurant )
There is PARKING along and off the street north of Cape Coral PKWY
47th Terrace
HERE AGAIN IS A website with more info on the
CAPE Coral
Is found HERE

Here are some pics Tom Buchard sent OF past Boat Parades
Please send a caption with your pics and a name chart
so We know who we're looking @
All I know about these pics is they were sent from Tom
and the Boat is Thor's Hammer
Family and Friends on Thor’s Hammer:
Tom, Kathy & Rachel Buckard Scott & Paula Burnett
Mary Lou & Dick Mullins Len & Kim Smith
Dave & Cyn Drake Archie & Terri Burdett Bill Fanizzo Nick & Deedee Tarantino


Use this email link
Click HERE
Can I remind you again
I have donate my time and skills to promote this event
for the last 12 years
So please stop at the following links to help defray my costs
Most are own inventions, creations and ideas
This first link offers an Honor System Military Discount
to ALL Veterans, Active Duty Soldiers their spouses
TO Support Our Troops and Veterans
Send SOME TO Any / Soldiers great FOOT CARE gifts by stopping @

This Link or watch the next video
And consider what it has to offer
iT OFFER my Get one Free for Shipping and an additional FREE BONUS
IS A Limited Time Offer
is my own Invention
I am a Cape area Resident
The hands free devices seen there were
invented by me after I suffered a paralyzing spinal cord injury
and is ideal for anyone who has ever said "
My Feet are Killing Me"
"I'm Stressed Out"
I know that's you
and every soldiers who ever put on a uniform
They were Packaged By Adult Handicapped
By Participating you provide jobs for them TOO
We can help with shipping if you don't know a soldier personally
The inspirational and Award Winning story behind my efforts to help others and my invention is found at

This link HERE
That's me, Mickey Mantle and my brother
and Mick is involved
It revolves around A Miracle I received after my spinal cord injury
Watch ALL the Videos On this page
There are over 23 billion pages on the Internet
and I feel ( actually I know )
Every time someone finds one of my pages
You MUST take the time to find that reason
Or continue through life
Again this page contains Information on ALL the events on Cape Coral month by month
ALL year
So put this page in your favorites
as There are JUST TOO many links
AND TOO much to ingest @ one sitting
Book Mark this Page
Save it in your Favorites
This site gets over 10,000 hits a year
since it is up all year
And contains info on ALL the events that go on Around Cape Coral
and usually comes up #1 0UT OF OVER 500,000 SITES
when ANYONE DOES a Google search for
"Cape Coral Boat Parade" OR "What's happening this week on Cape Coral"
Visit another of my #1 Pages and
Find Out How To See your House From Space
and how to see the Space Station as it passes over your home
The nets #1
"See your house from Space INFO Page"
Click HERE for that
Don't miss the Videos of the Cape Coral SeaHawks RC Club
Air Show
It is rapidly becoming one of the major attractions
In the area
I'll have more details HERE as the event approaches
- Usually the 2nd week in March
This page is admittedly long
BUT for good reason
Save this page in your Favorites
You will find things here the second, third & fourth times you stop
that you missed the first times you read it
and it IS A FACT
Most of US probably don't have a long attention spans
and we DO NOT
take the time to read
and peruse
all various pages
at one sitting
That is what the 'Favorites Icon' in the menu bar
near the top of your screen is for
More Info on the Parade
Here is the info you get
IF you contact Cape Coral Parks Department:
"The Holiday Boat-A-Long will be held on Sunday, December 17, 2016 at
Four Freedoms Parks from 4:30-7:30 P.M. The Boat Parade starts at 7:00P.M.
The focal point of this event is a parade of approximately 100 boats
decorated in a festive holiday fashion with lights, costumes, elves, and
whatever else their captains can think of. At Four Freedoms Park, the
landlubbers watch the boats gather in the Bimini Basin before they begin
meandering through the canals of south Cape Coral. Along with providing
an ideal seat to watch the illuminated vessels, the park features live
holiday music, decorated trees, Christmas crafts, food and beverages for
sale. This is a unique celebration of Christmas Florida-style.
For More Boat Parade Info. contact
or City Hall Parks and Recreation 239 573-3121 0r 239 573-3125 for further information.
Or email the Parks and Rec Dept at This link HERE
Again: Stop
To see the video of a Cape Coral house with
an Actual 1962 Fallout Shelter
Used as a Tornado cellar / Hurricane Strom room ~~~~~~~~~~
are the Free for p&h Gifts for Moms to be - Handicapped And Seniors
I have another invention ~ A MUST HAVE ACCESSORY
for pontoon boat owners
it is a mount for a depth finder / fish finder
It assures your depth finder is working at ALL Speeds
This is a major problem for ALL pontoon boats
Now its solved !!!!!
You can get a complete kit or just the plans for these Pontoon Boat Safety Accessories
That page is found @
Come back HERE Often
to find ALL the detials on ALL events
On Cape Coral throughout the year

The organizer = says:
There has never been a rain / wind cancellation of the parade and they told me:
"I make the call, if the weather is "TOO ADVERSE"
They never told me how they will get the word out
In the future, I suggest you check this page
as it will be updated constantly the day of the parade
Please don't send me Emails questioning me on
"If the parade was still on" =
call the parks department at the numbers listed above
I AM JUST THE webmaster of this page
I have nothing to do with the set up, operation or running of the Parade
Don't Shoot the Messanger
~~~~~I donate my time ~~~~
I have been informed that the route of the parade may be changed to include the yacht club - This will be MAJOR mistake
As if conditions are bad or a bit windy the area is open for a mile across the river, the waters around the Yacht club and beach can become very rough
and the viewing of the boats would be limited in any case
No more than 100 people could comfortably view the boats from the end of the pier
and those on shore would be at least 400 feet from the boats
which would not afford a good look
Email Steve Pohlman HERE He's the head of the Parks and Recreation Division and tell him to rethink this
See More of my Videos of Life on Cape Coral
The following info has NOT been verified by anyone - The Parade Organizers have not answered my emails
Will The Lead boat again be "THOR'S HAMMER", ?

a 48' trawler captained by Tom Buckard.

Tom has been the second lead boat for many years
Second lead boat was the "UTOPIA", in the past - Will that be the cae this year ????

it is a 44' Viking captained by Richard Weiner.
He was hand picked by Captain Buckard,
IF so there is an experienced, competent team path finding the parade, this year.
Thanks Tom and Dick
To all who attend the parade
Send me your Photos of the event
Put this page in your "Favorites"
You don't want to miss ANY of the Videos on this page
Especially the
Shuttle Launches seen from the cape - 180 miles from the launch site
For Cape Coral Monthly Sunset Celebration Page
WITH all the info on that Monthly event
and see my video with over 380 pictures of
consecutive nights sunsets on Cape Coral
taken by me, of course

In addition We present a Video of a
7,5 ft. Man Eating Shark

prowling just feet off the Cape Coral Yacht Club Beach
I am Captain Bill
the webmaster and skipper of this page
I have gladly donated MY time
and paid for this URL
to the Boat Parade Page
for the past years
If you Can't find an answer to a question on this
Cape Coral Boat Parade Page
Send an

and I'll answer you questions ADD what ever you need to know about the page~~~~~~~~~~
Cape Coral is looking forward to the biggest and best Boat-A-Long yet
Dress warm and comfortable
Blankets, chairs, & COOLERS ( ? ) are allowed.
These rules change with every event so Check on if its ok to bring the coolers with
the Police on that too !!!!!
You don't want to carry a cooler
a few blocks only to get told by the officials you can not have it
Click On Video Box
of Joe Kowalczyk Fishing
Get and share tips
on how or what to use
To power the lights on your boat
for the parade
The official name of this event was the
"Cape Coral 'Boat-A-Long'
NOT mentioning Christmas and Lights is like NOT mentioning Turkey On Thanksgiving
I prefer to call it the Cape Coral "Christmas 'Boat Along' Light Parade"

Now to the Boat A Long Info The event is held on land and waterFREE ADMISSION
Get there early and cl;aim a spot on the bleachers -
The festivities will run All Day @ Four Freedoms Park and Bimini Basin
This dual event is sponsored by the Cape Coral Florida Parks Department and
It is another example of how well events are run on The Cape
Coming By Sea ?
You do NOT have to register your boat to participate
Just be at the rallying point, the Bimini Basin
at the source of the Bimini Canal,
which is the Furthest West canal in the Yacht Club Basin ( toward the sunset !!!! )
Obey ALL Navigation Rules and Safety Protocol for the parade
Those rules and a Printable Map of the parade route canals
are all found

Here are the Safety Rules you MUST follow
To get to the Bimini Basin by water from the yacht club area
just stay close to the north shore and go due west )
- passing the three story 5 million dollar homes on your starboard ( Right )
-- and just before you hit land - turn starboard
then when you get to the "y"
( NOT the first canal on your starboard )
take the canal to the right and follow that to the Bimini Basin
WHICH OS SITUATED just south of Cape Corals own prominent Twin Towers
they are the Sunset North and Sunset South condominiums
( it is recommended boaters get there early to set anchor )
some boaters have been to known to come and anchor overnight the night before
In the past there was no size limit for boats participating in the event
That has changed
Boat Size Limits for this years event:
Boats must be able to turn around easily in a 150 ft area
NO boats under 18 ft and
Masts must be lower than 55 ft to clear power lines ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Most boats are decorated to the hilt with a variety of light presentations -
from Jumping Dolphins to Dancing Elves - even Menorahs are seen -- to just one string of lights
In past years as many 35 boats boats of ALL sizes have lined up
to show their stuff
ranging from kayaks and rubber zodiaks to a 50 ft Yacht
( Again - yachts must be able to turn around in 150 ft wide canal with ease )
The Twin Towers were heavily damaged in Hurricane Charley and Francis in 2004 and then Wilma in 2005
and were just re-opened to allow residents to move back in after 4 years Aug 8th 2008
Coming by Land ?
Four Freedom Park opens at 9:00 a.m. FREE ADMISSION
Boats arrive in Bimini Basin
early so you land lubbers should get to Four Freedoms Park early too
and stake your claim to seats in the bleachers
to see them in all their splendid & imaginative lighting themes
And bring a camera -
You can submit your pictures to me too !!!
Four Freedoms Park is located Just South Of Cape Coral Parkway
on Bimini Basin ( see map here )
( 1 /2 mile west of Coronado OR 1/8 mile east of Palm Tree Blvd )
Behind the Twin Towers ( Sunset Towers )
Sun Trust, The Ice Cream Stand and Capital Bank

Looking west from Coronado and Cape Coral Parkway you will see
Cape Coral's own version of the
'Twin Towers' reaching for the skies
The park is adjacent to the Sunset Towers
and JUST south and east of them
Parking in the immediate area ( within 1500 feet of Four Freedoms park
is plentiful & even if you get there late
you should NOT have a problem finding parking within easy walking distance of the park
Click HERE for a larger picture of the Area
For disabled / handicapped drop offs
ASK traffic officers to allow you to do so
-There is a vacant lot
just west of the towers and east of Family Dollar
This year the owner of this lot gas told the city
he will charge a $10.00 fee to park in that his lot
a BIG Bah Hum Bug to him
Try SE 47 Terrace just north of the Pkwy
there is a huge open lot @ Coronado ( east of the park )
and 47th Terrace - next to the Hampton Inn
and behind ( north ) of the CVS drug store -
all within 1/4 mile of the park
Thousands come to the park early and stay late to listen to the live music -
enjoy the food, the ambiance and wait with great anticipation to witness the start of the parade
as the boats pass out into the Canal system
Festivities officially start @ 4:30
with an address of the crowd by the Park Commissioner followed

Live Bands
and Performances by

local choirs and groups
to keep the blood flowing
If you are not fortunate enough to know someone who lives along a parade canal
THIS IS the place to be
To see all the boats queying up and
filing past the crowd gathered in the park
Wear a sweater - Bring lawn chairs and blankets
Again check to see if COOLERS will be allowed in the park area
The "coolers allowed" info was taken from a site
touted as the "Official Cape Coral Event Site"
of the City Of Cape Coral found
Don't blame me if the "coolers allowed" info is wrong
call City Hall @ 239-574-2128
and check with them
In previous years coolers were NOT allowed @ any public events
You have been warned !!!!!!!!!!
Again Call City Hall @ 239-574-0804 TO VERIFY THIS
There will be food & beverages stands ( Beer & Pop )
and MUSIC for the Capers congregated for the festivities from 4:40 to 7:00+ p.m. and A fireworks show
And For the Kids --

an appearance by the Special Snow Bird -- Santa Clause is scheduled for 6:25 p.m.
There will be displays, kiosks, booths and bins
set up to collect toys from the Toy For Tots ( Marines Of Cape Coral - new and packaged toys ONLY )
and canned food donations collection sites all around the park area
Again don't forget to call 239-574-0804
to check about the Coolers
A Big "Thanks a Whole Lot"
goes out to the
Cape Coral Breeze & The News Press
For their in depth info :) + (!)
STOP @ the News-Press website
and send THE EDITOR an email
telling them about this page ( )
and send them your photos of all events
Below you will find a link to a site which tells you how to watch
- The Space Station and satellites as they pass over your Home
The Pictures From previous Boat Parades
are linked further down on this page
as well as links to send your pictures of this years happenings
If you are planning to participate in the event
send me pictures of you decorating your boat
OR if you have photos of your house party along the parade route
use email links to me
to GET YOUR pictures posted on this top viewed
Cape Coral Activities Site
Maybe you would like to help a boater decorate his boat
OR hitch a ride on a boat for the Parade
See the link to the
Parade Naviagtion Rules"
for instructions on how to queue up ( line up )
Please do NOT play your boat radio loud while
you are in Bimini Basin or on the Parade route
Do NOT blow your horns
unless it is to signal a manuever
Edwina Hahn is one of the co founders of the Parade
Every year, Edwina always spoke to the boaters prior to the parade
on VHF Channel 68
Please tune to that channel, this year for a tribute to Edwina who passed away in 2008
Again, To signal the start the parade
-- and to memorialize the original boaters no longer with us due to age and passing
Two Fireworks will be set off from the lead boat
"Thor's Hammer" @ 7 pm.
Listen for BOOM - BOOM
This is also the signal for the boat to start lining up to join the parade

Thousands more line the canals at fancifully decorated houses along the route
- coordinating their christmas parties & the Parade - with backyard Barbeques and frivolity
- giving the boaters hoots and howls of encouragement and a light show to behold too !!!!
For the Boaters to donate items of food or toys: just hail a Sea Tow Boat
or the Marine Toys for Tots Boats
as they will be trolling the basin collecting
canned food and toys from the boaters
anchored in The Basin before the start of the parade
Boats can start gathering in the Bimini Basin anytime
call the numbers listed above
As usual - the plans right now are:
the Dec 20 th 2013 Cape Coral Fla. Boat Light Parade will start at
7:00 p.m. with a short Fireworks display then with two loud "Booms" will signal the boat captians to start to quey up behind the lead boats
Jason Aldens Neat Page about Boating and More
Go to this Link
for tips on how to take great Night photos of Xmas Lights
IF you are NOT familiar with Cape Coral
is an interactive Road Map use the arrows ALONG the margin and the zoom feature to navigate around
Courtesy of MSN
Cape Coral was the famous "Swampland in Florida" until 1957
the Rosen brothers decided to change mangrove swamps into a Paradise
Cape Coral is an actual Cape --
so the correct way to refer to the area is "I live ON Cape Cape Coral"
- Or "I work ON Cape Coral"
-- just like Cape Codders do
NOT "I live IN Cape Coral"
@ 115 sq miles ( approx 273 sq km )Cape Coral
is the second largest city geographically in the state of Florida
( Jacksonville is the largest ) and the Cape that is ONLY 1/10th the size
of the whole state of Rhode Island which is Land area: 1,045 sq mi. (2,706 sq km).
The Cape is the twelfth largest city in population ( 112,000 )
A few lots which in 1957 sold on Cape Coral for $250.00 per 125 x 85 secion
( just the land ) still sell for up to $1,000,000.00 in prime locations on the river.
The average lot on the Cape was around $40,000.00 in 2003
That has been dropping drastically in the past few years
Cape Coral is an engineering Miracle as it has over 400 miles of man-made fresh and salt water canals
( MORE than Venice Italy or any city in the U.S. )
laid out in a grid which affords its residents direct access by boat to the River and Gulf of Mexico
- The city was laid out and dredged out by the two Rosen brothers ( Not personally )
It is estimated - over 40% of Cape Residents own boats
Cape Coral directly borders the Caloosahatchee River to its East and South
and Matlache' Pass - Pine Island - Pine Island Sound - Sanibel Island
- Captive and North Captiva
and then the Gulf Of Mexico 7 miles to its West & South and
Punta Gorda to its North
( Made Famous By Aug 2004's Hurricane Charley )
Now a Bit of Scolding -
While you are sitting in front of your computer
safe and secure, in a nice air conditioned house in Mid December,
I would like you to stop reflect on the troops
who are protecting us and our way of life
Think about what they go through each day
What it must be like to be in combat
risking your life on a daily basis
Then stop
HERE at My
Supports the Troops page
The item offerd was invented
out of a paralyzing spinal injury suffered by the inventor - Me
The story behind it and the picture with Mickey Mickey Mantle, MY brother and Myself
is linked on the page at the

Mickey Mantle Link seen HERE
Send one of these great items to any soldier
use it yourself
it will benefit anyone who ever said "My Feet Are Killing Me"
it was
Packaged By Adult Handicapped
By Participating you provided jobs for them TOO
+ PLUS +
You can Donate to any cause you designate too

Just CLICK HERE for all the details
Please Show Our Troops Cape Coral Has Not Forgotten Them
No matter where you live OR what your opinion on the war
Those boys and girls
are protecting the freedoms we all enjoy
and they should be remembered and supported
Come on Capers
Pitch in and Support the Troops
by visiting the above site
Click HERE to
Remember Those Who Sacrificed
for Us OVER 48 years Ago
IN Vietnam
I lost many good friends
BUT WE ALL LOST OVER 58,200 Americans
Here for a Video Of a Cape Coral House With
Hurricane Shelter/Fall Out / Bomb Shelter
above is A video with some mobile homes for sale in the AREA
Above IS A VIDEO OF the
0ver 365 Sunsets Consecutive Sunsets
I have taken On Cape Coral FL
Without Missing One Night
And visit this site for info on the Cape Coral Sunset Celebration
Visit Uptown Bingo For the best,
friendliest Bingo on the Cape
Click HERE
In 2006 we had another 10 special guests
@ 7:00:27 p.m. to 7:04:39 - the 7 space shuttle Discovery ( STS 116 ) ASTRONAUTS
AS WELL AS 3 International Space Station Occupants
passed over the Cape Coral Area
while they were attached
If you have never seen a passover
It is thrilling to know that over 218 miles up in the sky,
there are people TRAVELING @ 17,212 mph, looking down at you
The path was from almost due west to due east
They were directly overhead @ around 7:02 p.m. you can go
HERE to get more info on the shuttle
and how to see your house from space as well
and complete instructions on how to view the shuttle and space station as they fly over your home
See My Video of Shuttle Launches seen from my backyard on Cape Coral
180 Miles away
Here is the first
of the many
Videos Linked
from this page
In the above video you can See The Image of Jesus on a Fish Skull
The waters around Cape Coral
are one of the few places on earth this
fish may be caught
Above Pic is Gilligan
My Blue and Gold Macaw as he opens Beer Cans & Smokes
See Our Bomb Shelter Too
Watch this video to see a Bull Shark swimming
just feet off the Cape Coral Yacht Club Beach
Throw a line Here
for Tom Buckards 2006 Thors Hammer Pics
Captain Jim Vaigl's Irish Miss
The "dis - is - it" - Mike and Paula ? ( no last name )

Another BIG event is the Cape Coral SeaHawks Club R/C Airplane Air Show
Here is a video of an Air Show event
See this video for the Cape Coral SEAHAWKS Annual Air Show
Held usually the second Week End in March
These are radio controlled airplanes
that are so realistic it is amazing
The web site for the Cape Coral Sea Hawks is
The Above video is the Cape Coral Air Show with radio controlled planes and models R/C/ airplanes
March 15 2008 - Cape Coral Sea Hawks
This page is here to See great Videos of Cape Coral Attractions
including a home with an actual 1962 bomb shelter
Talking Birds
share your thoughts, ideas, tips on Cape Coral Life and post photos of The Boat Parade or any event
share and find things to do while visiting cape coral florida
Places to eat
and get more info about Cape Coral
Find out all about what's happening from Bingo to Concerts on Cape Coral
@ the designated links
Bookmark this page too !!
It will be updated throughout the year with other Cape Coral Events AND News
Check Out the Cape Coral Boat A Long & Light Parade Pics and Video AND
See amazing videos of Space Shuttle launches
as seen from Cape Coral
180 Miles from the launch site and More
Now here is a video for a friend of mine who is 73 and very talented
He's trying to supplement his meager SS income by selling
His hand made creations ( furniture / sculptures / carvings
Everything in the vid was made by him
Please Buy Something from Him

Click Here for the Details on a
Century Home For sale
~ Rural Setting
with a 2 bdr mobile home added/attached, a fireplace room, fishing pond and huge Barn / garage - in Pierpont OH.
Off Ohio Rt 7 & Marcy Road Near Pymatuming Lake Reservoir -
about equidistant from Pittsburgh, PA. - Erie, PA. Cleveland, OH. and Youngstown
Under $45,000.00 will take it
Ideal Hunting Lodge, Summer Home, Retirement or Year Round Abode
A Place for the grand kids to get away
Needs work but remember - IT IS over 100 years Old
The century house is in OHIO
If you need your computer fixed
Or want to learn the tricks to keep your PC running at top efficiency

Alliance Computer Services is for you
You MUST EMAILS US AND Mention you saw the ad here
and were referred by this page TO GET YOUR discounts
YOU get 50% OFF YOUR FIRST service
and then the LOWEST PRICED Computer repairs YOU WILL find
we can do remote repairs anywhere in the World. ALL work is 100% Guaranteed
PayPal and credit cards accepted
email James for more info and MORE discounts at

If you need reliable - Guaranteed major appliance repairs
Here is the Best in the area
Erich Zimmerman - Action Services
Mention Bill Liam and name is Mink get $25.00 off your first repair job
If you need your computer fixed
Or want to learn the tricks to keep your PC running at top efficiency

Alliance Computer Services is for you
Mention you saw the ad here and were referred by Tomski and Liam Mink
and get 10% OFF the already LOWEST Priced Computer repairs in town
and we can do remote repiars anywhere in the World.
Many of my offers have an Honor System Military Discount
to ALL Veterans, Active Duty Soldiers their spouses
to show Support for Our Troops and Veterans
Send Any / Soldiers great gifts by stopping @

This Link
And consider what it has to offer
item is my own Invention
The hands free devices seen there were
invented by me after I suffered a paralyzing spinal cord injury
and is ideal for anyone who has ever said "
My Feet are Killing Me"
"I'm Stressed Out"
I know thats you
and every soldiers who ever put on a uniform
Thet were Packaged By Adult Handicapped
By Participating you provide jobs for them TOO

My Pontoon Boat Safety Device
This site offers my invention - the pontoon Boat Safety Device
What is your families safety worth to you ?
I also must add the site

Found HERE
It too has an 87% OFF Military and Veterans and Families Discount
I dare you to try to prove this does not work
Before you say "Sure, when Pigs fly"
You can get info on how to pay 1940 PRICES FOR YOUR GAS, GROCERIES AND Other purchases
Read what those who have the info say about it
Its amazing and 100% true
share it with family AND FRIENDS - It's like giving them $1250.00 each TOO
Get info on
How to get up to $1250.00
through a promotion a major bank is running
I have developed thE METHOD the info reveals too
and It works - Guaranteed
I have my $1250.00 already
Get Yours
There is a Great Land Mark Restaurant
(CLICK HERE FOR Al Whalen's The Moorings - Face Book Page )
For discounts and specials
Great New England Style Sea Food
Click the map Below for directions
View Larger Map
and brand new restaurant
Sea Food Market and Bistro
The Lobster Lady
that EVERYONE is talking about
They have a Face Book Page where you can get ALL the info you need
See their photos and a menu
on their Face Book Page
If you leave a comment ---
tell them you saw it ON
( The Cape Coral Boat Parade Web site by Old man Liam )
It's located at
1715 Cape Coral Pkwy, Cape Coral, FL 33914 ·
1 239-471-0136

Click On Pic for larger map

CLICK HERE FOR The Lobster Lady"'s Face Book Page
and please like it
and don't forget to tell them where you saw it
Are you Looking for a Furnished Mobile Home
in The Cape Coral / Ft Myers area ?
To See the Video Tours
Join Our Prayer Group
Michelle Parker is Still Missing
 | take a look at the Jennifer Kesse case too

Just Tap Here

Help Find Timothy Geren
A.K.A. Timothy Geren Solomon or Solomen
2nd sponsor
please visit his site -
It offers an amazing Icon / RelicMade in Nature by the Hand Of God
AND found in the waters around Cape Coral
Its the Gafftopsail Catfish Skull Bone
which looks like the image of Jesus On the Cross
It is also named the Crucifix Fish and said to bring God's Blessings & Protection
to all who posses one
Mine works for me,

Click HERE
for all the info about the Image Of Jesus
Now - Have you ever Said "My Feet are Killing Me"
well here's a
device invented by a Cape Coral Resident
To stop that
The fabulous Hands Free / No Bending / Multi Purpose Health and Hygiene
callus remover
reflexology Foot Massager
The " Foot Eze "
Click HERE
to give the Foot Eze for Gifts to Moms to be
- Handicapped And Seniors
or send some to soldiers to show your support
What is your families safety worth when on your pontoon boat

Above is A LINK to another of local invention
--A Pontoon Boat Safety Device
Most of my sponsors sites offer Honor System Military Veterans Discounts
The Foot Eze Foot Care Device
and the pontoon Boat Safety Device
Both offer Honor System discounts
End of PAGE
Google Here ~~~~~~
Googler Local maps HERE
ideas to decorate boats for christmas parades
what can I do to decorarte my boat for christmas,
How do you power lights on a boat for xmas,
Annual 2010 Boat-a-Long Florida Christmas Boat Parade what can I use to get lights on my boat for christmas
florida boat parades
Christmas boat parades in Florida
The best boat parades in florida
xmas boat light
Missing persons found using satellite surveillance technology NASA MILITARY
images of sunsets and pictures of Cape Coral Florida sunsets are found
hereinformation on things to do while visiting cape coral fl is here
DO INEXPENSIVE CHEAP MOTELS housing real estate homes houses mobilehomes ft myers, sanilbel island,
Pine Island - Ft Myers Beach, Naples, Punta Gord pot charlotte - Port charlet port charlete Florida Hurricane Charley
- Hurricane Francis - Hurricane Jean Hurricane Ivan Jeanne Gene Fracis francus frances
on Cape Coarl FL STOP HERE
Cape Carol FLorida christmas boat light parade or the xmas boat light parade pictures are HERE.
Info on sunset celebration key west style celebration monthly are here to find info on information about.
I am looking for information of the cape coral boat parade christmas
Cape coral boat along 2004. Information on the cape coral boat along xmas boat light parade.
Looking for Cape Coral xmas boat light parade along names of hurricanes for the year 2003 2004 2005 2002 2006 2007 2008 2009 Hurricane Charly Hurricane Katrina Charlie Charley Punta Gorda.
new residnet club new residence club new residants club
cape coral fl florida fla New residents club members -
as well as the monthly Cape Coral Yahct Club Sunset celebaration.
Chrismas parade looking for, need help finding about Cape Coral
This is a Parade Xmas Boat light boat along
Santa Clauses wifes name is Jessica. An ava is a birds nest. I went to college with Davis Kuntz and played basketball with him there. James tasylor is a Singerman
Estelle is like ice cream in Spanish. La Mielle Angel is cold angel in French. It contains a List of dates of boat parades in florida days
on which boat parades are taking place take happenings, events, locations cities of
christmas parades in Florida. A Joyce is a WOOD CONNECTION IN A CEILING, BUT WHAT IS A buckholtz ?
Trenton Duckett from Leesburg Florida
disappeard Aug 28th 2006 and the reward needs to be higher
Sites are collecting donations so donate
at will to any of the sites you may
find which offer the buyer the option of donating
to the cause of their choice
IS one of those sites
and get a free foot care device with each donation
font color=black>
xmas presents events on the cape
Fox 4 Morning Blend
Cape Coral Boat Parade 2016 XMAS Boat Parade
Christmas Boat Parade
2016Also Wink News - Channel 5 on Time Warner Cable
For more things to do While visiting the Cape Coral Ft Myers Naples area
Fox news 4 @ 10 cape coral florida, nbc-2 abc-7 cbs wink channel 5
Cape Coral Breeze - News-Press
Pine Island is also holding
a Boat Light Parade on Sat Dec 11th
They need participants badly
If you can navigate the 5 miles
from the cape to Pine Island
PLEASE consider doing so
Contact Fairbank @ 283-9703
More Details
'The Cape' section Pg 2
Now to the Official Information on the
2009 Annual Cape Coral Boat Along - 2007
when Dave Drake was aboard
the "Meldemer" acting as lead boat - Captained by former Cape Mayor Arnold Kempe. Dave Drake
Second Lead boat was the "Blue Dolphin" captained by Don Smith.
Pine Island is also holding
a Boat Light Parade on Sat Dec 13th
They need participants badly
PLEASE consider doing so
Contact Fairbanks @ 283-9703
Third Lead boat was a best decorated house in cape coral set to msic Sea Tow boat
Bill Thomsix Thomsich parma
Ohio, Valley Forge High school Foot care for any soldiers
How do I get into the Cape Coral Boat parade with my boat
When is the 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Cape Coral Boat Parade
Cape Carol Floirda Christmas Light and boat parade
when is it
Where is Four Freedoms Park
Where can I park to see the Boat Parade for 2008 2011 2012
Unlike other media coverage -- Complete Christmas Boat A Long and Light Parade Info is found on
this page
This page is the MOST comprehensive compilation
of info on the Parade you will find Anywhere
- Bar None
It's Official
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mobile homes for sale ft myers naples sanibel